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backstage: savesync▾attach▾import▾tweak▾upgrade▾plugins▾
Sector Kvenland Gamma  A randomly generated sector for Stars Without Number
Sector Kvenland Gamma  A randomly generated sector for Stars Without Number
SWN Sector Generator
SWN Sector Generator, 4 September 2011 (created 4 September 2011)
  • not tagging
  • no tags
SWN Sector Generator, Copyright © 2011-2015 N. Harrison Ripps
Based on and written for use with Stars Without Number by Sine Nomine Publishing.

Sector Seed ID: 1IDY5ZD


  • TiddlyWiki and the various TiddlyWiki Plugins used in this distribution are copyright to their respective owners. See "Backstage -> Plugins" for more info.
  • Perl and several freely available Perl Libraries are used to generate the sector and star map:
  • SQLite is used to store and retrieve table data used throughout the wiki entries.
  • Extra name generation help came directly from Chris Pound's amazing language generators.
To remove this panel from the initial view, remove the "SWN Sector Generator" entry from the DefaultTiddlers list.
SWN Sector Generator, 1 November 2022 (created 1 November 2022)
Nav Designation GRID 0600
System Planets Hildigunn
YourName, 1 November 2022 (created 1 November 2022)
Nav Designation: Sardzetakis X
Atmosphere Breathable mix
Temperature Temperate
Biosphere Human-miscible biosphere
Population Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants
Tech Level Tech Level 4 w/ specialities / pretech.
Tags Seismic Instability, Cold War


Earthquake cultist, Hermit seismologist, Burrowing native life form, Earthquake-inducing saboteur; Suspicious chief of intelligence, Native who thinks the outworlders are with the other side, Femme fatale, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Experimental construction firm owner, Adventurous volcanologist, Geothermal prospector; Apolitical information broker, Spy for the other side, Unjustly accused innocent, "He's a bastard, but he's our bastard" official


The earthquakes are caused by malfunctioning pretech terraformers, They're caused by alien technology, They're restrained by alien technology that is being plundered by offworlders, The earthquakes are used to generate enormous amounts of energy.; Police sweep, Low-level skirmishing, "Red scare"


Volcanic caldera, Village during an earthquake, Mud slide, Earthquake opening superheated steam fissures; Seedy bar in a neutral area, Political rally, Isolated area where fighting is underway


Earthquake generator, Earthquake suppressor, Mineral formed at the core of the world, Earthquake-proof building schematics; List of traitors in government, secret military plans, Huge cache of weapons built up in preparation for war

Capital and Government

Cultural Notes

Adventures Prepared

Party Activities on this World

<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
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Error: #f88
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.wizard .notChanged {background:transparent;}
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.wizard .gotFromServer {background:#80ffff;}

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#messageArea .button {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]; background:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryPale]]; border:none;}

.popupTiddler {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; border:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]];}

.popup {background:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryPale]]; color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-left:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-top:1px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryMid]]; border-right:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]]; border-bottom:2px solid [[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}
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.tiddler .defaultCommand {font-weight:bold;}

.shadow .title {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

.title {color:[[ColorPalette::SecondaryDark]];}
.subtitle {color:[[ColorPalette::TertiaryDark]];}

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.tagging .listTitle, .tagged .listTitle {color:[[ColorPalette::PrimaryDark]];}
.tagging .button, .tagged .button {border:none;}

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.backstagePanelFooter .button:hover {color:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]];}
#backstageCloak {background:[[ColorPalette::Foreground]]; opacity:0.6; filter:alpha(opacity=60);}
* html .tiddler {height:1%;}

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h1 {font-size:1.35em;}
h2 {font-size:1.25em;}
h3 {font-size:1.1em;}
h4 {font-size:1em;}
h5 {font-size:.9em;}

hr {height:1px;}

a {text-decoration:none;}

dt {font-weight:bold;}

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ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
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ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}
ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-alpha;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:lower-roman;}
ol ol ol ol ol ol ol {list-style-type:decimal;}

.txtOptionInput {width:11em;}

#contentWrapper .chkOptionInput {border:0;}

.externalLink {text-decoration:underline;}

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code.escaped {white-space:nowrap;}

.tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold;}
.tiddlyLinkNonExisting {font-style:italic;}

/* the 'a' is required for IE, otherwise it renders the whole tiddler in bold */
a.tiddlyLinkNonExisting.shadow {font-weight:bold;}

#mainMenu .tiddlyLinkExisting,
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#sidebarTabs .tiddlyLinkExisting {font-weight:bold; font-style:normal;}

.header {position:relative;}
.header a:hover {background:transparent;}
.headerShadow {position:relative; padding:4.5em 0 1em 1em; left:-1px; top:-1px;}
.headerForeground {position:absolute; padding:4.5em 0 1em 1em; left:0; top:0;}

.siteTitle {font-size:3em;}
.siteSubtitle {font-size:1.2em;}

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#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel input {margin:0 0 0.3em 0;}
#sidebarTabs .tabContents {width:15em; overflow:hidden;}

.wizard {padding:0.1em 1em 0 2em;}
.wizard h1 {font-size:2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0; margin:0.4em 0 0.2em;}
.wizard h2 {font-size:1.2em; font-weight:bold; background:none; padding:0; margin:0.4em 0 0.2em;}
.wizardStep {padding:1em 1em 1em 1em;}
.wizard .button {margin:0.5em 0 0; font-size:1.2em;}
.wizardFooter {padding:0.8em 0.4em 0.8em 0;}
.wizardFooter .status {padding:0 0.4em; margin-left:1em;}
.wizard .button {padding:0.1em 0.2em;}

#messageArea {position:fixed; top:2em; right:0; margin:0.5em; padding:0.5em; z-index:2000; _position:absolute;}
.messageToolbar {display:block; text-align:right; padding:0.2em;}
#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}

.tiddlerPopupButton {padding:0.2em;}
.popupTiddler {position: absolute; z-index:300; padding:1em; margin:0;}

.popup {position:absolute; z-index:300; font-size:.9em; padding:0; list-style:none; margin:0;}
.popup .popupMessage {padding:0.4em;}
.popup hr {display:block; height:1px; width:auto; padding:0; margin:0.2em 0;}
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.listBreak div {margin:2px 0;}

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.tab {margin:0 0 0 0.25em; padding:2px;}
.tabContents {padding:0.5em;}
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.txtMainTab .tabContents li {list-style:none;}
.tabContents li.listLink { margin-left:.75em;}

#contentWrapper {display:block;}
#splashScreen {display:none;}

#displayArea {margin:1em 17em 0 14em;}

.toolbar {text-align:right; font-size:.9em;}

.tiddler {padding:1em 1em 0;}

.missing .viewer,.missing .title {font-style:italic;}

.title {font-size:1.6em; font-weight:bold;}

.missing .subtitle {display:none;}
.subtitle {font-size:1.1em;}

.tiddler .button {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}

.tagging {margin:0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 0; float:left; display:none;}
.isTag .tagging {display:block;}
.tagged {margin:0.5em; float:right;}
.tagging, .tagged {font-size:0.9em; padding:0.25em;}
.tagging ul, .tagged ul {list-style:none; margin:0.25em; padding:0;}
.tagClear {clear:both;}

.footer {font-size:.9em;}
.footer li {display:inline;}

.annotation {padding:0.5em; margin:0.5em;}

* html .viewer pre {width:99%; padding:0 0 1em 0;}
.viewer {line-height:1.4em; padding-top:0.5em;}
.viewer .button {margin:0 0.25em; padding:0 0.25em;}
.viewer blockquote {line-height:1.5em; padding-left:0.8em;margin-left:2.5em;}
.viewer ul, .viewer ol {margin-left:0.5em; padding-left:1.5em;}

.viewer table, table.twtable {border-collapse:collapse; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
.viewer th, .viewer td, .viewer tr,.viewer caption,.twtable th, .twtable td, .twtable tr,.twtable caption {padding:3px;}
table.listView {font-size:0.85em; margin:0.8em 1.0em;}
table.listView th, table.listView td, table.listView tr {padding:0 3px 0 3px;}

.viewer pre {padding:0.5em; margin-left:0.5em; font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em; overflow:auto;}
.viewer code {font-size:1.2em; line-height:1.4em;}

.editor {font-size:1.1em;}
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.editorFooter {padding:0.25em 0; font-size:.9em;}
.editorFooter .button {padding-top:0; padding-bottom:0;}

.fieldsetFix {border:0; padding:0; margin:1px 0px;}

.zoomer {font-size:1.1em; position:absolute; overflow:hidden;}
.zoomer div {padding:1em;}

* html #backstage {width:99%;}
* html #backstageArea {width:99%;}
#backstageArea {display:none; position:relative; overflow: hidden; z-index:150; padding:0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageToolbar {position:relative;}
#backstageArea a {font-weight:bold; margin-left:0.5em; padding:0.3em 0.5em;}
#backstageButton {display:none; position:absolute; z-index:175; top:0; right:0;}
#backstageButton a {padding:0.1em 0.4em; margin:0.1em;}
#backstage {position:relative; width:100%; z-index:50;}
#backstagePanel {display:none; z-index:100; position:absolute; width:90%; margin-left:3em; padding:1em;}
.backstagePanelFooter {padding-top:0.2em; float:right;}
.backstagePanelFooter a {padding:0.2em 0.4em;}
#backstageCloak {display:none; z-index:20; position:absolute; width:100%; height:100px;}

.whenBackstage {display:none;}
.backstageVisible .whenBackstage {display:block;}
StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
#sidebarOptions {font-size:1.05em;}
#sidebarOptions a {font-style:normal;}
#sidebarOptions .sliderPanel {font-size:0.95em;}
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.viewer table.listView {font-size:0.95em;}
@media print {
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<div class='header' macro='gradient vert [[ColorPalette::PrimaryLight]] [[ColorPalette::PrimaryMid]]'>
<div class='headerShadow'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div class='headerForeground'>
<span class='siteTitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteTitle'></span>&nbsp;
<span class='siteSubtitle' refresh='content' tiddler='SiteSubtitle'></span>
<div id='mainMenu' refresh='content' tiddler='MainMenu'></div>
<div id='sidebar'>
<div id='sidebarOptions' refresh='content' tiddler='SideBarOptions'></div>
<div id='sidebarTabs' refresh='content' force='true' tiddler='SideBarTabs'></div>
<div id='displayArea'>
<div id='messageArea'></div>
<div id='tiddlerDisplay'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
[[Tiddlyhost|]] is a hosting service for ~TiddlyWiki.
.txt .text .js .vbs .asp .cgi .pl
.htm .html .hta .htx .mht
.xml .xsl .xslt
.jpg .jpe .jpeg
.tif .tiff
.au .snd
.ra .rm .ram
.mid .midi
.mpg .mpeg
.qt .mov .qtvr
.ai .eps .ps
.xls .xls3 .xls4 .xls5 .xlw
.ppt .pps
.com .exe .dll .ocx
[[AttachFilePlugin]] reads binary data from locally-stored files (e.g., images, PDFs, mp3's, etc.) and converts it to base64-encoded text that is stored in tiddlers tagged with<<tag attachment>>. [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]] allows you to use those tiddlers in place of the external path/file references that are normally part of the image and external links wiki syntax.

[[FileDropPlugin]] and [[FileDropPluginConfig]] allow you to quickly create attachment tiddlers simply by dragging files directly from your system's desktop folder display and dropping it onto an open TiddlyWiki document.  Text files are automatically created as simple tiddlers, while binary files are automatically encoded and attached.
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Requires|AttachFilePluginFormatters, AttachFileMIMETypes|
|Description|Store binary files as base64-encoded tiddlers with fallback links for separate local and/or remote file storage|
Store or link binary files (such as jpg, gif, pdf or even mp3) within your TiddlyWiki document and then use them as images or links from within your tiddler content.
> Important note: As of version 3.6.0, in order to //render// images and other binary attachments created with this plugin, you must also install [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]], which extends the behavior of the TiddlyWiki core formatters for embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image]]}}}), linked embedded images ({{{[img[tooltip|image][link]]}}}), and external/"pretty" links ({{{[[label|link]]}}}), so that these formatter will process references to attachment tiddlers as if a normal file reference had been provided. |
>see [[AttachFilePluginInfo]]
!!!!!Inline interface (live)
>see [[AttachFile]] (shadow tiddler)
><<tiddler AttachFile>>
2011.02.14 4.0.1 fix OSX error: use picker.file.path
2009.06.04 4.0.0 changed attachment storage format to use //sections// instead of embedded substring markers.
|please see [[AttachFilePluginInfo]] for additional revision details|
2005.07.20 1.0.0 Initial Release
// // version
version.extensions.AttachFilePlugin= {major: 4, minor: 0, revision: 1, date: new Date(2011,2,14)};

// shadow tiddler
config.shadowTiddlers.AttachFile="<<attach inline>>";

// add 'attach' backstage task (insert before built-in 'importTask')
if (config.tasks) { // for TW2.2b or above
	config.tasks.attachTask = {
		text: "attach",
		tooltip: "Attach a binary file as a tiddler",
		content: "<<attach inline>>"

config.macros.attach = {
// // lingo
	label: "attach file",
	tooltip: "Attach a file to this document",
	linkTooltip: "Attachment: ",

	typeList: "AttachFileMIMETypes",

	titlePrompt: " enter tiddler title...",
	MIMEPrompt: "<option value=''>select MIME type...</option><option value='editlist'>[edit list...]</option>",
	localPrompt: " enter local path/filename...",
	URLPrompt: " enter remote URL...",

	tiddlerErr: "Please enter a tiddler title",
	sourceErr: "Please enter a source path/filename",
	storageErr: "Please select a storage method: embedded, local or remote",
	MIMEErr: "Unrecognized file format.  Please select a MIME type",
	localErr: "Please enter a local path/filename",
	URLErr: "Please enter a remote URL",
	fileErr: "Invalid path/file or file not found",

	tiddlerFormat: '!usage\n{{{%0}}}\n%0\n!notes\n%1\n!type\n%2\n!file\n%3\n!url\n%4\n!data\n%5\n',

// // macro definition
	function(place,macroName,params) {
		if (params && !params[0])
			{ createTiddlyButton(place,this.label,this.tooltip,this.toggleAttachPanel); return; }
		var id=params.shift();
	function(place,panel_id,params) {
		if (!panel_id || !panel_id.length) var panel_id="_attachPanel";
		// remove existing panel (if any)
		var panel=document.getElementById(panel_id); if (panel) panel.parentNode.removeChild(panel);
		// set styles for this panel
		// create new panel
		var title=""; if (params && params[0]) title=params.shift();
		var types=this.MIMEPrompt+this.formatListOptions(store.getTiddlerText(this.typeList)); // get MIME types
		var html=this.html.replace(/%id%/g,panel_id);
		if (config.browser.isGecko) { // FF3 FIXUP
		return panel;
	function (e) {
		if (!e) var e = window.event;
		var parent=resolveTarget(e).parentNode;
		var panel = document.getElementById("_attachPanel");
		if (panel==undefined || panel.parentNode!=parent)
		var isOpen ="block";
			anim.startAnimating(new Slider(panel,!isOpen,e.shiftKey || e.altKey,"none"));
		else = isOpen ? "none" : "block" ;
		e.cancelBubble = true;
		if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation();
	function(text) {
		if (!text || !text.trim().length) return "";
		// get MIME list content from text
		var parts=text.split("\n----\n");
		var out="";
		for (var p=0; p<parts.length; p++) {
			var lines=parts[p].split("\n");
			var label=lines.shift(); // 1st line=display text
			var value=lines.shift(); // 2nd line=item value
			out +='<option value="%1">%0</option>'.format([label,value]);
		return out;
// // interface definition
	".attachPanel { display: none; position:absolute; z-index:10; width:35em; right:105%; top:0em;\
		background-color: #eee; color:#000; font-size: 8pt; line-height:110%;\
		border:1px solid black; border-bottom-width: 3px; border-right-width: 3px;\
		padding: 0.5em; margin:0em; -moz-border-radius:1em;-webkit-border-radius:1em; text-align:left }\
	.attachPanel form { display:inline;border:0;padding:0;margin:0; }\
	.attachPanel select { width:99%;margin:0px;font-size:8pt;line-height:110%;}\
	.attachPanel input  { width:98%;padding:0px;margin:0px;font-size:8pt;line-height:110%}\
	.attachPanel textarea { width:98%;margin:0px;height:2em;font-size:8pt;line-height:110%}\
	.attachPanel table { width:100%;border:0;margin:0;padding:0;color:inherit; }\
	.attachPanel tbody, .attachPanel tr, .attachPanel td { border:0;margin:0;padding:0;color:#000; }\
	.attachPanel .box { border:1px solid black; padding:.3em; margin:.3em 0px; background:#f8f8f8; \
		-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px; }\
	.attachPanel .chk { width:auto;border:0; }\
	.attachPanel .btn { width:auto; }\
	.attachPanel .btn2 { width:49%; }\
		attach from source file\
		<input type="file" id="attachSource" name="source" size="56"\
		<div id="attachFixPanel" style="display:none"><!-- FF3 FIXUP -->\
			<input type="text" id="attachFixSource" style="width:90%"\
				title="Enter a path/file to attach"\
			<input type="button" style="width:7%" value="..."\
				title="Enter a path/file to attach"\
		</div><!--end FF3 FIXUP-->\
		<div class="box">\
		<table style="border:0"><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			embed data <input type=checkbox class=chk name="useData" %IEdisabled% \
				onclick="if (!this.form.MIMEType.value.length)\
					this.form.MIMEType.selectedIndex=this.checked?1:0; ">&nbsp;\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<select size=1 name="MIMEType" \
				onchange="this.title=this.value; if (this.value==\'editlist\')\
					{ this.selectedIndex=this.form.useData.checked?1:0; story.displayTiddler(null,config.macros.attach.typeList,2); return; }">\
				<option value=""></option>\
		</td></tr><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			local link <input type=checkbox class=chk name="useLocal"\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<input type=text name="local" size=15 autocomplete=off value=""\
				onchange="this.form.useLocal.checked=this.value.length" \
				onkeyup="this.form.useLocal.checked=this.value.length" \
				onfocus="if (!this.value.length) this.value=config.macros.attach.localPrompt;">\
		</td></tr><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			remote link <input type=checkbox class=chk name="useURL"\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<input type=text name="URL" size=15 autocomplete=off value=""\
				onfocus="if (!this.value.length) this.value=config.macros.attach.URLPrompt;"\
		<table style="border:0"><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
		</td><td style="border:0" colspan=2>\
			<textarea name="notes" style="width:98%;height:3.5em;margin-bottom:2px"></textarea>\
		</td><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			attach as&nbsp;\
		</td><td style="border:0" colspan=2>\
			<input type=text name="tiddlertitle" size=15 autocomplete=off value="%title%"\
				onkeyup="if (!this.value.length) { this.value=config.macros.attach.titlePrompt;; }"\
				onfocus="if (!this.value.length) this.value=config.macros.attach.titlePrompt;" %disabled%>\
		</td></tr></tr><tr style="border:0"><td style="border:0;text-align:right;width:1%;white-space:nowrap">\
			add tags&nbsp;\
		</td><td style="border:0">\
			<input type=text name="tags" size=15 autocomplete=off value="" onfocus="">\
		</td><td style="width:40%;text-align:right;border:0">\
			<input type=button class=btn2 value="attach"\
			--><input type=button class=btn2 value="close"\
				onclick="var panel=document.getElementById(\'%id%\'); if (panel) panel.parentNode.removeChild(panel);">\
// // control processing
	function(here) {
		var form=here.form;
		var list=form.MIMEType;
		var theFilename  = here.value;
		var theExtension = theFilename.substr(theFilename.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();
		// if theFilename is in current document folder, remove path prefix and use relative reference
		var h=document.location.href; folder=getLocalPath(decodeURIComponent(h.substr(0,h.lastIndexOf("/")+1)));
		if (theFilename.substr(0,folder.length)==folder) theFilename='./'+theFilename.substr(folder.length);
		else theFilename='file:///'+theFilename; // otherwise, use absolute reference
		theFilename=theFilename.replace(/\\/g,"/"); // fixup: change \ to /
		form.useLocal.checked = true;
		form.local.value = theFilename;
		form.useData.checked = !form.useData.disabled;
		for (var i=0; i<list.options.length; i++) // find matching MIME type
			if (list.options[i].value.indexOf(theExtension)!=-1) { list.selectedIndex = i; break; }
		if (!form.tiddlertitle.disabled)
			form.tiddlertitle.value=theFilename.substr(theFilename.lastIndexOf('/')+1); // get tiddlername from filename
	function (here) {
		// get input values
		var form=here.form;
		var src=form.source; if (config.browser.isGecko) src=document.getElementById("attachFixSource");
		var when=(new Date()).formatString(config.macros.timeline.dateFormat);
		var title=form.tiddlertitle.value;
		var local = form.local.value!=form.local.defaultValue?form.local.value:"";
		var url = form.URL.value!=form.URL.defaultValue?form.URL.value:"";
		var notes = form.notes.value;
		var tags = "attachment excludeMissing "+form.tags.value;
		var useData=form.useData.checked;
		var useLocal=form.useLocal.checked;
		var useURL=form.useURL.checked;
		var mimetype = form.MIMEType.value.length?form.MIMEType.options[form.MIMEType.selectedIndex].text:"";
		// validate checkboxes and get filename
		if (useData) {
			if (src.length) { if (!theLocation) var theLocation=src; }
			else { alert(this.sourceErr); src.focus(); return false; }
		if (useLocal) {
			if (local.length) { if (!theLocation) var theLocation = local; }
			else { alert(this.localErr); form.local.focus(); return false; }
		if (useURL) {
			if (url.length) { if (!theLocation) var theLocation = url; }
			else { alert(this.URLErr); form.URL.focus(); return false; }
		if (!(useData||useLocal||useURL))
			{ form.useData.focus(); alert(this.storageErr); return false; }
		if (!theLocation)
			{ src.focus(); alert(this.sourceErr); return false; }
		if (!title || !title.trim().length || title==this.titlePrompt)
			{ form.tiddlertitle.focus(); alert(this.tiddlerErr); return false; }
		// if not already selected, determine MIME type based on filename extension (if any)
		if (useData && !mimetype.length && theLocation.lastIndexOf('.')!=-1) {
			var theExt = theLocation.substr(theLocation.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();
			var theList=form.MIMEType;
			for (var i=0; i<theList.options.length; i++)
				if (theList.options[i].value.indexOf(theExt)!=-1)
					{ var mimetype=theList.options[i].text; theList.selectedIndex=i; break; }
		// attach the file
		return this.createAttachmentTiddler(src, when, notes, tags, title,
			useData, useLocal, useURL, local, url, mimetype);
	function(src,def) {
		var ext = src.substr(src.lastIndexOf('.')).toLowerCase();
		var list=store.getTiddlerText(this.typeList);
		if (!list || !list.trim().length) return def;
		// get MIME list content from tiddler
		var parts=list.split("\n----\n");
		for (var p=0; p<parts.length; p++) {
			var lines=parts[p].split("\n");
			var mime=lines.shift(); // 1st line=MIME type
			var match=lines.shift(); // 2nd line=matching extensions
			if (match.indexOf(ext)!=-1) return mime;
		return def;
	function (src, when, notes, tags, title, useData, useLocal, useURL, local, url, mimetype, noshow) {
		if (useData) { // encode the data
			if (!mimetype.length) {
				form.MIMEType.selectedIndex=1; form.MIMEType.focus();
				return false;
			var d = this.readFile(src); if (!d) { return false; }
			displayMessage('encoding '+src);
			var encoded = this.encodeBase64(d);
			displayMessage('file size='+d.length+' bytes, encoded size='+encoded.length+' bytes');
		var usage=(mimetype.substr(0,5)=="image"?'[img[%0]]':'[[%0|%0]]').format([title]);
		var theText=this.tiddlerFormat.format([
			usage, notes.length?notes:'//none//', mimetype,
			useLocal?local.replace(/\\/g,'/'):'', useURL?url:'',
			useData?('data:'+mimetype+';base64,'+encoded):'' ]);
		store.saveTiddler(title,title,theText,config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),tags);
		var panel=document.getElementById("attachPanel"); if (panel)"none";
		if (!noshow) { story.displayTiddler(null,title); story.refreshTiddler(title,null,true); }
		displayMessage('attached "'+title+'"');
		return true;
// // base64 conversion
	function (d) {
		if (!d) return null;
		// encode as base64
		var keyStr = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
		var out="";
		var chr1,chr2,chr3="";
		var enc1,enc2,enc3,enc4="";
		for (var count=0,i=0; i<d.length; ) {
			enc1=chr1 >> 2;
			enc2=((chr1 & 3) << 4) | (chr2 >> 4);
			enc3=((chr2 & 15) << 2) | (chr3 >> 6);
			enc4=chr3 & 63;
			if (isNaN(chr2)) enc3=enc4=64;
			else if (isNaN(chr3)) enc4=64;
		return out;
	decodeBase64: function(input) {
		var out="";
		var chr1,chr2,chr3;
		var enc1,enc2,enc3,enc4;
		var i = 0;
		// remove all characters that are not A-Z, a-z, 0-9, +, /, or =
		input=input.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/\=]/g, "");
		do {
			chr1=(enc1 << 2) | (enc2 >> 4);
			chr2=((enc2 & 15) << 4) | (enc3 >> 2);
			chr3=((enc3 & 3) << 6) | enc4;
			if (enc3!=64) out=out+String.fromCharCode(chr2);
			if (enc4!=64) out=out+String.fromCharCode(chr3);
		} while (i<input.length);
		return out;
// // I/O functions
	readFile: // read local BINARY file data
	function(filePath) {
		if(!window.Components) { return null; }
		try {"UniversalXPConnect"); }
		catch(e) { alert("access denied: "+filePath); return null; }
		var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
		try { file.initWithPath(filePath); } catch(e) { alert("cannot read file - invalid path: "+filePath); return null; }
		if (!file.exists()) { alert("cannot read file - not found: "+filePath); return null; }
		var inputStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIFileInputStream);
		inputStream.init(file, 0x01, 00004, null);
		var bInputStream = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIBinaryInputStream);
	function(filepath,data) {
		// TBD: decode base64 and write BINARY data to specified local path/filename
	askForFilename: // for FF3 fixup
	function(target) {
		var msg=config.messages.selectFile;
		if (target && target.title) msg=target.title; // use target field tooltip (if any) as dialog prompt text
		// get local path for current document
		var path=getLocalPath(document.location.href);
		var p=path.lastIndexOf("/"); if (p==-1) p=path.lastIndexOf("\\"); // Unix or Windows
		if (p!=-1) path=path.substr(0,p+1); // remove filename, leave trailing slash
		var file=""
		var result=window.mozAskForFilename(msg,path,file,true); // FF3 FIXUP ONLY
		if (target && result.length) // set target field and trigger handling
			{ target.value=result; target.onchange(); }
		return result; 
if (window.mozAskForFilename===undefined) { // also defined by CoreTweaks (for ticket #604)
	window.mozAskForFilename=function(msg,path,file,mustExist) {
		if(!window.Components) return false;
		try {'UniversalXPConnect');
			var nsIFilePicker = window.Components.interfaces.nsIFilePicker;
			var picker = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(nsIFilePicker);
			picker.init(window, msg, mustExist?nsIFilePicker.modeOpen:nsIFilePicker.modeSave);
			var thispath = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
			if (!=nsIFilePicker.returnCancel)
				var result=picker.file.path;
		catch(ex) { displayMessage(ex.toString()); }
		return result;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|run-time library for displaying attachment tiddlers|
Runtime processing for //rendering// attachment tiddlers created by [[AttachFilePlugin]].   Attachment tiddlers are tagged with<<tag attachment>>and contain binary file content (e.g., jpg, gif, pdf, mp3, etc.) that has been stored directly as base64 text-encoded data or can be loaded from external files stored on a local filesystem or remote web server.  Note: after creating new attachment tiddlers, you can remove [[AttachFilePlugin]], as long as you retain //this// tiddler (so that images can be rendered later on).
This plugin extends the behavior of the following TiddlyWiki core "wikify()" formatters:
* embedded images: {{{[img[tooltip|image]]}}}
* linked embedded images: {{{[img[tooltip|image][link]]}}}
* external/"pretty" links: {{{[[label|link]]}}}
''Please refer to AttachFilePlugin (source: for additional information.''
2009.10.10 [4.0.1] in fileExists(), check for IE to avoid hanging Chrome during startup
2009.06.04 [4.0.0] changed attachment storage format to use //sections// instead of embedded substring markers.
2008.01.08 [*.*.*] plugin size reduction: documentation moved to ...Info
2007.12.04 [*.*.*] update for TW2.3.0: replaced deprecated core functions, regexps, and macros
2007.10.29 [3.7.0] more code reduction: removed upload handling from AttachFilePlugin (saves ~7K!)
2007.10.28 [3.6.0] removed duplicate formatter code from AttachFilePlugin (saves ~10K!) and updated documentation accordingly.  This plugin ([[AttachFilePluginFormatters]]) is now //''required''// in order to display attached images/binary files within tiddler content.
2006.05.20 [3.4.0] through 2007.03.01 [3.5.3] sync with AttachFilePlugin
2006.05.13 [3.2.0] created from AttachFilePlugin v3.2.0
// // version
version.extensions.AttachFilePluginFormatters= {major: 4, minor: 0, revision: 1, date: new Date(2009,10,10)};

if (config.macros.attach==undefined) config.macros.attach= { };
if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment==undefined) config.macros.attach.isAttachment=function (title) {
	var tiddler = store.getTiddler(title);
	if (tiddler==undefined || tiddler.tags==undefined) return false;
	return (tiddler.tags.indexOf("attachment")!=-1);

// test for local file existence - returns true/false without visible error display
if (config.macros.attach.fileExists==undefined) config.macros.attach.fileExists=function(f) {
	if(window.Components) { // MOZ
		try {"UniversalXPConnect"); }
		catch(e) { return false; } // security access denied
		var file = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
		try { file.initWithPath(f); }
		catch(e) { return false; } // invalid directory
		return file.exists();
	else if (config.browser.isIE) { // IE
		var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
		return fso.FileExists(f);
	else return true; // other browsers: assume file exists

if (config.macros.attach.getAttachment==undefined) config.macros.attach.getAttachment=function(title) {

	// extract embedded data, local and remote links (if any)
	var text=store.getTiddlerText(title,'');
	var embedded=store.getTiddlerText(title+'##data','').trim();
	var locallink=store.getTiddlerText(title+'##file','').trim();
	var remotelink=store.getTiddlerText(title+'##url','').trim();

	// backward-compatibility for older attachments (pre 4.0.0)
	var startmarker="---BEGIN_DATA---\n";
	var endmarker="\n---END_DATA---";
	var pos=0; var endpos=0;
	if ((pos=text.indexOf(startmarker))!=-1 && (endpos=text.indexOf(endmarker))!=-1)
	if ((pos=text.indexOf("/%LOCAL_LINK%/"))!=-1)
	if ((pos=text.indexOf("/%REMOTE_LINK%/"))!=-1)

	// if there is a data: URI defined (not supported by IE)
	if (embedded.length && !config.browser.isIE) return embedded;

	// document is being served remotely... use remote URL (if any)  (avoids security alert)
	if (remotelink.length && document.location.protocol!="file:")
		return remotelink;  

	// local link only... return link without checking file existence (avoids security alert)
	if (locallink.length && !remotelink.length) 
		return locallink; 

	// local link, check for file exist... use local link if found
	if (locallink.length) { 
		locallink=locallink.replace(/^\.[\/\\]/,''); // strip leading './' or '.\' (if any)
		if (this.fileExists(getLocalPath(locallink))) return locallink;
		// maybe local link is relative... add path from current document and try again
		var pathPrefix=document.location.href;  // get current document path and trim off filename
		var slashpos=pathPrefix.lastIndexOf("/"); if (slashpos==-1) slashpos=pathPrefix.lastIndexOf("\\"); 
		if (slashpos!=-1 && slashpos!=pathPrefix.length-1) pathPrefix=pathPrefix.substr(0,slashpos+1);
		if (this.fileExists(getLocalPath(pathPrefix+locallink))) return locallink;

	// no embedded data, no local (or not found), fallback to remote URL (if any)
	if (remotelink.length) return remotelink;

	// attachment URL doesn't resolve, just return input as is
	return title;
if (config.macros.attach.init_formatters==undefined) config.macros.attach.init_formatters=function() {
	if (this.initialized) return;

	// find the formatter for "image" and replace the handler
	for (var i=0; i<config.formatters.length && config.formatters[i].name!="image"; i++);
	if (i<config.formatters.length)	config.formatters[i].handler=function(w) {
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source)
		if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) // Simple bracketted link
			var e = w.output;
				var link = lookaheadMatch[5];
				// ELS -------------
				var external=config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink(link);
				if (external)
					if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment(link))
						e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
						e.title = config.macros.attach.linkTooltip + link;
						e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
					e = createTiddlyLink(w.output,link,false,null,w.isStatic);
				// ELS -------------
			var img = createTiddlyElement(e,"img");
				img.align = "left";
			else if(lookaheadMatch[2])
				img.align = "right";
				img.title = lookaheadMatch[3];
			img.src = lookaheadMatch[4];
			// ELS -------------
			if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment(lookaheadMatch[4]))
			// ELS -------------
			w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
	// find the formatter for "prettyLink" and replace the handler
	for (var i=0; i<config.formatters.length && config.formatters[i].name!="prettyLink"; i++);
	if (i<config.formatters.length)	{
		config.formatters[i].handler=function(w) {
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart;
			var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
			if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) {
				var e;
				var text = lookaheadMatch[1];
				if(lookaheadMatch[3]) {
					// Pretty bracketted link
					var link = lookaheadMatch[3];
					if (config.macros.attach.isAttachment(link)) {
						e = createExternalLink(w.output,link);
					else e = (!lookaheadMatch[2] && config.formatterHelpers.isExternalLink(link))
						? createExternalLink(w.output,link)
						: createTiddlyLink(w.output,link,false,null,w.isStatic);
				} else {
					e = createTiddlyLink(w.output,text,false,null,w.isStatic);
				w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex;
	} // if "prettyLink" formatter found
config.macros.attach.init_formatters(); // load time init
if (TiddlyWiki.prototype.coreGetRecursiveTiddlerText==undefined) {
	TiddlyWiki.prototype.coreGetRecursiveTiddlerText = TiddlyWiki.prototype.getRecursiveTiddlerText;
	TiddlyWiki.prototype.getRecursiveTiddlerText = function(title,defaultText,depth) {
		return config.macros.attach.isAttachment(title)?
|''Description:''|Provide live sorting of tables by column|
|''Date:''|Sep. 29, 2007|
|''Author:''|Stuart Langridge, Demian Johnson, Bob Denny|
|''License:''|See Below|
|''~CoreVersion:''|2.0.11, 2.1.x and newer|
|''Browser:''|Firefox 1.5/2.0; Internet Explorer 6.0/7.0; Safari|
@@Only minor changes by Tyler to make it work with TiddlyWiki 2.2.x and newer@@

This plugin provides live sorting of tables by clicking on a column header. To sort in reverse, click the same column header a second time. An arrow in the sort column shows the direction of sorting. 

It works by trying to automatically detect the type of data in a column, then sorting by the rules for that data type. Note that the data in the first row (before sorting for the first time) is used for type detection, so if other data types exist in the column below the first row, the results will be unpredictable. If it //can// recognize the string as prticular type it //will// sort that column by that type. Moral: keep all of your data in a column the same type. The following data types are checked in the order shown (in other words the table shows the precedence of type detection):

|!Type |!Description|
|Date|Various formats for dates, specifically any string format that can be converted to a date/time by Javascript's Date.Parse() method.|
|Currency|Any string beginning with $, £, or € followed by a numeric string (except no leading sign). Note that it does not do currency conversion, the raw currency values are sorted numerically. {{{/^[$|£|€]{1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/}}}|
|Numeric|Data must consist purely of digits, optional leading plus or minus sign, a single period. Javascript cannot handle the Continental virgule (comma decimal point). {{{/^[\+|\-]{0,1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/}}}|
|File Size|Numeric string (except no leading sign) with b, Kb, Mb, or Gb at the end. Sorts according to the actual value represented by the notation. {{{/^\d*\.{0,1}\d+[K|M|G]{0,1}b$}}}|
|Text|Anything that does not match the formats listed below. Text is sorted without regard to character case.|
Follow the usual procedure for installing a plugin: Edit this tiddler, copy, paste into a new tiddler in your TW, and tag it systemConfig. Close, Save, and Shift-Reload  your TW's page. The table below (in Example) should have hot column headers and be sortable.
To make a table sortable, append an {{{h}}} to the end of the first row. If the table is thus marked as sortable, the formatter will add a CSS class {{{sortable}}} to the generated {{{<table>}}} element. Thus you can use CSS to alter the appearance of the sortable table and/or its elements.
|Name |Salary |Extension |Performance |File Size |Start date |h
|Bloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |+1.2 |74.2Kb |Aug 19, 2003 21:34:00 |
|Bloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |1.2 |3350b |09/18/2003 |
|Bloggs, Fred |$12000 |1353 |1.200 |55.2Kb |August 18, 2003 |
|Bloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |1.2 |2100b |07/18/2003 |
|Bloggs, Fred |$12000.00 |1353 |01.20 |6.156Mb |08/17/2003 05:43 |
|Turvey, Kevin |$191200.00 |2342 |-33 |1b |02/05/1979 |
|Mbogo, Arnold |$32010.12 |2755 |-21.673 |1.2Gb |09/08/1998 |
|Shakespeare, Bill |£122000.00|3211 |6 |33.22Gb |12/11/1961 |
|Shakespeare, Hamlet |£9000 |9005 |-8 |3Gb |01/01/2002 |
|Fitz, Marvin |€3300.30 |5554 |+5 |4Kb |05/22/1995 |
!!Revision History
''2003.11.?? [?.?.?]'' Stuart Langridge ( - Core code for DHTML sortable tables. Copyright and license for his code has been carried forward and applies to subsequent additions.
''2006.02.14 [1.0.0]'' Demian Johnson - Initial release, adaptation of Langridge code to TiddlyWiki.
''2006.09.29 [1.1.0]'' Bob Denny - Add standard-format plugin documentation, reformat and tabify code for readability, refactor references to plugin, add new "file size" detection and sorting, add sterling and euro to currency detection, allow any real numbers including optional sign and either period or comma for decimal point for numeric sorting, make RegExp matching strict for currency and numeric, clean up lint warnings, correct spelling of Hamlet's name.
''2006.10.19 [1.1.1]'' Bob Denny - Allow use with TW 2.1.1 and 2.1.2, hijack is identical with 2.1.0.
''2006.11.04 [1.1.2]'' Bob Denny - Oh hell, accept 2.1.x, bit again by 2.1.3 which was OK.
// This Code is:
// Code downloaded from the Browser Experiments section of is 
// licenced under the so-called MIT licence. The license is below.
// ----------------------------------------
// Copyright (c) 1997-date Stuart Langridge
// ----------------------------------------
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this 
// software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software 
// without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, 
// publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons 
// to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// Modified under the same aforementioned terms by Demian Johnston, 2006
// Further modified under the same aforementioned terms by Bob Denny, 2006: 
//	1. Add flexible date/time 
//	2. Use 'this' instead of full dotted names 
//	3. Re-indent and tabify after being munged by TW/IE bu
//	4. Add "file size" sensing and sorting. Validate with Javascript Lint
// Modified under the same aforementioned terms by Tyler Akins, 2007
//	Works work with TiddlyWiki 2.2.x
version.extensions.PersistentForm = {
	major: 1, minor: 1, revision: 3,
	date: new Date(2007, 9, 29), 
	type: 'extension',
	source: ""

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin = { SORT_COLUMN_INDEX: 0 };

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_makeSortable = function(table) 
	var firstRow;
	if (table.rows && table.rows.length > 0) {
		firstRow = table.rows[0];
	if (!firstRow) return;
	// We have a first row: assume it's the header, and make its contents clickable links
	for (var i=0;i<firstRow.cells.length;i++) {
		var cell = firstRow.cells[i];
		var txt = config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_getInnerText(cell);
		cell.innerHTML = '<a href="#" class="sortheader" onclick="config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_resortTable(this);return false;">' +
						txt + '<span class="sortarrow">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span></a>';

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_getInnerText = function(el) 
	if (typeof el == "string") return el;
	if (typeof el == "undefined") { return el; }
	if (el.innerText) return el.innerText; //Not needed but it is faster
	var str = "";
	var cs = el.childNodes;
	var l = cs.length;
	for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
		switch (cs[i].nodeType) 
			case 1: 										//ELEMENT_NODE
				str += config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_getInnerText(cs[i]);
			case 3: 										//TEXT_NODE
				str += cs[i].nodeValue;
	return str;

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.getParent = function(el, pTagName) 
	if (el === null) 
		return null;
	else if (el.nodeType == 1 && el.tagName.toLowerCase() == pTagName.toLowerCase()) // Gecko bug, supposed to be uppercase
		return el;
		return config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.getParent(el.parentNode, pTagName);

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_resortTable = function(lnk) 
	var M = config.macros.sortableGridPlugin;
	// get the span
	var span;
	for (var ci = 0; ci < lnk.childNodes.length; ci++) {
	if (lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName && lnk.childNodes[ci].tagName.toLowerCase() == 'span') 
		span = lnk.childNodes[ci];
	var td = lnk.parentNode;
	var column = td.cellIndex;
	var table = M.getParent(td,'TABLE');
	// Work out a type for the column
	if (table.rows.length <= 1) return;
	var itm = M.ts_getInnerText(table.rows[1].cells[column]);
	var sortfn = M.ts_sort_caseinsensitive;
		sortfn = M.ts_sort_date;
	else if(itm.match(/^[$|£|€]{1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/)) 
		sortfn = M.ts_sort_currency;
	else if(itm.match(/^[\+|\-]{0,1}\d*\.{0,1}\d+$/)) 
		sortfn = M.ts_sort_numeric;
	else if(itm.match(/^\d*\.{0,1}\d+[K|M|G]{0,1}b$/))
		sortfn = M.ts_sort_fileSize;
	var firstRow = new Array();
	var newRows = new Array();
	for (var i = 0; i < table.rows[0].length; i++) { firstRow[i] = table.rows[0][i]; }
	for (var j = 1; j < table.rows.length; j++) { newRows[j-1] = table.rows[j]; }
	var ARROW;
	if (span.getAttribute("sortdir") == 'down') {
		ARROW = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&uarr;';
	} else {
		ARROW = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&darr;';
	// We appendChild rows that already exist to the tbody, so it moves them 
	// rather than creating new ones. Don't do sortbottom rows
	for ( i=0;i<newRows.length;i++) { 
		if (!newRows[i].className || (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') == -1))) 
	// do sortbottom rows only
	for ( i=0;i<newRows.length;i++) { 
		if (newRows[i].className && (newRows[i].className.indexOf('sortbottom') != -1)) 
	// Delete any other arrows there may be showing
	var allspans = document.getElementsByTagName("span");
	for ( ci=0;ci<allspans.length;ci++) {
		if (allspans[ci].className == 'sortarrow') {
			if (M.getParent(allspans[ci],"table") == M.getParent(lnk,"table")) { // in the same table as us?
				allspans[ci].innerHTML = '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
	span.innerHTML = ARROW;

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_sort_fileSize = function(a, b) 
	var M = config.macros.sortableGridPlugin;
	var convert = function(str)
		var val;
		var i;
		if((i = str.indexOf("Kb")) != -1)
			val = 1024.0 * str.substr(0, i);
		else if((i = str.indexOf("Mb")) != -1)
			val = 1048576.0 * str.substr(0, i);
		else if((i = str.indexOf("Gb")) != -1)
			val = 1073741824.0 * str.substr(0, i);
			val = 1.0 * str.substr(0, str.length - 1);
		return val;
	var aa = M.ts_getInnerText(a.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
	var bb = M.ts_getInnerText(b.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
	var v1 = convert(aa);
	var v2 = convert(bb);
	if(v1 == v2) return 0;
	if(v1 < v2) return -1;
	return 1;

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_sort_date = function(a, b) 
	var M = config.macros.sortableGridPlugin;
	// Handles dates per the rules of Date.parse()
	var aa = M.ts_getInnerText(a.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
	var bb = M.ts_getInnerText(b.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]);
	var dt1 = Date.parse(aa);
	var dt2 = Date.parse(bb);
	if (dt1 == dt2) return 0;
	if (dt1 < dt2) return -1;
	return 1;

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_sort_currency = function(a, b) 
	var M = config.macros.sortableGridPlugin;
	var aa = M.ts_getInnerText(a.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'');
	var bb = M.ts_getInnerText(b.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).replace(/[^0-9.]/g,'');
	return parseFloat(aa) - parseFloat(bb);

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_sort_numeric = function(a, b) 
	var M = config.macros.sortableGridPlugin;
	var aa = parseFloat(M.ts_getInnerText(a.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]));
	if (isNaN(aa)) aa = 0;
	var bb = parseFloat(M.ts_getInnerText(b.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX])); 
	if (isNaN(bb)) bb = 0;
	return aa-bb;

config.macros.sortableGridPlugin.ts_sort_caseinsensitive = function(a, b) 
	var M = config.macros.sortableGridPlugin;
	var aa = M.ts_getInnerText(a.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
	var bb = M.ts_getInnerText(b.cells[M.SORT_COLUMN_INDEX]).toLowerCase();
	if (aa == bb) return 0;
	if (aa < bb) return -1;
	return 1;


// end Code downloaded from the Browser Experiments section of
// end Copyright (c) 1997-date Stuart Langridge//

//	(1) Depends on the table formatter being first in the config.formatters array
//	(2) Version-specifics - test on your version before adding to the logic here!
if(version.major == 2 && version.minor === 0 && version.revision == 11)
	config.formatters[0].handler = function(w)
		var table = createTiddlyElement(w.output,"table");
		w.nextMatch = w.matchStart;
		var lookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(this.lookahead,"mg");
		var currRowType = null, nextRowType;
		var rowContainer, rowElement;
		var prevColumns = [];
		var rowCount = 0;
		var want_sortable=0;
		do {
			lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
			var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
			var matched = lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch;
				nextRowType = lookaheadMatch[2];
				if(nextRowType != currRowType)
				rowContainer = createTiddlyElement(table,this.rowTypes[nextRowType]);
				currRowType = nextRowType;
				if(currRowType == "c")
					if(rowCount === 0)
					w.nextMatch = w.nextMatch + 1;
					var rowClass = (rowCount & 1) ? "oddRow" : "evenRow";
					rowElement = createTiddlyElement(rowContainer,"tr",null,rowClass);
				if(currRowType == "h") {
		} while(matched);
		if (want_sortable) {
else if(version.major == 2 && (version.minor > 0))
	config.formatters[0].handler = function(w)
		var table = createTiddlyElement(w.output,"table");
		var prevColumns = [];
		var currRowType = null;
		var rowContainer;
		var rowCount = 0;
		var want_sortable = 0;
		w.nextMatch = w.matchStart;
		this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
		var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		while(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch)
			var nextRowType = lookaheadMatch[2];
			if(nextRowType == "k")
				table.className = lookaheadMatch[1];
				w.nextMatch += lookaheadMatch[0].length+1;
				if(nextRowType != currRowType)
					rowContainer = createTiddlyElement(table,this.rowTypes[nextRowType]);
					currRowType = nextRowType;
				if(currRowType == "c")
					// Caption
					if(rowContainer != table.firstChild)
					rowContainer.setAttribute("align",rowCount === 0?"top":"bottom");
					if(currRowType == "h")	want_sortable = 1;
			this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch;
			lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source);
		if (want_sortable) {
	alert("SortableGridPlugin works only with TiddlyWiki 2.0.11, 2.1.x or newer");
[[SWN Sector Generator]]
[[Sector Map]]
|Author|BradleyMeck and Eric Shulman|
|Description|drag-and-drop files/directories to create tiddlers|
''requires FireFox or another Mozilla-compatible browser.''
This plugin automatically creates tiddlers from files that are dropped onto an open TiddlyWiki document.  You can drop multiple selected files and/or folders to create many tiddlers at once.  New tiddler titles are created using the filename of each dropped file (i.e., omitting the path).  If a title is already in use, you are prompted to enter a new title for that file.  If you drop a folder, you will be asked if you want to create a simple 'directory list' of files in a single tiddler or create one tiddler for each file in that folder.  

By default, it is assumed that all dropped files contain text.  However, if [[AttachFilePlugin]], [[AttachFilePluginFormatters]] and [[AttachFileMIMETypes]] are installed, then you can drop ''//binary data files//'' as well as text files.  If the MIME type of a dropped file is not "text/plain", then AttachFilePlugin is used to create an 'attachment' tiddler, rather than creating a simple text tiddler.

When creating text tiddlers, you can embed a //link// to the original external file at the top of the new tiddler, in addition to (or instead of) the text content itself.  The format for this link (see Configuration, below) uses embedded ''//replacement markers//'' that allow you to generate a variety of wiki-formatted output, where:
*%0 = filename (without path)
*%1 = local """file://...""" URL
*%2 = local path and filename (OS-native format)
*%3 = relative path (if subdirectory of current document directory)
*%4 = file size
*%5 = file date
*%6 = current date
*%7 = current ~TiddlyWiki username
*\n = newline
By default, the link format uses the filename (%0) and local URL (%1), enclosed within a //hidden section// syntax, like this:
This permits the link to be embedded along with the text content, without changing the appearance of that content when the tiddler is viewed.  To display the link in your tiddler content, use:
<<tiddler TiddlerName##link>>
__FileDropPlugin options:__
<<option chkFileDropContent>>Copy file content into tiddlers if smaller than: <<option txtFileDropDataLimit>> bytes
&nbsp; //(note: excess text content will be truncated, oversized binary files will skipped, 0=no limit)//
<<option chkFileDropLink>>Generate external links to files, using this format:{{editor{<html><nowiki><textarea rows="4" onchange="
"></textarea></html><<tiddler {{
	var ta=place.lastChild.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
	var v=config.options.txtFileDropLinkFormat.unescapeLineBreaks();
"";}}>>}}}<<option chkFileDropTrimFilename>>Omit file extensions from tiddler titles
<<option chkFileDropDisplay>>Automatically display newly created tiddlers
Tag newly created tiddlers with: <<option txtFileDropTags>>

__FileDropPlugin+AttachFilePlugin options:__ //(binary file data as encoded 'base64' text)//
<<option chkFileDropAttachLocalLink>> attachment includes reference to local path/filename
>Note: if the plugin does not seem to work, enter ''about:config'' in the Firefox address bar, and make sure that {{{signed.applets.codebase_principal_support}}} is set to ''true''
!!!!!Examples (custom handler functions)
Adds a single file with confirmation and prompting for title:
	function(nsiFile) {
		var msg='You have dropped the file:\n'
			+'onto the page, it will be imported as a tiddler. Is that ok?'
		if(confirm(msg)) {
			var newDate = new Date();
			var title = prompt('what would you like to name the tiddler?');
		return true;
Adds a single file without confirmation, using path/filename as tiddler title:
	function(nsiFile) {
		var newDate = new Date();
		return true;
2010.03.06 2.1.4 added event listener for 'dragover' (for FireFox 3.6+)
2009.10.10 2.1.3 fixed IE code error
2009.10.08 2.1.2 fixed chkFileDropContent bypass handling for binary attachments
2009.10.07 2.1.0 added chkFileDropContent and chkFileDropLink/txtFileDropLinkFormat
2009.08.19 2.0.0 fixed event listener registration for FireFox 3.5+.  Also, merged with FileDropPluginConfig, with code cleanup/reduction
2008.08.11 1.5.1 added chkFileDropAttachLocalLink option to allow suppression of local path/file link
2007.xx.xx *.*.* add suspend/resume of notifications to improve performance when multiple files are handled
2007.01.01 0.9.9 extensions for AttachFilePlugin
2006.11.04 0.1.1 initial release by Bradley Meck
version.extensions.FileDropPlugin={major:2, minor:1, revision:4, date: new Date(2010,3,6)};

config.macros.fileDrop = {
	customDropHandlers: [],
	addEventListener: function(paramflavor,func,inFront) {
		var obj={}; obj.flavor=paramflavor; obj.handler=func;
		if (!inFront) this.customDropHandlers.push(obj);
		else this.customDropHandlers.shift(obj);
	dragDropHandler: function(evt) {'UniversalXPConnect');
		var dragService = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIDragService);
		var dragSession = dragService.getCurrentSession();
		var transferObject = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance();
		transferObject = transferObject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsITransferable);
		var numItems = dragSession.numDropItems;
		if (numItems>1) {
			displayMessage('Reading '+numItems+' files...');
		for (var i = 0; i < numItems; i++) {
			dragSession.getData(transferObject, i);
			var dataObj = {};
			var dropSizeObj = {};
			for(var ind=0; ind<config.macros.fileDrop.customDropHandlers.length; ind++) {
				var item = config.macros.fileDrop.customDropHandlers[ind];
				if(dragSession.isDataFlavorSupported(item.flavor)) {
					transferObject.getTransferData(item.flavor, dataObj, dropSizeObj);
					var droppedFile = dataObj.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile);
					var result =,droppedFile);
					if (result) break;
		if (numItems>1) {
			displayMessage(numItems+' files have been processed');
!!!!!window event handlers
if(!window.event) {
	window.addEventListener('dragdrop',	// FireFox3.1-
		config.macros.fileDrop.dragDropHandler, true);
	window.addEventListener('drop',		// FireFox3.5+
		config.macros.fileDrop.dragDropHandler, true);
	window.addEventListener('dragover',	// FireFox3.6+
		function(e){e.stopPropagation();e.preventDefault();}, true); 
!!!!!handler for files, directories and binary attachments (see [[AttachFilePlugin]])
var defaults={
	chkFileDropDisplay:		true,
	chkFileDropTrimFilename:	false,
	chkFileDropContent:		true,
	chkFileDropLink:		true,
	txtFileDropLinkFormat:		'/%\\n!link\\n[[%0|%1]]\\n!end\\n%/',
	txtFileDropDataLimit:		'32768',
	chkFileDropAttachLocalLink:	true,
	txtFileDropTags:		''
for (var id in defaults) if (config.options[id]===undefined)

config.macros.fileDrop.addEventListener('application/x-moz-file',function(nsiFile) {
	var co=config.options; // abbrev
	var header='Index of %0\n^^(as of %1)^^\n|!filename| !size | !modified |\n';
	var item='|[[%0|%1]]| %2|%3|\n';
	var footer='Total of %0 bytes in %1 files\n';
	var now=new Date();
	var files=[nsiFile];
	if (nsiFile.isDirectory()) {
		var folder=nsiFile.directoryEntries;
		var files=[];
		while (folder.hasMoreElements()) {
			var f=folder.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
			if (f instanceof Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile && !f.isDirectory()) files.push(f);
		var msg=nsiFile.path.replace(/\\/g,'/')+'\n\n';
		msg+='contains '+files.length+' files... ';
		msg+='select OK to attach all files or CANCEL to create a list...';
		if (!confirm(msg)) { // create a list in a tiddler
			var title=nsiFile.leafName; // tiddler name is last directory name in path
			while (title && title.length && store.tiddlerExists(title)) {
				if (confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([title]))) break;
				title=prompt('Enter a new tiddler title',nsiFile.path.replace(/\\/g,'/'));
			if (!title || !title.length) return true; // cancelled
			var text=header.format([nsiFile.path.replace(/\\/g,'/'),now.toLocaleString()]);
			var total=0;
			for (var i=0; i<files.length; i++) { var f=files[i];
				var name=f.leafName;
				if (co.chkFileDropTrimFilename)
					{ var p=name.split('.'); if (p.length>1) p.pop(); name=p.join('.'); }
				var path='file:///'+f.path.replace(/\\/g,'/');
				var size=f.fileSize; total+=size;
				var when=new Date(f.lastModifiedTime).formatString('YYYY.0MM.0DD 0hh:0mm:0ss');
			var newtags=co.txtFileDropTags?co.txtFileDropTags.readBracketedList():[];
			if (co.chkFileDropDisplay) story.displayTiddler(null,title);
			return true;
	if (files.length>1) store.suspendNotifications();
	for (i=0; i<files.length; i++) {
		var file=files[i];
		if (file.isDirectory()) continue; // skip over nested directories
		var type='text/plain';
		var title=file.leafName; // tiddler name is file name
		if (co.chkFileDropTrimFilename)
			{ var p=title.split('.'); if (p.length>1) p.pop(); title=p.join('.'); }
		var name=file.leafName;
		var path=file.path;
		var url='file:///'+path.replace(/\\/g,'/');
		var size=file.fileSize;
		var when=new Date(file.lastModifiedTime);
		var now=new Date();
		var who=config.options.txtUserName;
		var h=document.location.href;
		var cwd=getLocalPath(decodeURIComponent(h.substr(0,h.lastIndexOf('/')+1)));
		var relpath=path.startsWith(cwd)?'./'+path.substr(cwd.length):path;
		while (title && title.length && store.tiddlerExists(title)) {
			if (confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([title]))) break;
			title=prompt('Enter a new tiddler title',path.replace(/\\/g,'/'));
		if (!title || !title.length) continue; // cancelled
		if (config.macros.attach) {
			if (!type.length)
				type=prompt('Unknown file type.  Enter a MIME type','text/plain');
			if (!type||!type.length) continue; // cancelled
		var newtags=co.txtFileDropTags?co.txtFileDropTags.readBracketedList():[];
		if (type=='text/plain' || !co.chkFileDropContent) {
			var txt=''; var fmt=co.txtFileDropLinkFormat.unescapeLineBreaks();
			if (co.chkFileDropLink) txt+=fmt.format([name,url,path,relpath,size,when,now,who]);
			if (co.chkFileDropContent) {
				var out=loadFile(path); var lim=co.txtFileDropDataLimit;
				if (size>lim) txt+='\n----\nfilesize ('+size+')'
					+' is larger than FileDrop limit ('+lim+')...\n'
					+'additional content has been omitted';
		} else {
			var embed=co.chkFileDropContent
				&& (!co.txtFileDropDataLimit||size<co.txtFileDropDataLimit);
			newtags.push('attachment'); newtags.push('excludeMissing');
				'attached by FileDropPlugin', newtags, title,
				embed, co.chkFileDropAttachLocalLink, false,
				relpath, '', type,!co.chkFileDropDisplay);
		if (co.chkFileDropDisplay) story.displayTiddler(null,title);
	if (files.length>1) { store.resumeNotifications(); store.notifyAll(); }
	return true;
|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|apply image maps ('hotspots') with links to tiddlers|
>see [[ImageMapPluginInfo]]
2009.05.27 [1.2.2] improved autoscroll for {{{<<mapMaker>>}}} textarea
2009.05.14 [1.2.1] added cursor changes
see [[ImageMapPluginInfo]] for additional revision details
2009.05.09 [1.0.0] initial release
version.extensions.ImageMapPlugin= {major: 1, minor: 2, revision: 2, date: new Date(2009,5,27)};
config.macros.imageMap = {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		// image element must immediately precede macro
		var img=place.lastChild; if (!img||img.nodeName!='IMG') return;
		var map=params[0]; var items=store.getTiddlerText(map,'').split('\n----\n'); if (!items) return;
		var out=['<MAP NAME="'+map+'">'];
		var fmt='<AREA SHAPE="POLY" TIDDLER="%0" COORDS="%1" TITLE="%2" ALT="%2" ONCLICK="%3" STYLE="%4">';
		var click="story.displayTiddler(story.findContainingTiddler(this),this.getAttribute('tiddler'));";
		var style='cursor:pointer';
		for (var i=0; i<items.length; i++) {
			var lines=items[i].split('\n'); var tid=lines.shift(); var coords=lines.join('');
			var tip=store.tiddlerExists(tid)?store.getTiddler(tid).getSubtitle():tid;
config.macros.mapMaker= {
	handler: function(place,macroName,params,wikifier,paramString,tiddler) {
		var img=place.lastChild; // image element must immediately precede macro
		if (!img||img.nodeName!='IMG') return;
		img.onmousemove=function(ev){ ev=ev||window.event;
			var mX=!config.browser.isIE?ev.pageX:(ev.clientX+findScrollX());
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			var lines=ta.value.split('\n'); var last=lines.length?lines.length-1:0;
			var vals=lines[last].split(','); vals.pop(); vals.pop(); lines[last]=vals.join(',');
		img.onmouseout=function(ev){ ev=ev||window.event;
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			var lines=ta.value.split('\n'); var last=lines.length?lines.length-1:0;
			var vals=lines[last].split(','); vals.pop(); vals.pop(); lines[last]=vals.join(',');
		img.onmouseover=img.onclick=function(ev) { ev=ev||window.event;
			var mX=!config.browser.isIE?ev.pageX:(ev.clientX+findScrollX());
			var mY=!config.browser.isIE?ev.pageY:(ev.clientY+findScrollY());
			var ta=this.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];
			var lines=ta.value.split('\n'); var last=lines.length?lines.length-1:0;
		}'1px solid #999';'crosshair';
		var map=params[0]||'';
		var s=createTiddlyElement(place,'div');'1em';
		img.emW=s.offsetWidth; img.emH=s.offsetHeight; // get font metrics (for auto scrolling)'';
		s.innerHTML+='<div class="toolbar">'
			+'<a href="javascript:;" '
			+'onclick="config.macros.mapMaker.load(this.parentNode.nextSibling)">load map</a>'
			+'<a href="javascript:;" '
			+'onclick="">save map</a>'
			+'<textarea rows="8" style="display:block;clear:both;width:100%;" tiddler="'+map+'">'
	load: function(ta) {
		var tid=prompt('Enter a tiddler title:',ta.getAttribute('tiddler')||'');
		if (!tid||!tid.length) return; // cancelled by user
		ta.value=store.getTiddlerText(tid,''); ta.setAttribute('tiddler',tid);
		return false;
	save: function(ta) {
		var tid=prompt('Enter a tiddler title:',ta.getAttribute('tiddler')||'NewImageMap');
		while (tid && tid.length && store.tiddlerExists(tid)) {
			if(confirm(config.messages.overwriteWarning.format([tid]))) break;
			var tid=prompt('Enter a different tiddler title:',tid);
		if (!tid||!tid.length) return; // cancelled by user
		store.saveTiddler(tid,tid,ta.value,config.options.txtUserName,new Date(),['imageMap'],{});
		displayMessage('image map saved to: '+tid);
		return false;
Toggle Sidebar <<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>>
[[GM Info]]
[[Sector Map]]
[[Planetary Directory]]
[[Alien Races]]
[[Political Groups]]
[[Corporations|Corporation Listing]]
[[Religions|Sector Religions]]
[[NPCs|NPC Listing]]
|!Hex|!World or Station|!Atmo.|!Temp.|!Biosphere|!Population|!TL|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|h
|[[0008|System:GUDRID]]|[[Alfdis|Planet:Alfdis]]|Breathable|Temp.|Immiscible|100K+|3|@@color:#FF0000;Misandry/Misogyny, Xenophiles@@|
|[[0001|System:PAVLAKAKIS]]|[[Anwar|Planet:Anwar]]|Breathable|Cold|Miscible|1B+|2|@@color:#FF0000;Rigid, Theocracy@@|
|[[0209|System:SIBYL]]|[[Archilocos|Planet:Archilocos]]|Breathable|Cold|Immiscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Sealed Menace, Prim. Aliens@@|
|[[0704|System:IMAN]]|[[Arritokieta|Planet:Arritokieta]]|Thick|Temp.|None|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Bubble Cities, Colonized@@|
|[[0600|System:SARDZETAKIS]]|[[Begoa|Planet:Begoa]]|Breathable|Temp.|Miscible|100K+|4+|@@color:#FF0000;Seismic, Cold War@@|
|[[0602|System:MATUTES]]|[[Campos|Planet:Campos]]|Breathable|Temp.|Miscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Host. Space, Lcl. Spec.@@|
|[[0204|System:AETHRA]]|[[Canete|Planet:Canete]]|Airless|Temp.|Miscible|1B+|2|@@color:#FF0000;Hvy. Industry, Tomb World@@|
|[[0408|System:ANDRIOPOULOS]]|[[Clytemnestra|Planet:Clytemnestra]]|Corr / Inv|Temp.|None|1M+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Theocracy, Altered Hum.@@|
|[[0204|System:AETHRA]]|[[Deidameia|Planet:Deidameia]]|Inert|Temp.|Hybrid|10K+|1|@@color:#FF0000;Tyranny, Eugenic Cult@@|
|[[0501|System:REYES]]|[[Fatimah|Planet:Fatimah]]|Inert|Cold|Immiscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Perim. Agcy., Psi. Worship@@|
|[[0007|System:AMINAH]]|[[Haimon|Planet:Haimon]]|Breathable|Cold|None|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Misandry/Misogyny, Out of Contact@@|
|[[0700|System:PELASGON]]|[[Hami|Planet:Hami]]|Airless|Cold|Immiscible|1M+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Radioactive, Reg. Hegemon@@|
|[[0408|System:ANDRIOPOULOS]]|[[Heracles|Planet:Heracles]]|Breathable|Cold|Miscible|100K+|3|@@color:#FF0000;Sectarians, Hatred@@|
|[[0102|System:VILLAROEL]]|[[Hibah|Planet:Hibah]]|Breathable|Temp.|None|100K+|5|@@color:#FF0000;Area 51, Pilgrimage@@|
|[[0002|System:BARDEM]]|[[Hild|Planet:Hild]]|Airless|Cold|Miscible|Alien|4|@@color:#FF0000;Maj. Spaceyard, Frk. Geology@@|
|[[0600|System:SARDZETAKIS]]|[[Hildigunn|Planet:Hildigunn]]|Breathable|Temp.|Miscible|1B+|3|@@color:#FF0000;Precept. Arch., Civil War@@|
|[[0004|System:ERIPHYLE]]|[[Iragarte|Planet:Iragarte]]|Breathable|Warm|None|Failed|4|@@color:#FF0000;Area 51, Pretech Cult.@@|
|[[0308|System:ACTAIA]]|[[Jorunn|Planet:Jorunn]]|Breathable|Cold|Immiscible|10K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Badlands, Unbraked AI@@|
|[[0308|System:ACTAIA]]|[[Klaras|Planet:Klaras]]|Breathable|Cold|None|1M+|1|@@color:#FF0000;Psi. Fear, Lcl. Tech@@|
|[[0700|System:PELASGON]]|[[Koskotas|Planet:Koskotas]]|Breathable|Frozen|None|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Forbidden Tech, Psi. School@@|
|[[0405|System:SUDHA]]|[[Laxmi|Planet:Laxmi]]|Breathable|Cold|Miscible|Alien|3|@@color:#FF0000;Trade Hub, Hvy. Mining@@|
|[[0006|System:GALATEA]]|[[Leda|Planet:Leda]]|Breathable|Temp.|Immiscible|1M+|3|@@color:#FF0000;Abandoned, Out of Contact@@|
|[[0004|System:ERIPHYLE]]|[[Munondoa|Planet:Munondoa]]|Inert|Cold|Immiscible|100K+|4+|@@color:#FF0000;Friendly Foe, Seagoing@@|
|[[0301|System:ZANJANI]]|[[Najibah|Planet:Najibah]]|Breathable|Temp.|Immiscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Secret Masters, Friendly Foe@@|
|[[0405|System:SUDHA]]|[[Nesaea|Planet:Nesaea]]|Breathable|Temp.|Miscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Warlords, Secret Masters@@|
|[[0308|System:ACTAIA]]|[[Nimmi|Planet:Nimmi]]|Corr / Inv|Temp.|Remnants|1B+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Ruins, Frk. Weather@@|
|[[0700|System:PELASGON]]|[[Paola|Planet:Paola]]|Breathable|Temp.|Microbial|Outpost|2|@@color:#FF0000;Restrictive, Xenophiles@@|
|[[0207|System:SEEMA]]|[[Penthesilia|Planet:Penthesilia]]|Airless|Frozen|Immiscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Gold Rush, Cold War@@|
|[[0305|System:LATSARI]]|[[Polychroniou|Planet:Polychroniou]]|Breathable|Warm|None|100K+|2|@@color:#FF0000;Desert World, Exch. Cons.@@|
|[[0701|System:ABRA]]|[[Qashqai|Planet:Qashqai]]|Breathable|Cold|Immiscible|Outpost|4|@@color:#FF0000;Outpost, Quarantined@@|
|[[0405|System:SUDHA]]|[[Rebuelta|Planet:Rebuelta]]|Breathable|Warm|None|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Oceanic, Host. Biosphere@@|
|[[0302|System:ASGAPUR]]|[[Teucer|Planet:Teucer]]|Corrosive|Warm|Immiscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Xenophobes, Gold Rush@@|
|[[0106|System:PURANDHRI]]|[[Thorgerd|Planet:Thorgerd]]|Airless|Temp.|Miscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Min. Contact, Abandoned@@|
|[[0300|System:THORFINNA]]|[[Varsha|Planet:Varsha]]|Airless|Warm|Miscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Feral, Flying Cities@@|
|[[0304|System:AZHAR]]|[[Zafirah|Planet:Zafirah]]|Breathable|Cold|Miscible|100K+|4|@@color:#FF0000;Pilgrimage, Police State@@|
|[[0303|System:ANGULO]]|[[Zakhariadis|Planet:Zakhariadis]]|Invasive|Warm|Microbial|100K+|3|@@color:#FF0000;Zombies, Rigid@@|
''SWN Sector Generator, Copyright © 2011-2015 [[N. Harrison Ripps|]]''
''Based on and written for use with [[Stars Without Number|]] by [[Sine Nomine Publishing|]].''

//Sector Seed ID//: ''1IDY5ZD''
* [[TiddlyWiki|]] and the various ~TiddlyWiki Plugins used in this distribution are copyright to their respective owners. See "Backstage -> Plugins" for more info.
* [[Perl|]] and several freely available Perl Libraries are used to generate the sector and star map:
** [[Archive::Zip|]]
** [[Cwd|]]
** [[Data::RandomPerson|]]
** [[DBI|]]
** [[GD|]]
** [[GD::Text|]]
** [[MIME::Base64|]]
* [[SQLite|]] is used to store and retrieve table data used throughout the wiki entries.
* Extra name generation help came directly from [[Chris Pound|]]'s amazing language generators.
//To remove this panel from the initial view, remove the "SWN Sector Generator" entry from the DefaultTiddlers list.//
|[img[StarMap]]<<imageMap StarMapLinks>>|!Hex|!World or Station|
A randomly generated sector for [[Stars Without Number|]]
Sector Kvenland Gamma
''//Nav Designation//: [[Gudrid|System:GUDRID]] VI''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 3. 20th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Misandry/Misogyny, Xenophiles@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Cultural fundamentalist, Cultural missionary to outworlders; Offworld xenophobe, Suspicious alien leader, Xenocultural imperialist@@
@@color:#FF0000;Oppressed native, Research scientist, Offworld emancipationist, Local reformer; Benevolent alien, Native malcontent, Gone-native offworlder@@
@@color:#FF0000;The oppressed gender is restive against the customs, The oppressed gender largely supports the customs, The customs relate to some physical quality of the world, The oppressed gender has had maltech gengineering done to "tame" them.; The enthusiasm is due to alien psionics or tech, The enthusiasm is based on a lie, The aliens strongly dislike their "groupies", The aliens feel obliged to rule humanity for its own good, Humans badly misunderstand the aliens@@
@@color:#FF0000;Shrine to the virtues of the favored gender, Security center for controlling the oppressed, Gengineering lab; Alien district, Alien-influenced human home, Cultural festival celebrating alien artist@@
@@color:#FF0000;Aerosol reversion formula for undoing gengineered docility, Hidden history of the world, Pretech gengineering equipment; Hybrid alien-human tech, Exotic alien crafts, Sophisticated xenolinguistic and xenocultural research data@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Pavlakakis|System:PAVLAKAKIS]] X''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Billions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech level 2. 19th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Rigid Culture, Theocracy@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Rigid reactionary, Wary ruler, Regime ideologue, Offended potentate; Decadent priest-ruler, Zealous inquisitor, Relentless proselytizer, True Believer@@
@@color:#FF0000;Revolutionary agitator, Ambitious peasant, Frustrated merchant; Heretic, Offworld theologian, Atheistic merchant, Desperate commoner@@
@@color:#FF0000;The cultural patterns are enforced by technological aids, The culture is run by a secret cabal of manipulators, The culture has explicit religious sanction, The culture evolved due to important necessities that have since been forgotten; The theocracy actually works well, The theocracy is decadent and hated by the common folk, The theocracy is divided into mutually hostile sects, The theocracy is led by aliens@@
@@color:#FF0000;Time-worn palace, Low-caste slums, Bandit den, Reformist temple; Glorious temple, Austere monastery, Academy for ideological indoctrination, Decadent pleasure-cathedral@@
@@color:#FF0000;Precious traditional regalia, Peasant tribute, Opulent treasures of the ruling class; Precious holy text, Martyr's bones, Secret church records, Ancient church treasures@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Sibyl|System:SIBYL]] III''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Sealed Menace, Primitive Aliens@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Hostile outsider bent on freeing the menace, Misguided fool who thinks he can use it, Reckless researcher who thinks he can fix it; Hostile alien chief, Human firebrand, Dangerous local predator, Alien religious zealot@@
@@color:#FF0000;Keeper of the menace, Student of its nature, Victim of the menace; Colonist leader, Peace-faction alien chief, Planetary frontiersman, Xenoresearcher@@
@@color:#FF0000;The menace would bring great wealth along with destruction, The menace is intelligent, The natives don't all believe in the menace; The alien numbers are huge and can overwhelm the humans whenever they so choose, One group is trying to use the other to kill their political opponents, The aliens are incomprehensibly strange, One side commits an atrocity@@
@@color:#FF0000;Guarded fortress containing the menace, Monitoring station, Scene of a prior outbreak of the menace; Alien village, Fortified human settlement, Massacre site@@
@@color:#FF0000;A key to unlock the menace, A precious byproduct of the menace, The secret of the menace’s true nature; Alien religious icon, Ancient alien-human treaty, Alien technology@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Iman|System:IMAN]] V''
|!Atmosphere |Thick atmosphere; need pressure mask|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Bubble Cities, Colonized Population@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Native dreading outsider contamination, Saboteur from another bubble city, Local official hostile to outsider ignorance of laws; Suspicious security personnel, Offworlder-hating natives, Local crime boss preying on rich offworlders@@
@@color:#FF0000;Local rebel against the city officials, Maintenance chief in need of help, Surveyor seeking new building sites; Native resistance leader, Colonial official seeking help, Native caught between the two sides@@
@@color:#FF0000;Bubble rupture, Failing atmosphere reprocessor, Native revolt against officials, All-seeing surveillance cameras; Natives won't talk to offworlders, Colonial repression, Misunderstood local customs@@
@@color:#FF0000;City power core, Surface of the bubble, Hydroponics complex, Warren-like hab block; Deep wilderness resistance camp, City district off-limits to natives, Colonial labor site@@
@@color:#FF0000;Pretech habitat technology, Valuable industrial products, Master key codes to a city's security system; Relic of the resistance movement, List of collaborators, Precious substance extracted by colonial labor@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Sardzetakis|System:SARDZETAKIS]] X''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4 w/ specialities / pretech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Seismic Instability, Cold War@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Earthquake cultist, Hermit seismologist, Burrowing native life form, Earthquake-inducing saboteur; Suspicious chief of intelligence, Native who thinks the outworlders are with the other side, Femme fatale@@
@@color:#FF0000;Experimental construction firm owner, Adventurous volcanologist, Geothermal prospector; Apolitical information broker, Spy for the other side, Unjustly accused innocent, "He's a bastard, but he's our bastard" official@@
@@color:#FF0000;The earthquakes are caused by malfunctioning pretech terraformers, They're caused by alien technology, They're restrained by alien technology that is being plundered by offworlders, The earthquakes are used to generate enormous amounts of energy.; Police sweep, Low-level skirmishing, "Red scare"@@
@@color:#FF0000;Volcanic caldera, Village during an earthquake, Mud slide, Earthquake opening superheated steam fissures; Seedy bar in a neutral area, Political rally, Isolated area where fighting is underway@@
@@color:#FF0000;Earthquake generator, Earthquake suppressor, Mineral formed at the core of the world, Earthquake-proof building schematics; List of traitors in government, secret military plans, Huge cache of weapons built up in preparation for war@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Matutes|System:MATUTES]] IX''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Hostile Space, Local Specialty@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Alien raid leader, Meteor-launching terrorists, Paranoid local leader; Monopolist, Offworlder seeking prohibition of the specialty, Native who views the specialty as sacred@@
@@color:#FF0000;Astronomic researcher, Local defense commander, Early warning monitor agent; Spy searching for the source, Artisan seeking protection, Exporter with problems@@
@@color:#FF0000;The natives believe the danger is divine chastisement, The natives blame outworlders for the danger, The native elite profit from the danger in some way; The specialty is repugnant in nature, The crafters refuse to sell to offworlders, The specialty is made in a remote, dangerous place, The crafters don't want to make the specialty any more@@
@@color:#FF0000;City watching an approaching asteroid, Village burnt in an alien raid, Massive ancient crater; Secret manufactory, Hidden cache, Artistic competition for best artisan@@
@@color:#FF0000;Early warning of a raid or impact, Abandoned riches in a disaster zone, Key to a secure bunker; The specialty itself, The secret recipe, Sample of a new improved variety@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Aethra|System:AETHRA]] IV''
|!Atmosphere |Airless / thin atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Billions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech level 2. 19th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Heavy Industry, Tomb World@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Tycoon monopolist, Industrial spy, Malcontent revolutionary; Demented survivor tribe chieftain, Avaricious scavenger, Automated defense system, Native predator@@
@@color:#FF0000;Aspiring entrepreneur, Worker union leader, Ambitious inventor; Scavenger Fleet captain, Archaeologist, Salvaging historian@@
@@color:#FF0000;The factories are toxic, The resources extractable at their tech level are running out, The masses require the factory output for survival, The industries' major output is being obsoleted by offworld tech; The ruins are full of booby-traps left by the final inhabitants, The world's atmosphere quickly degrades anything in an opened building, A handful of desperate natives survived the Silence, The structures are unstable and collapsing@@
@@color:#FF0000;Factory floor, Union meeting hall, Toxic waste dump, R&D complex; Crumbling hive-city, City square carpeted in bones, Ruined hydroponic facility, Cannibal tribe's lair, Dead orbital jump gate@@
@@color:#FF0000;Confidential industrial data, Secret union membership lists, Ownership shares in an industrial complex; Lost pretech equipment, Psitech caches, Stores of unused munitions, Ancient historical documents@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Andriopoulos|System:ANDRIOPOULOS]] VI''
|!Atmosphere |Corrosive and invasive atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Millions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Theocracy, Altered Humanity@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Decadent priest-ruler, Zealous inquisitor, Relentless proselytizer, True Believer; Biochauvinist local, Local experimenter, Mentally unstable mutant@@
@@color:#FF0000;Heretic, Offworld theologian, Atheistic merchant, Desperate commoner; Local seeking a "cure", Curious xenophiliac, Anthropological researcher@@
@@color:#FF0000;The theocracy actually works well, The theocracy is decadent and hated by the common folk, The theocracy is divided into mutually hostile sects, The theocracy is led by aliens; Alteration is contagious, Alteration is necessary for long-term survival, Locals fear and mistrust non-local humans@@
@@color:#FF0000;Glorious temple, Austere monastery, Academy for ideological indoctrination, Decadent pleasure-cathedral; Abandoned eugenics laboratory, An environment requiring the mutation for survival, A sacred site where the first local was transformed@@
@@color:#FF0000;Precious holy text, Martyr's bones, Secret church records, Ancient church treasures; Original pretech mutagenic equipment, Valuable biological byproduct from the mutants, "Cure" for the altered genes, Record of the original colonial genotypes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Aethra|System:AETHRA]] VI''
|!Atmosphere |Inert gas|
|!Biosphere  |Hybrid biosphere|
|!Population |Tens of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 1. Medieval technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Tyranny, Eugenic Cult@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Debauched autocrat, Sneering bully-boy, Soulless government official, Occupying army officer; Eugenic superiority fanatic, Mentally unstable homo superior, Mad eugenic scientist@@
@@color:#FF0000;Conspiring rebel, Oppressed merchant, Desperate peasant, Inspiring religious leader; Eugenic propagandist, Biotechnical investigator, Local seeking revenge on cult@@
@@color:#FF0000;The tyrant rules with vastly superior technology, The tyrant is a figurehead for a cabal of powerful men and women, The people are resigned to their suffering, The tyrant is hostile to "meddlesome outworlders".; The altered cultists look human, The locals are terrified of any unusual physical appearance, The genetic modifications- and drawbacks- are contagious with long exposure@@
@@color:#FF0000;Impoverished village, Protest rally massacre, Decadent palace, Religious hospital for the indigent; Eugenic breeding pit, Isolated settlement of altered humans, Public place infiltrated by cult sympathizers@@
@@color:#FF0000;Plundered wealth, Beautiful toys of the elite, Regalia of rulership; Serum that induces the alteration, Elixir that reverses the alteration, Pretech biotechnical databanks, List of secret cult sympathizers@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Reyes|System:REYES]] V''
|!Atmosphere |Inert gas|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Perimeter Agency, Psionics Worship@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Renegade Agency Director, Maltech researcher, Paranoid intelligence chief; Psychic inquisitor, Haughty mind-noble, Psychic slaver, Feral prophet@@
@@color:#FF0000;Agent in need of help, Support staffer, "Unjustly" targeted researcher; Offworlder psychic researcher, Native rebel, Offworld employer seeking psychics@@
@@color:#FF0000;The local Agency has gone rogue and now uses maltech, The Agency archives have been compromised, The Agency has been targeted by a maltech-using organization, The Agency's existence is unknown to the locals; The psychic training is imperfect, and the psychics all show significant mental illness, The psychics have developed a unique discipline, The will of a psychic is law, Psychics in the party are forcibly kidnapped for "enlightening".@@
@@color:#FF0000;Interrogation room, Smoky bar, Maltech laboratory, Secret Agency base; Psitech-imbued council chamber, Temple to the mind, Sanitarium-prison for feral psychics@@
@@color:#FF0000;Agency maltech research archives, Agency pretech spec-ops gear, File of blackmail on local politicians; Ancient psitech, Valuable psychic research records, Permission for psychic training@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Aminah|System:AMINAH]] VIII''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Misandry/Misogyny, Out of Contact@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Cultural fundamentalist, Cultural missionary to outworlders; Fearful local ruler, Zealous native cleric, Sinister power that has kept the world isolated@@
@@color:#FF0000;Oppressed native, Research scientist, Offworld emancipationist, Local reformer; Scheming native noble, Heretical theologian, UFO cultist native@@
@@color:#FF0000;The oppressed gender is restive against the customs, The oppressed gender largely supports the customs, The customs relate to some physical quality of the world, The oppressed gender has had maltech gengineering done to "tame" them.; Automatic defenses fire on ships that try to take off, The natives want to stay out of contact, The natives are highly vulnerable to offworld diseases, The native language is completely unlike any known to the group@@
@@color:#FF0000;Shrine to the virtues of the favored gender, Security center for controlling the oppressed, Gengineering lab; Long-lost colonial landing site, Court of the local ruler, Ancient defense battery controls@@
@@color:#FF0000;Aerosol reversion formula for undoing gengineered docility, Hidden history of the world, Pretech gengineering equipment; Ancient pretech equipment, Terran relic brought from Earth, Logs of the original colonists@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Pelasgon|System:PELASGON]] III''
|!Atmosphere |Airless / thin atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Millions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Radioactive World, Regional Hegemon@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Bitter mutant, Relic warlord, Desperate would-be escapee; Ambitious general, Colonial official, Contemptuous noble@@
@@color:#FF0000;Reckless prospector, Offworld scavenger, Biogenetic variety seeker; Diplomat, Offworld ambassador, Foreign spy@@
@@color:#FF0000;The radioactivity is steadily growing worse, The planet's medical resources break down, The radioactivity has inexplicable effects on living creatures, The radioactivity is the product of a malfunctioning pretech manufactory.; The hegemon's influence is all that's keeping a murderous war from breaking out on nearby worlds, The hegemon is decaying and losing its control, The government is riddled with spies, The hegemon is genuinely benign@@
@@color:#FF0000;Mutant-infested ruins, Scorched glass plain, Wilderness of bizarre native life, Glowing barrens; Palace or seat of government, Salon teeming with spies, Protest rally, Military base@@
@@color:#FF0000;Ancient atomic weaponry, Pretech anti-radioactivity drugs, Untainted water supply; Diplomatic carte blanche, Deed to an offworld estate, Foreign aid grant@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Andriopoulos|System:ANDRIOPOULOS]] IV''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 3. 20th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Sectarians, Hatred@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Paranoid believer, Native convinced the party is working for the other side, Absolutist ruler; Native convinced that the offworlders are agents of Them, Cynical politician in need of scapegoats@@
@@color:#FF0000;Reformist clergy, Local peacekeeping official, Offworld missionary, Exhausted ruler; Intelligence agent needing catspaws, Holodoc producers needing "an inside look"@@
@@color:#FF0000;The conflict has more than two sides, The sectarians hate each other for multiple reasons, The sectarians must cooperate or else life on this world is imperiled, The sectarians hate outsiders more than they hate each other, The differences in sects are incomprehensible to an outsider; The characters are wearing or using items from the hated world, The characters are known to have done business there, The characters "look like" the hated others@@
@@color:#FF0000;Sectarian battlefield, Crusading temple, Philosopher’s salon, Bitterly divided village; War crimes museum, Atrocity site, Captured, decommissioned spaceship kept as a trophy@@
@@color:#FF0000;Ancient holy book, Incontrovertible proof, Offering to a local holy man; Proof of Their evildoing, Reward for turning in enemy agents, Relic stolen by Them years ago@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Villaroel|System:VILLAROEL]] VIII''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 5. Pretech, pre-Silence tech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Area 51, Pilgrimage Site@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Suspicious government minder, Free merchant who likes his local monopoly, Local who wants a specimen for dissection; Saboteur devoted to a rival belief, Bitter reformer who resents the current leadership, Swindler conning the pilgrims@@
@@color:#FF0000;Crusading offworld investigator, Conspiracy-theorist local, Idealistic government reformer; Protector of the holy site, Naive offworlder pilgrim, Outsider wanting to learn the sanctum's inner secrets@@
@@color:#FF0000;The government has a good reason to keep the truth concealed, The government ruthlessly oppresses the natives, The government is actually composed of offworlders; The site is actually a fake, The site is run by corrupt and venal keepers, A natural disaster threatens the site@@
@@color:#FF0000;Desert airfield, Deep subterranean bunker, Hidden mountain valley; Incense-scented sanctum, Teeming crowd of pilgrims, Imposing holy structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;Elaborate spy devices, Memory erasure tech, Possessions of the last offworlder who decided to spread the truth; Ancient relic guarded at the site, Proof of the site's inauthenticity, Precious offering from a pilgrim@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Bardem|System:BARDEM]] IX''
|!Atmosphere |Airless / thin atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Alien civilization|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Major Spaceyard, Freak Geology@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Enemy saboteur, Industrial spy, Scheming construction tycoon, Aspiring ship hijacker; Crank xenogeologist, Cultist who believes it the work of aliens@@
@@color:#FF0000;Captain stuck in drydock, Maintenance chief, Mad innovator; Research scientist, Prospector, Artist@@
@@color:#FF0000;The spaceyard is an alien relic, The spaceyard is burning out from overuse, The spaceyard is alive, The spaceyard relies on maltech to function; Local conditions that no one remembers to tell outworlders about, Lethal weather, Seismic activity@@
@@color:#FF0000;Hidden shipyard bay, Surface of a partially-completed ship, Ship scrap graveyard; Atop a bizarre geological formation, Tourist resort catering to offworlders@@
@@color:#FF0000;Intellectual property-locked pretech blueprints, Override keys for activating old pretech facilities, A purchased but unclaimed spaceship.; Unique crystal formations, Hidden veins of a major precious mineral strike, Deed to a location of great natural beauty@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Sardzetakis|System:SARDZETAKIS]] V''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Billions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 3. 20th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Preceptor Archive, Civil War@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Luddite native, Offworld Merchant who wants the natives kept ignorant, Religious zealot, Corrupted First Speaker who wants to keep a monopoly on learning; Faction commissar, Angry native, Conspiracy theorist who blames offworlders for the war, Deserter looking out for himself, Guerilla bandits@@
@@color:#FF0000;Preceptor Adept missionary, Offworld scholar, Reluctant student, Roving Preceptor Adept; Faction loyalist seeking aid, Native caught in the crossfire, Offworlder seeking passage off the planet@@
@@color:#FF0000;The local Archive has taken a very religious and mystical attitude toward their teaching, The Archive has maintained some replicable pretech science, The Archive has been corrupted and their teaching is incorrect; The front rolls over the group, Famine strikes, Bandit infestations@@
@@color:#FF0000;Archive lecture hall, Experimental laboratory, Student-local riot; Battle front, Bombed-out town, Rear-area red light zone, Propaganda broadcast tower@@
@@color:#FF0000;Lost Archive database, Ancient pretech teaching equipment, Hidden cache of theologically unacceptable tech; Ammo dump, Military cache, Treasure buried for after the war, Secret war plans@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Eriphyle|System:ERIPHYLE]] V''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Failed colony|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Area 51, Pretech Cultists@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Suspicious government minder, Free merchant who likes his local monopoly, Local who wants a specimen for dissection; Cult leader, Artifact supplier, Pretech smuggler@@
@@color:#FF0000;Crusading offworld investigator, Conspiracy-theorist local, Idealistic government reformer; Offworld scientist, Robbed collector, Cult heretic@@
@@color:#FF0000;The government has a good reason to keep the truth concealed, The government ruthlessly oppresses the natives, The government is actually composed of offworlders; The cultists can actually replicate certain forms of pretech, The cultists abhor use of the devices as "presumption on the holy", The cultists mistake the party's belongings for pretech@@
@@color:#FF0000;Desert airfield, Deep subterranean bunker, Hidden mountain valley; Shrine to nonfunctional pretech, Smuggler's den, Public procession showing a prized artifact@@
@@color:#FF0000;Elaborate spy devices, Memory erasure tech, Possessions of the last offworlder who decided to spread the truth; Pretech artifacts both functional and broken, Religious-jargon laced pretech replication techniques, Waylaid payment for pretech artifacts@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Actaia|System:ACTAIA]] III''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Tens of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Badlands World, Unbraked AI@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Mutated badlands fauna, Desperate local, Badlands raider chief; AI Cultist, Maltech researcher, Government official dependent on the AI@@
@@color:#FF0000;Native desperately wishing to escape the world, Scientist researching ecological repair methods, Ruin scavenger; Perimeter agent, AI researcher, Braked AI@@
@@color:#FF0000;Radioactivity, Bioweapon traces, Broken terrain, Sudden local plague; The AI's presence is unknown to the locals, The locals depend on the AI for some vital service, The AI appears to be harmless, The AI has fixated on the group's ship's computer, The AI wants transport offworld@@
@@color:#FF0000;Untouched oasis, Ruined city, Salt flat; Municipal computing banks, Cult compound, Repair center, Ancient hardcopy library@@
@@color:#FF0000;Maltech research core, Functional pretech weaponry, An uncontaminated well; The room-sized AI core itself, Maltech research files, Perfectly tabulated blackmail on government officials, Pretech computer circuitry@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Actaia|System:ACTAIA]] VI''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Millions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 1. Medieval technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Psionics Fear, Local Tech@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Mental purity investigator, Suspicious zealot, Witch-finder; Keeper of the tech, Offworld industrialist, Automated defenses that suddenly come alive, Native alien mentors@@
@@color:#FF0000;Hidden psychic, Offworlder psychic trapped here, Offworld educator; Curious offworld scientist, Eager tech buyer, Native in need of technical help@@
@@color:#FF0000;Psychic potential is much more common here, Some tech is mistaken as psitech, Natives believe certain rituals and customs can protect them from psychic powers; The tech is unreliable, The tech only works on this world, The tech has poorly-understood side effects, The tech is alien in nature.@@
@@color:#FF0000;Inquisitorial chamber, Lynching site, Museum of psychic atrocities; Alien factory, Lethal R&D center, Tech brokerage vault@@
@@color:#FF0000;Hidden psitech cache, Possessions of convicted psychics, Reward for turning in a psychic; The tech itself, An unclaimed payment for a large shipment, The secret blueprints for its construction, An ancient alien R&D database@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Pelasgon|System:PELASGON]] VIII''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Forbidden Tech, Psionics Academy@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Mad scientist, Maltech buyer from offworld, Security enforcer; Corrupt psychic instructor, Renegade student, Mad psychic researcher, Resentful townie@@
@@color:#FF0000;Victim of maltech, Perimeter agent, Investigative reporter, Conventional arms merchant; Offworld researcher, Aspiring student, Wealthy tourist@@
@@color:#FF0000;The maltech is being fabricated by an unbraked AI, The government depends on revenue from maltech sales to offworlders, Citizens insist that it's not really maltech; The academy curriculum kills a significant percentage of students, The faculty use students as research subjects, The students are indoctrinated as sleeper agents, The local natives hate the academy, The academy is part of a religion.@@
@@color:#FF0000;Horrific laboratory, Hellscape sculpted by the maltech's use, Government building meeting room; Training grounds, Experimental laboratory, School library, Campus hangout@@
@@color:#FF0000;Maltech research data, The maltech itself, Precious pretech equipment used to create it; Secretly developed psitech, A runaway psychic mentor, Psychic research prize@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Sudha|System:SUDHA]] V''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Alien civilization|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 3. 20th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Trade Hub, Heavy Mining@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Cheating merchant, Thieving dockworker, Commercial spy, Corrupt customs official; Mine boss, Tunnel saboteur, Subterranean predators@@
@@color:#FF0000;Rich tourist, Hardscrabble free trader, Merchant prince in need of catspaws, Friendly spaceport urchin; Hermit prospector, Offworld investor, Miner's union representative@@
@@color:#FF0000;An outworlder faction schemes to seize the trade hub, Saboteurs seek to blow up a rival's warehouses, Enemies are blockading the trade routes, Pirates lace the hub with spies; The refinery equipment breaks down, Tunnel collapse, Silicate life forms growing in the miners' lungs@@
@@color:#FF0000;Raucous bazaar, Elegant restaurant, Spaceport teeming with activity, Foggy street lined with warehouses; Vertical mine face, Tailing piles, Roaring smelting complex@@
@@color:#FF0000;Voucher for a warehouse's contents, Insider trading information, Case of precious offworld pharmaceuticals, Box of legitimate tax stamps indicating customs dues have been paid.; The mother lode, Smuggled case of refined mineral, Faked crystalline mineral samples@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Galatea|System:GALATEA]] III''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Millions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 3. 20th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Abandoned Colony, Out of Contact@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Crazed survivors, Ruthless plunderers of the ruins, Automated defense system; Fearful local ruler, Zealous native cleric, Sinister power that has kept the world isolated@@
@@color:#FF0000;Inquisitive stellar archaeologist, Heir to the colony's property, Local wanting the place cleaned out; Scheming native noble, Heretical theologian, UFO cultist native@@
@@color:#FF0000;The local government wants the ruins to remain a secret, The locals claim ownership of it, The colony is crumbling and dangerous to navigate; Automatic defenses fire on ships that try to take off, The natives want to stay out of contact, The natives are highly vulnerable to offworld diseases, The native language is completely unlike any known to the group@@
@@color:#FF0000;Decaying habitation block, Vine-covered town square, Structure buried by an ancient landslide; Long-lost colonial landing site, Court of the local ruler, Ancient defense battery controls@@
@@color:#FF0000;Long-lost property deeds, Relic stolen by the colonists when they left, Historical record of the colonization attempt; Ancient pretech equipment, Terran relic brought from Earth, Logs of the original colonists@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Eriphyle|System:ERIPHYLE]] VII''
|!Atmosphere |Inert gas|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4 w/ specialities / pretech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Friendly Foe, Seagoing Cities@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Driven hater of all their kind, Internal malcontent bent on creating conflict, Secret master who seeks to lure trust; Pirate city lord, Mer-human raider chieftain, Hostile landsman noble, Enemy city saboteur@@
@@color:#FF0000;Well-meaning bug-eyed monster, Principled eugenics cultist, Suspicious investigator; City navigator, Scout captain, Curious mer-human@@
@@color:#FF0000;The group actually is as harmless and benevolent as they seem, The group offers a vital service at the cost of moral compromise, The group still feels bonds of affiliation with their hostile brethren; The seas are not water, The fish schools have vanished and the city faces starvation, Terrible storms drive the city into the glacial regions, Suicide ships ram the city’s hull@@
@@color:#FF0000;Repurposed maltech laboratory, Alien conclave building, Widely-feared starship interior; Bridge of the city, Storm-tossed sea, A bridge fashioned of many small boats.@@
@@color:#FF0000;Forbidden xenotech, Eugenic biotech template, Evidence to convince others of their kind that they are right; Giant pearls with mysterious chemical properties, Buried treasure, Vital repair materials@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Zanjani|System:ZANJANI]] V''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Secret Masters, Friendly Foe@@|
@@color:#FF0000;An agent of the cabal, Government official who wants no questions asked, Willfully blinded local; Driven hater of all their kind, Internal malcontent bent on creating conflict, Secret master who seeks to lure trust@@
@@color:#FF0000;Paranoid conspiracy theorist, Machiavellian gamesman within the cabal, Interstellar investigator; Well-meaning bug-eyed monster, Principled eugenics cultist, Suspicious investigator@@
@@color:#FF0000;The secret masters have a benign reason for wanting secrecy, The cabal fights openly amongst itself, The cabal is recruiting new members; The group actually is as harmless and benevolent as they seem, The group offers a vital service at the cost of moral compromise, The group still feels bonds of affiliation with their hostile brethren@@
@@color:#FF0000;Smoke-filled room, Shadowy alleyway, Secret underground bunker; Repurposed maltech laboratory, Alien conclave building, Widely-feared starship interior@@
@@color:#FF0000;A dossier of secrets on a government official, A briefcase of unmarked credit notes, The identity of a cabal member; Forbidden xenotech, Eugenic biotech template, Evidence to convince others of their kind that they are right@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Sudha|System:SUDHA]] VI''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Warlords, Secret Masters@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Warlord, Avaricious lieutenant, Expensive assassin, Aspiring minion; An agent of the cabal, Government official who wants no questions asked, Willfully blinded local@@
@@color:#FF0000;Vengeful commoner, Government military officer, Humanitarian aid official, Village priest; Paranoid conspiracy theorist, Machiavellian gamesman within the cabal, Interstellar investigator@@
@@color:#FF0000;The warlords are willing to cooperate to fight mutual threats, The warlords favor specific religions or races over others, The warlords are using substantially more sophisticated tech than others, Some of the warlords are better rulers than the government; The secret masters have a benign reason for wanting secrecy, The cabal fights openly amongst itself, The cabal is recruiting new members@@
@@color:#FF0000;Gory battlefield, Burnt-out village, Barbaric warlord palace, Squalid refugee camp; Smoke-filled room, Shadowy alleyway, Secret underground bunker@@
@@color:#FF0000;Weapons cache, Buried plunder, A warlord's personal battle harness, Captured merchant shipping; A dossier of secrets on a government official, A briefcase of unmarked credit notes, The identity of a cabal member@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Actaia|System:ACTAIA]] VIII''
|!Atmosphere |Corrosive and invasive atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |Biosphere remnants|
|!Population |Billions of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Ancient Ruins, Freak Weather@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Customs inspector, Worshipper of the ruins, Hidden alien survivor; Criminal using the weather as a cover, Weather cultists convinced the offworlders are responsible for some disaster, Native predators dependent on the weather@@
@@color:#FF0000;Curious scholar, Avaricious local resident, Interstellar smuggler; Meteorological researcher, Holodoc crew wanting shots of the weather@@
@@color:#FF0000;Traps in the ruins, Remote location, Paranoid customs officials; The weather itself, Malfunctioning pretech terraforming engines that cause the weather@@
@@color:#FF0000;Undersea ruin, Orbital ruin, Perfectly preserved alien building, Alien mausoleum; Eye of the storm, The one sunlit place, Terraforming control room@@
@@color:#FF0000;Precious alien artifacts, Objects left with the remains of a prior unsuccessful expedition, Untranslated alien texts, Untouched hidden ruins; Wind-scoured deposits of precious minerals, Holorecords of a spectacularly and rare weather pattern, Naturally- sculpted objects of intricate beauty@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Pelasgon|System:PELASGON]] V''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Microbial life|
|!Population |Outpost|
|!Tech Level |Tech level 2. 19th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Restrictive Laws, Xenophiles@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Law enforcement officer, Outraged native, Native lawyer specializing in peeling offworlders, Paid snitch; Offworld xenophobe, Suspicious alien leader, Xenocultural imperialist@@
@@color:#FF0000;Frustrated offworlder, Repressed native, Reforming crusader; Benevolent alien, Native malcontent, Gone-native offworlder@@
@@color:#FF0000;The laws change regularly in patterns only natives understand, The laws forbid some action vital to the party, The laws forbid the simple existence of some party members, The laws are secret to offworlders; The enthusiasm is due to alien psionics or tech, The enthusiasm is based on a lie, The aliens strongly dislike their "groupies", The aliens feel obliged to rule humanity for its own good, Humans badly misunderstand the aliens@@
@@color:#FF0000;Courtroom, Mob scene of outraged locals, Legislative chamber, Police station; Alien district, Alien-influenced human home, Cultural festival celebrating alien artist@@
@@color:#FF0000;Complete legal codex, Writ of diplomatic immunity, Fine collection vault contents; Hybrid alien-human tech, Exotic alien crafts, Sophisticated xenolinguistic and xenocultural research data@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Seema|System:SEEMA]] VII''
|!Atmosphere |Airless / thin atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Gold Rush, Cold War@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Paranoid prospector, Aspiring mining tycoon, Rapacious merchant; Suspicious chief of intelligence, Native who thinks the outworlders are with the other side, Femme fatale@@
@@color:#FF0000;Claim-jumped miner, Native alien, Curious tourist; Apolitical information broker, Spy for the other side, Unjustly accused innocent, "He's a bastard, but he's our bastard" official@@
@@color:#FF0000;The strike is a hoax, The strike is of a dangerous toxic substance, Export of the mineral is prohibited by the planetary government, The native aliens live around the strike's location; Police sweep, Low-level skirmishing, "Red scare"@@
@@color:#FF0000;Secret mine, Native alien village, Processing plant, Boom town; Seedy bar in a neutral area, Political rally, Isolated area where fighting is underway@@
@@color:#FF0000;Cases of the refined element, Pretech mining equipment, A dead prospector's claim deed; List of traitors in government, secret military plans, Huge cache of weapons built up in preparation for war@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Latsari|System:LATSARI]] VII''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech level 2. 19th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Desert World, Exchange Consulate@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Raider chieftain, Crazed hermit, Angry isolationists, Paranoid mineral prospector, Strange desert beast; Corrupt Exchange official, Indebted native who thinks the players are Exchange agents, Exchange official dunning the players for debts incurred@@
@@color:#FF0000;Native guide, Research biologist, Aspiring terraformer; Consul in need of offworld help, Local banker seeking to hurt his competition, Exchange diplomat@@
@@color:#FF0000;Sandstorms, Water supply failure, Native warfare over water rights; The local Consulate has been corrupted, the Consulate is cut off from its funds, A powerful debtor refuses to pay@@
@@color:#FF0000;Oasis, "The Empty Quarter" of the desert, Hidden underground cistern; Consulate meeting chamber, Meeting site between fractious disputants, Exchange vault@@
@@color:#FF0000;Enormous water reservoir, Map of hidden wells, Pretech rainmaking equipment; Exchange vault codes, Wealth hidden to conceal it from a bankruptcy judgment, Location of forgotten vault@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Abra|System:ABRA]] VIII''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Outpost|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Outpost World, Quarantined World@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Space-mad outpost staffer, Outpost commander who wants it to stay undiscovered, Undercover saboteur; Defense installation commander, Suspicious patrol leader, Crazed asteroid hermit@@
@@color:#FF0000;Lonely staffer, Fixated researcher, Overtaxed maintenance chief; Relative of a person trapped on the world, Humanitarian relief official, Treasure hunter@@
@@color:#FF0000;The alien ruin defense systems are waking up, Atmospheric disturbances trap the group inside the outpost for a month, Pirates raid the outpost, The crew have become converts to a strange set of beliefs; The natives want to remain isolated, The quarantine is enforced by an ancient alien installation, The world is rife with maltech abominations, The blockade is meant to starve everyone on the barren world.@@
@@color:#FF0000;Grimy recreation room, Refueling station, The only building on the planet, A “starport” of swept bare rock.; Bridge of a blockading ship, Defense installation control room, Refugee camp@@
@@color:#FF0000;Alien relics, Vital scientific data, Secret corporate exploitation plans; Defense grid key, Bribe for getting someone out, Abandoned alien tech@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Sudha|System:SUDHA]] X''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |No native biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Oceanic World, Hostile Biosphere@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Pirate raider, Violent "salvager" gang, Tentacled sea monster; Local fauna, Nature cultist, Native aliens, Callous labor overseer@@
@@color:#FF0000;Daredevil fisherman, Sea hermit, Sapient native life; Xenobiologist, Tourist on safari, Grizzled local guide@@
@@color:#FF0000;The liquid flux confuses grav engines too badly for them to function on this world, Sea is corrosive or toxic, The seas are wracked by regular storms; Filter masks fail, Parasitic alien infestation, Crop greenhouses lose bio-integrity@@
@@color:#FF0000;The only island on the planet, Floating spaceport, Deck of a storm-swept ship, Undersea bubble city; Deceptively peaceful glade, Steaming polychrome jungle, Nightfall when surrounded by Things@@
@@color:#FF0000;Buried pirate treasure, Location of enormous schools of fish, Pretech water purification equipment; Valuable native biological extract, Abandoned colony vault, Remains of an unsuccessful expedition@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Asgapur|System:ASGAPUR]] VIII''
|!Atmosphere |Corrosive|
|!Biosphere  |Immiscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Xenophobes, Gold Rush@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Revulsed local ruler, Native convinced some wrong was done to him, Cynical demagogue; Paranoid prospector, Aspiring mining tycoon, Rapacious merchant@@
@@color:#FF0000;Curious native, Exiled former ruler, Local desperately seeking outworlder help; Claim-jumped miner, Native alien, Curious tourist@@
@@color:#FF0000;The natives are symptomless carriers of a contagious and dangerous disease, The natives are exceptionally vulnerable to offworld diseases, The natives require elaborate purification rituals after speaking to an offworlder or touching them, The local ruler has forbidden any mercantile dealings with outworlders; The strike is a hoax, The strike is of a dangerous toxic substance, Export of the mineral is prohibited by the planetary government, The native aliens live around the strike's location@@
@@color:#FF0000;Sealed treaty port, Public ritual not open to outsiders, Outcaste slum home; Secret mine, Native alien village, Processing plant, Boom town@@
@@color:#FF0000;Jealously-guarded precious relic, Local product under export ban, Esoteric local technology; Cases of the refined element, Pretech mining equipment, A dead prospector's claim deed@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Purandhri|System:PURANDHRI]] X''
|!Atmosphere |Airless / thin atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Minimal Contact, Abandoned Colony@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Customs official, Xenophobic natives, Existing merchant who doesn't like competition; Crazed survivors, Ruthless plunderers of the ruins, Automated defense system@@
@@color:#FF0000;Aspiring tourist, Anthropological researcher, Offworld thief, Religious missionary; Inquisitive stellar archaeologist, Heir to the colony's property, Local wanting the place cleaned out@@
@@color:#FF0000;The locals carry a disease harmless to them and lethal to outsiders, The locals hide dark purposes from offworlders, The locals have something desperately needed but won't bring it into the treaty port; The local government wants the ruins to remain a secret, The locals claim ownership of it, The colony is crumbling and dangerous to navigate@@
@@color:#FF0000;Treaty port bar, Black market zone, Secret smuggler landing site; Decaying habitation block, Vine-covered town square, Structure buried by an ancient landslide@@
@@color:#FF0000;Contraband trade goods, Security perimeter codes, Black market local products; Long-lost property deeds, Relic stolen by the colonists when they left, Historical record of the colonization attempt@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Thorfinna|System:THORFINNA]] IX''
|!Atmosphere |Airless / thin atmosphere|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Feral World, Flying Cities@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Decadent noble, Mad cultist, Xenophobic local, Cannibal chief, Maltech researcher; Rival city pilot, Tech thief attempting to steal outworld gear, Saboteur or scavenger plundering the city's tech@@
@@color:#FF0000;Trapped outworlder, Aspiring reformer, Native wanting to avoid traditional flensing; Maintenance tech in need of help, City defense force pilot, Meteorological researcher@@
@@color:#FF0000;Horrific local "celebration", Inexplicable and repugnant social rules, Taboo zones and people; Sudden storms, Drastic altitude loss, Rival city attacks, Vital machinery breaks down@@
@@color:#FF0000;Atrocity amphitheater, Traditional torture parlor, Ordinary location twisted into something terrible.; Underside of the city, The one calm place on the planet’s surface, Catwalks stretching over unimaginable gulfs below.@@
@@color:#FF0000;Terribly misused piece of pretech, Wealth accumulated through brutal evildoing, Valuable possession owned by luckless outworlder victim; Precious refined atmospheric gases, Pretech grav engine plans, Meteorological codex predicting future storms@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Azhar|System:AZHAR]] VI''
|!Atmosphere |Breathable mix|
|!Biosphere  |Human-miscible biosphere|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Pilgrimage Site, Police State@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Saboteur devoted to a rival belief, Bitter reformer who resents the current leadership, Swindler conning the pilgrims; Secret police chief, Scapegoating official, Treacherous native informer@@
@@color:#FF0000;Protector of the holy site, Naive offworlder pilgrim, Outsider wanting to learn the sanctum's inner secrets; Rebel leader, Offworld agitator, Imprisoned victim, Crime boss@@
@@color:#FF0000;The site is actually a fake, The site is run by corrupt and venal keepers, A natural disaster threatens the site; The natives largely believe in the righteousness of the state, The police state is automated and its "rulers" can't shut it off, The leaders foment a pogrom against "offworlder spies".@@
@@color:#FF0000;Incense-scented sanctum, Teeming crowd of pilgrims, Imposing holy structure; Military parade, Gulag, Gray concrete housing block, Surveillance center@@
@@color:#FF0000;Ancient relic guarded at the site, Proof of the site's inauthenticity, Precious offering from a pilgrim; List of police informers, Wealth taken from "enemies of the state", Dear Leader's private stash@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
''//Nav Designation//: [[Angulo|System:ANGULO]] VI''
|!Atmosphere |Invasive, toxic atmospere|
|!Biosphere  |Microbial life|
|!Population |Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants|
|!Tech Level |Tech Level 3. 20th-century technology.|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Tags@@|@@color:#FF0000;Zombies, Rigid Culture@@|
@@color:#FF0000;Soulless maltech biotechnology cult, Sinister governmental agent, Crazed zombie cultist; Rigid reactionary, Wary ruler, Regime ideologue, Offended potentate@@
@@color:#FF0000;Survivor of an outbreak, Doctor searching for a cure, Rebel against the secret malefactors; Revolutionary agitator, Ambitious peasant, Frustrated merchant@@
@@color:#FF0000;The zombies retain human intelligence, The zombies can be cured, The process is voluntary among devotees, The condition is infectious; The cultural patterns are enforced by technological aids, The culture is run by a secret cabal of manipulators, The culture has explicit religious sanction, The culture evolved due to important necessities that have since been forgotten@@
@@color:#FF0000;House with boarded-up windows, Dead city, Fortified bunker that was overrun from within; Time-worn palace, Low-caste slums, Bandit den, Reformist temple@@
@@color:#FF0000;Cure for the condition, Alien artifact that causes it, Details of the cult's conversion process; Precious traditional regalia, Peasant tribute, Opulent treasures of the ruling class@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Capital and Government@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Cultural Notes@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Adventures Prepared@@
!!@@color:#FF0000;Party Activities on this World@@
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0701''|
|!System Planet|[[Qashqai|Planet:Qashqai]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0308''|
|!System Planets|[[Jorunn|Planet:Jorunn]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0204''|
|!System Planets|[[Canete|Planet:Canete]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0007''|
|!System Planet|[[Haimon|Planet:Haimon]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0408''|
|!System Planets|[[Heracles|Planet:Heracles]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0303''|
|!System Planet|[[Zakhariadis|Planet:Zakhariadis]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0302''|
|!System Planet|[[Teucer|Planet:Teucer]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0304''|
|!System Planet|[[Zafirah|Planet:Zafirah]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0002''|
|!System Planet|[[Hild|Planet:Hild]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0004''|
|!System Planets|[[Iragarte|Planet:Iragarte]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0006''|
|!System Planet|[[Leda|Planet:Leda]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0008''|
|!System Planet|[[Alfdis|Planet:Alfdis]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0704''|
|!System Planet|[[Arritokieta|Planet:Arritokieta]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0305''|
|!System Planet|[[Polychroniou|Planet:Polychroniou]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0602''|
|!System Planet|[[Campos|Planet:Campos]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0001''|
|!System Planet|[[Anwar|Planet:Anwar]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0700''|
|!System Planets|[[Hami|Planet:Hami]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0106''|
|!System Planet|[[Thorgerd|Planet:Thorgerd]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0501''|
|!System Planet|[[Fatimah|Planet:Fatimah]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0600''|
|!System Planets|[[Hildigunn|Planet:Hildigunn]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0207''|
|!System Planet|[[Penthesilia|Planet:Penthesilia]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0209''|
|!System Planet|[[Archilocos|Planet:Archilocos]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0405''|
|!System Planets|[[Laxmi|Planet:Laxmi]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0300''|
|!System Planet|[[Varsha|Planet:Varsha]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0102''|
|!System Planet|[[Hibah|Planet:Hibah]]|
|!Nav Designation|''GRID 0301''|
|!System Planet|[[Najibah|Planet:Najibah]]|
''Corrosive and invasive atmosphere'' - Corrosive and invasive atmospheres exist at the very border of what human society can tolerate. Combining all the worst traits of an eroding, corrosive atmosphere and the invasive intrusion of toxic molecules, a planet cursed with an atmosphere like this is far more hostile than any merely airless rock.
Advanced pretech filtering and oxygen generation equipment might be able to maintain tolerable pressurized habitats and hydroponic systems uncontaminated by exterior atmosphere. Anything less than this tech level means greater and greater amounts of societal resources devoted simply to the effort of breathing. Entire civilizations can be oriented around overcoming the difficulties of maintaining their structures and their pressurized homes.
Whatever provoked the initial inhabitants to settle on this world must have been of overwhelming value or necessity to convince them to consign themselves and their children to such a place. It is highly unlikely that enough ship traffic exists to get any but the most fortunate locals offworld, so the rest are obliged to deal with their harsh existence as best they can.
''Corrosive'' - Corrosive atmospheres are dangerously hostile to conventional vacc suits and other protective gear. They steadily strip away at a suit’s vent ports, wiring connections, and other weak spots until they eventually break through and flood the suit with a toxic cocktail that usually kills a victim in seconds. Weak atmospheres might require as much as a day to degrade a vacc suit, while strong ones might accomplish the job in an hour. Even forcefield-based environment suits such as a FEP suffer steady damage to their exposed elements.
Native vacc suits are usually covered with an ablative layer or spray that can be regularly renewed, and their buildings often rely on a steadily-extruded slurry or neutralizing materials that can be constantly renewed by pores in the building surface itself. This often gives the building a drippy, half-melted look that may be more than cosmetic in the case of those structures that have failing slurry pumps. Advanced tech level 5 equipment may be able to overcome the effects, but even pretech is often taxed by the relentless rigors of this world. Vehicles and shuttles are kept in pressurized garages when not in use, and starships never land for long.
Corrosive worlds have a number of intrinsic adventure complications, the largest being the way that every activity outside of a hab building comes with a built-in time limit. Whatever the party chooses to do outside of a building, it has to accomplish before their suit seals fail or the atmosphere corrodes a hole in their vehicle hull. A clever GM can use this problem to add extra tension to an otherwise simple task.
''Breathable mix'' - Breathable mix atmospheres can support human life without additional equipment or gengineered modification. Any world that has a human population in the millions or more almost certainly has a breathable mix atmosphere.
While the air is breathable, almost every world has its own subtle cocktail of inert gases, atmospheric contaminants, and other odiferous ingredients. For spacers accustomed to the filtered air supply of a starship, the “new world stink” of a fresh planetfall can be maddening, as few linger long enough to get used to the smell of the local air. Attempting to explain the source of this discomfort to the locals rarely results in positive results. Some spaceport bars make a point of their air filtration and composition mixers.
''Airless / thin atmosphere'' - Airless or thin atmospheres are appropriate to asteroids, rocky planetoids, ot barren worlds that have had their atmospheres burnt off by weapons or cosmic caprice. Whatever atmosphere exists is too thin to support human life, if it exists at all, and the world is largely naked to the chill of space and the blaze of stellar heat. Exposure to the planet’s surface without a vacc suit or pressurized building is as lethal as exposure to hard vacuum.
Airless worlds are hostile to human life, but they excel at preserving the relics of the past. Provided that the ruins or remains are kept out of the baking heat of the local stellar body and the impact of random meteorites, they can survive for millions of years. Some exceptionally ancient alien ruins might even date back from before the world lost its atmosphere.
''Inert gas'' - Inert gas atmospheres aren’t hostile or poisonous, but they’re unbreathable by humans. If the planet’s climate is otherwise tolerable, the natives might be able to live and work outdoors without anything more than an air tank and face mask. Some degree of technical sophistication is going to be necessary for humanity to survive, and large supplies of oxygen are going to have to be extracted from some local source. "Air mines" might exist to replace the oxygen lost during human use, or local power plants might need to be kept running full blast in order to crack water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.
On worlds with an unbreathable atmosphere, control of the air supply makes it much harder for locals to rebel against their leaders. Without the equipment and power to generate their own air supplies, would-be rebels are entirely at the mercy of those who control the oxygen. Most rulers pick up on this fact rapidly, and some worlds with unbreathable atmospheres might even make it a crime to own illicit oxygen generation equipment.
''Invasive, toxic atmospere'' - Invasive toxic atmospheres are composed of a substantial proportion of molecules small enough to infiltrate past the seals of most vacc suits. This infiltration doesn’t harm the suit, but the molecules have to be steadily flushed by the system’s purification sensors before they build up to a debilitating level. This causes a much faster bleed of air as breathable oxygen is jettisoned along with the infiltrating molecules. Most invasive atmospheres cut oxygen supply durations by half, at best.
Invasive atmospheres make oxygen an even more important resource than it is on inert gas worlds. Outdoor work is avoided whenever possible, as any failure of a suit’s toxin sensors or flush system can lead to death before the wearer even realizes something is wrong. Steady exposure to low levels of the toxins can also result in unfortunate effects even with a fully-functional suit. Hallucinations, chronic sickness, or worse can follow.
''Thick atmosphere; need pressure mask'' - Thick atmospheres can usually be breathed with the aid of a filter mask, though the mix of contaminants renders it slowly or quickly toxic to humans who attempt to breathe it straight. Separate air supplies are not necessary to supplement the blend, but any society that means to survive on such a world must have sufficient technological expertise to manufacture and maintain large numbers of filter masks.
Thick atmospheres are often at least semi-opaque, and some worlds have thick atmospheres that are completely impenetrable to ordinary light. Deep banks of permanent fog might shroud the planet, or natives might have to go about with sophisticated ultraviolet or infrared viewing equipment if they don’t wish to be blind. Some banks of gases might be impenetrable to even these viewing tools, leaving a party vulnerable to moments of complete blindness while out on the surface of the world.
''Frozen'' - Frozen worlds are those with so weak a stellar primary or so great a distance that the average temperature is close to absolute zero. Any atmosphere that once existed has long since frozen into drifts of solidified oxygen or lakes of liquid helium. Exposure to these drifts is very dangerous. Vacc suits maintain a tolerable temperature easily because the stellar void is very empty, and there is little conduction of heat between the suit and empty space. Dunking a suit into a lake of thermally-conductive superchilled liquid can force the heating elements into sudden and drastic overload, draining a power cell in minutes even seconds.
''Cold'' - Cold worlds are uncomfortable, but a human can survive on them in nothing more than heavy clothing. The worst of the cold worlds are similar in condition to Earth’s Antarctic regions, barren wastes of ice and wind. The more clement ones have brief warmer seasons or equatorial bands that get enough solar radiation to support substantial agriculture.
On cold worlds, agricultural land is at a premium. The population is unlikely to be willing to limit its numbers to what hydroponic farms can provide, and they may lack the technology for wide-scale artificial production methods. Savage wars may have broken out over control of fertile growing regions, and populations have perhaps been driven away from the arable land into the cold zones and a lingering death.
Some worlds retain installations from before the Silence deep within the frozen wastes, ancient bases and laboratories that were planted in an age when good launch sites and orbital windows meant more than trifles of temperature. These lost sites might be remembered in legend and story, and some native leaders might still be in possession of the automatic defense bypass codes handed down by their ancestors.
''Temperate'' - Temperate worlds were the most popular colony sites, and most of the truly populous worlds of the frontier have a temperate climate. Many temperate worlds have temperature ranges not unlike that of Earth, though most are canted a little further toward cold or heat depending on their angle and proximity to the local star.
Temperate worlds are the most likely to teem with native life as well, and to have alien ruins or remains located somewhere on their surface. Most frontier worlds never accumulated enough population to put a serious strain on a temperate world’s arable land, but this same capaciousness often allow for more complicated social divisions to develop. Natives of other worlds are often forced to cooperate or die, while those of a clement temperate world have the luxury of deep and lasting divisions.
''Warm'' - Warm worlds come in two main flavors, depending on the prevalence of water. “Desert worlds” are hot enough or arid enough to be deprived of most surface water. Any life on such a planet has to be capable of extracting water from living prey, air currents or moisture supplies deep underground. Humans can survive on warm worlds without more than appropriate clothing, but desert-world humans must learn sophisticated techniques of water prospecting and well- drilling in order to maintain their agricultural systems. Warfare often revolves around these water systems.
The other common variety of warm world is one blessed with an abundance of surface water. These worlds tend to be covered with plant and animal life, teeming with thick jungles and vast mats of sargasso on seas that boil with piscids and other alien life analogs. These worlds can be quite prosperous for humans if the native life is edible, but inhabitants are often forced to deal with large predators and a vividly ingenious native ecology of disease.
''No native biosphere'' - No native biosphere is occasionally found on even the most temperate and otherwise habitable worlds. For one reason or another, life simply never evolved on these worlds, leaving them a blank slate for the agricultural and ecological efforts of humans. If the world is otherwise amenable to Terran life, such planets can be enormously fertile and agriculturally rich.
They can also be disasters waiting to happen. Pretech xenobiologists compiled standardized colonization packages of plants, animals, and insect life designed to expand smoothly and evenly to fill the niches of an uninhabited world. Not all colonists implemented these packages correctly, and some worlds had disasters or special circumstances that destabilized their efforts. Some empty worlds are now in a state of constant biological flux as the local ecology strives vainly to find some sort of equilibrium between the myriad imported species.
More subtly, these worlds can be suddenly and drastically destabilized by the import of some offworld plant or animal. With no strong native ecology to fight off interlopers, the wrong beast or bug can lay waste to whole continents. These planets tend to be extremely paranoid about importation of foreign life forms.
''Immiscible biosphere'' - Immiscible biospheres are not friendly to humans. None of the local plants or animals are edible, and anything the colony needs to eat will have to be grown from Terran stock. Worse, it is common for the pollen and other microbial life of these worlds to be highly allergenic to humans, requiring the regular use of tailored antiallergenics to prevent eventual respiratory failure.
These worlds are exceptionally susceptible to the temptation of human gengineering. Despite the persistent drawbacks, genetic flaws, and handicaps that human gengineering usually introduces in a subject, the desperate need to eat can drive worlds to wholesale experimentation on their progeny. The resultant altered humans are often able to digest the local food, but commonly pay for it in shortened life spans, physical disabilities, or an inability to consume Terran foodstuffs.
Immiscible biospheres produce some of the most exotic plants and animals in human space. Unfettered by the limits of familiar evolutionary patterns, creatures of bizarre beauty and strange configurations are found on many of these worlds. Many lack the intelligence to realize that humans are as poisonous to them as they are to humans.
''Microbial life'' - Microbial life is often the only thing that exists on the more inhospitable planets, yet the wide variety of environments that can accommodate life means that these little beasts show up in some of the most unlikely places. Some varieties of slime mold have even managed to evolve on corrosive-atmosphere planets, forming a mucous-like outer shell against the atmosphere and then feeding and growing off the chemical byproducts of its erosion.
Microbial life can also be dangerous. While most alien microbes are unable to infect or harm the radically different biology of humans, some show enough ingenuity to accomplish even that difficult feat. Rumors of terrible “space plagues” that leave behind only drifting ships and garbled warnings remain a steady staple at spacer bars throughout the known universe.
''Biosphere remnants'' - Biosphere remnants are the wreckage of a ruined ecology. Petrified trees, drifts of preserved bones, forests of dead plant life; something killed all the life on this planet in the relatively recent past. It may have been the exercise of a maltech planet-buster weapon, or a mutant microbe introduced by human colonists, or some volcanic eruption or asteroid impact that plunged the world into decades of frozen night.
Any local civilization not sophisticated enough to escape the planet likely died when it did. Their ruins and remains might be found throughout the desolate wastes, along with more clues as to the cause of the devastation.
''Hybrid biosphere'' - Hybrid biospheres are a stable intermixing of Terran flora and fauna with local life forms. Most such worlds have been colonized for centuries before the Silence, giving the local ecology time to shake out into a relatively stable configuration of Earth-born organisms and native life. The native biology may or may not be miscible with human life, but it unlikely to be particularly hostile in any case, or else the interloping life forms would not have been able to get a foothold on the planet.
Hybrid biospheres often show strange examples of symbiosis and adaptation, with plants and animals forming new alliances. Large predators from one world may find themselves subsisting on herds of herbivorous alien life, while Terran vegetation provides sustenance for large populations of small, furred, insect-like grazers. Familiar animals may show seemingly bizarre behavior patterns that have formed in response to local conditions, perhaps becoming larger or more aggressive.
''Human-miscible biosphere'' - Human-miscible biospheres are those in which some substantial portion of the native life is biologically compatible with human nutritional needs. The local plants and animals may not be tasty or terribly nourishing, but they can support life without the serious importation of Terran crop seeds and livestock.
Even the friendlier human-miscible biospheres often lack the wide variety of edibles that evolved on Earth, and the natives often supplement their stocks of local foods with limited Terran agriculture. Exotic foods, spices, and liquors can be worth interstellar importation to feed the hunger for novelty on these worlds.
Unfortunately, the fact that humans can eat some native life means that it is very likely that some native life can eat humans in turn. Large predators and diseases capable of human infection are by no means uncommon on these worlds, and small colonies can be hard- pressed to survive them.
''Tens of thousands of inhabitants'' - Tens of thousands of inhabitants are often found on newly-colonized worlds, or those with limited arable land. With such a small population, most settlements tend to be clustered close to one another for mutual support and efficient exploitation of land. The atmosphere can be something like that of a village-dotted countryside, with too few people to support large, specialized cities. The major settlement of the planet is usually built around the spaceport.
Politics on planets with so few people tend to be very personal in nature. Individual leaders can address the entire population of a world at a single meeting, and networks of family, friends, and employees can dominate the local social life. This small population combined with limited outside contact can result in somewhat... unusual societies more strongly influenced by a leader’s personal quirks than a more populous planet might be. Some such worlds can grow decidedly unhealthy in their customs and traditions.
''Outpost'' - Outposts are rarely composed of more than a few hundred or few thousand colonists at the most. Outposts are either very new colonies that have not have the requisite time to grow or they are uncolonized worlds that just happen to have a naval or corporate base on the surface.
Corporate or military outposts aren’t intended to be completely self- sufficient. While large outposts are often forced to raise their own food supplies, replacement personnel, spare parts, and advanced tech must all be brought in from elsewhere. Such temporary outposts are known to find themselves in sudden distress when a vital supply ship fails to make its drop or when some local threat proves more than the staff can handle.
Colonial outposts tend to be better equipped but with less outside backing. Such natives expect to live and die on the world, and are more inclined to build permanent structures and local improvements. Many are exiles, malcontents, or others incapable of tolerating the world that sent them forth, and it can make for a somewhat explosive mix in a young colony. These pioneers tend to be very friendly towards visiting starships, as they are often dependent upon free traders and tramp merchants to bring them vital supplies or news of the sector.
Some “outposts” are really just the stubborn, persistent survivors of a long-failed colonization attempt. These cultures can survive for centuries, perpetually culled by the dangers of the world until the survivors are little more than one more element of the local ecology.
''Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants'' - Hundreds of thousands of inhabitants make up the population of most frontier worlds, usually ones with adequate supplies of arable land and surface conditions amenable to a human without a vacc suit or filter mask. This level of population is also usually the most that a world at tech level 4 can support using only artificial hydroponic complexes and sealed agricultural systems, so less hospitable planets rarely have more than this many inhabitants.
At this level of population, city-states and hub settlements start to form, and some political divisions might exist beneath the overall planetary government. Regional variations start to become present as towns and smaller settlements start to assert their own cultural traits. Young colonies rarely have much of a framework for resolving these new tensions, and it’s not uncommon for outsiders to end up as catspaws for varying factions.
This level of population is normally the smallest that can create spike drive-equipped starships. Less populous worlds rarely have the broad range of specialists and workers necessary to build such ships, even if they possess the necessary technical information.
''Alien civilization'' - Alien civilizations are even rarer than massively human-populated planets, but they can be found in some sectors. On these worlds, any human presence is either nonexistent or simply a token contingent of traders and diplomats. The actual number of aliens may range from a few tens of thousands to teeming worlds of billions.
Alien civilizations appear to be no more immune to conflict, disaster, and decadence than that of humans, and most alien worlds are isolated planets. Some sectors were known to be dominated by alien empires before the Scream, but most inhabited worlds found by colonial surveyors consisted of indigenous, low-tech sapients who evolved on the world, or else were the decaying remnants of a former empire that had fallen apart into isolated colonial worlds.
This fate of growth, expansion, colonization, and collapse appears to be a very common event in the galaxy. Countless alien ruins and lost deep-space artifacts indicate that cycles of growth and decay have been going on for millennia, and there is little way to tell how many alien empires have swept over what is now human space before dwindling to decaying worlds and then empty ruins.
Aliens on a decaying colony are likely to be too burdened by the weight of history and dissolution to be aggressive, but may retain dangerously sophisticated devices and scientific expertise. Newly- rising native sophonts may be more interested in reaching the stars, and their ships might well share the spacelanes with the starships of humankind.
''Billions of inhabitants'' - Billions of inhabitants on a world is a freak occurrence in most sectors, a circumstance dependent on almost perfect planetary conditions, a First Wave date of colonization, and a very large initial colonial expedition. These worlds have been colonized for almost a thousand years, and have likely gone through substantial cultural development and change since the original founding.
Planets with this many inhabitants tend to come in two main varieties. The more common is that of regional hegemon, leveraging its enormous reserves of labor and scientific personnel to build hundreds or thousands of starships. Some hegemons might even have the transport weight and personnel available to colonize or conquer their less powerful neighbors outright, though most hegemons prefer the safer route of docile client states rather than outright conquests.
Not all such worlds have the necessary resources to build starships, even when the labor is cheap and abundant. These worlds tend to take a different route, becoming balkanized, conflict-torn planets not unlike a mid-20th-century Earth. Resource wars are common and local politics revolve around Byzantine feuds and ancient slights. Technology on such planets tends to be very uneven; it is limited or nonexistent in fields that depend on unavailable resources, but the natives often show remarkable sophistication in making the most of what they have available.
''Millions of inhabitants'' - Millions of inhabitants are found on some of the more populous frontier worlds, those planets with an excellent climate and soil for agriculture. These worlds teem with human life compared to most of their neighbors, and if they have sufficient technological expertise to build spike drives, they probably are one of the more powerful planets in the sector. The sheer amount of labor and expertise they can put into their projects dwarfs the capabilities of most other worlds.
Some worlds of this type fail to coalesce under a unified planetary government, however, and turn most of their attention to intra- planetary quarrels between different nations or city-states. Full-scale planetary wars have been known to break out on such worlds, with some being reduced to burnt-out cinders by some maltech weapon or by nuclear attacks against regions stripped of their nuke snuffers.
''Failed colony'' - Failed colonies are occasionally found dotting the worlds of human space. Some date back to the First Wave of human colonization more than a thousand years ago, while others are more recent efforts that guttered out under the strains of a colony’s birth.
Pirate attacks might have wiped out a young colony, as might a hostile biosphere, alien attack, internal dissension, disease outbreaks, failure of vital colonial equipment, or any one of a hundred other disasters. The ruins of the colony might still have valuable pretech artifacts, however, or colonization deeds authorized by neighboring worlds. A few survivors might even have clung to life in the intervening centuries, maintaining some sort of society in the wreckage of their ancestors’ work.
''Tech Level 1. Medieval technology.'' - Tech level 1 worlds have managed to find and exploit metal deposits and likely have imported or domesticated beasts of burden. Those worlds with easy access to fossil fuels or a similarly energy-dense substance can advance to greater things, but a culture trapped at tech level 1 is unlikely to have access to such helpful resources. A few worlds have enough plant matter or other combustibles to make steam engines feasible, but those with very much of such a resource usually make the leap to the next tech level eventually.
As a consequence, tech level 1 worlds tend to be caught at much the same general level of development as their tech level 0 cousins. They may have elaborate social structures and cultural development, but they are unable to mechanize without some energy-dense resource to serve as fuel. The scavenged hulks of their ancestors’ fusion plants may stand as mute temples to the achievements of their forebears, but without the tech necessary to repair and rebuild such edifices the world is dependent on purely local fuel sources.
Tech level 1 worlds tend to respond to visitors in much the same way as tech level 0 planets. The ruling class of these worlds is liable to be able to muster larger cities, bigger armies, and all the other perquisites that come from being able to work the available agricultural land with fewer hands.
''Tech Level 4. Baseline postech.'' - Tech level 4 worlds are the most common in human space, and their technical expertise is the baseline for modern post-Silence "postech". These worlds can create spike drives rated up to drive-3, fusion power plants, grav vehicles, simple energy weapons, and medicines that extend human life to a hundred years of vigorous good health. They can manage sophisticated gengineering on simple life forms, and some tech level 4 worlds have even attempted to improve the genetic structures of human life itself. These attempts have yet to produce results without severe drawbacks, but some such worlds remain populated by altered humanity designed to cope with local conditions more perfectly than baseline humans.
Most worlds with regular interstellar contact and the necessary raw resources eventually gravitate towards this level of technological expertise. It may take decades, or even centuries in the case of more retrograde worlds, but this tech level is the highest that can readily be achieved by most planets.
''Tech Level 4 w/ specialities / pretech.'' - Tech level 4 with specialties is an unusual case of a normal tech level 4 world that has retained some pretech industries or has developed their own local technical expertise beyond baseline postech in certain disciplines.
Most such specialties are relatively narrow in scope; grav tech, medicine, hydroponics, force field generation, or some field of roughly similar breadth. These specialties are usually either the product of a few, unreplaceable pretech manufactories or the result of some unique local resource that serves amazingly well for the purpose at hand. In both cases, the world will jealously guard the tech, and much local conflict may relate to control over these resources.
These worlds tend to have substantial amounts of interstellar trade from neighboring worlds interested in their tech. The ruling elite of the world can be ostentatious about display of this wealth.
''Tech level 2. 19th-century technology.'' - Tech level 2 worlds are blessed with the presence of fossil fuels. Internal combustion engines are crude things compared to the power of a fusion plant, but they can be built with primitive tools and a basic degree of education. The mechanization that results from this resource vastly increases the efficiency of local farming, the speed of travel, and the productivity of factory workers.
Most tech level 2 worlds are “knockdowns”; planets that once had a much higher degree of sophistication but were recently crippled by disease, disaster, or invasion. The natives tend to be keenly aware of the glories of former generations, and work fiercely to redevelop lost techniques and reclaim old knowledge.
Few tech level 2 worlds produce much that’s worth interstellar trade. Most foodstuffs are too bulky and cheap to make it worth a captain’s time. Some worlds have rare ore deposits, but the natives have no reason to dig them until a merchant makes it worth their while to set up a whole new industry for export. Some such worlds barter the relics of their ancestors in exchange for educational materials or rare resources necessary for advancing local industry. Others feel forced to trade native work contracts for dangerous, dirty labor.
''Tech Level 3. 20th-century technology.'' - Tech level 3 worlds are those that have developed to a level much like that of the more advanced nations of late twentieth-century Earth. The main difference between tech level 3 worlds and level 4 worlds is the lack of fusion power or spike drive manufacture.
These worlds come in two major varieties. The first is a "knockdown" world that formerly had tech level 4 technologies before some catastrophe or pirate attack destroyed their knowledge and industrial base. Some of the wrecked infrastructure might have been irreplaceable, and the world must struggle to regain its former level of technological production. Worlds in this condition tend to have rather small populations that are susceptible to the loss of a few concentrated groups of experts.
The second major variety is a world that suffered a severe disaster shortly after colonization and has been forced to painstakingly build up their technological base ever since. Some of these worlds date back to the First Wave of colonization a thousand years ago, driven into near-neolithic conditions by some outside pressure before slowly and painfully rebuilding their technological base through purely indigenous efforts. These worlds tend to have very large populations if the world’s climate permits, as they have been colonized for quite some time.
Simply providing a world with the necessary technical data for advancement doesn’t mean that advancement will be quick or even. Even if a tech level 3 world has the necessary resources to build tech level 4 devices, it may take as much as a generation for a world to build the necessary infrastructure and resource extraction enterprises. The time may be longer still if the dominant cultures are uneasy with the new technology.
''Tech Level 5. Pretech, pre-Silence tech.'' - Tech level 5 is the highest tech level that might merit random placement. A world with this level of technological expertise has somehow managed to hold on to the majority of the pre-Scream technology base, and can produce a wide range of goods that are unknown on less sophisticated worlds. Miniaturized fusion plants, drive-6 rated spike drives, exotic grav weaponry, and even the development of psionics-based "psitech" is possible on such a world.
Pretech manufacturing was largely dependent on specially-trained industrial psychics. With the loss of their unique disciplines in the Scream, most worlds that retain this level of tech classification were forced to substitute slower, less precise methods that sharply curtailed their production efficiency. Barring the profoundly unlikely happenstance of this world’s redevelopment of the lost disciplines, their maximum industrial output is sharply limited. Even on worlds such as this, most technology is likely mass-produced postech, with only important goods produced to pretech levels of quality.
A world with this level of technology is almost certainly a regional hegemon, one of the most powerful and influential worlds in the sector. Even those worlds that have no imperial ambitions have enormous influence simply through the vast superiority of their starships and military technology.
''Theocracy'' - The planet is ruled by the priesthood of the predominant religion or ideology. The rest of the locals may or may not be terribly pious, but the clergy have the necessary military strength, popular support or control of resources to maintain their rule. Alternative faiths or incompatible ideologies are likely to be both illegal and socially unacceptable.
''Bubble Cities'' - Whether due to a lack of atmosphere or an uninhabitable climate, the world’s cities exist within domes or pressurized buildings. In such sealed environments, techniques of surveillance and control can grow baroque and extreme.
''Gold Rush'' - Gold, silver, and other conventional precious minerals are common and cheap now that asteroid mining is practical for most worlds. But some minerals and compounds remain precious and rare, and this world has recently been discovered to have a supply of them. People from across the sector have come to strike it rich.
''Perimeter Agency'' - Before the Silence, the Perimeter was a Terran-sponsored organization charged with rooting out use of maltech- technology banned in human space as too dangerous for use or experimentation. Unbraked AIs, gengineered slave species, nanotech replicators, weapons of planetary destruction... the Perimeter hunted down experimenters with a great indifference to planetary laws. Most Perimeter Agencies collapsed during the Silence, but a few managed to hold on to their mission, though modern Perimeter agents often find more work as conventional spies and intelligence operatives.
''Desert World'' - The world may have a breathable atmosphere and a human-tolerable temperature range, but it is an arid, stony waste outside of a few places made habitable by human effort. The deep wastes are largely unexplored and inhabited by outcasts and worse.
''Zombies'' - This menace may not take the form of shambling corpses, but some disease, alien artifact, or crazed local practice produces men and women with habits similar to those of murderous cannibal undead. These outbreaks may be regular elements in local society, either provoked by some malevolent creators or the consequence of some local condition.
''Psionics Fear'' - The locals are terrified of psychics. Perhaps their history is studded with feral psychics who went on murderous rampages, or perhaps they simply nurse an unreasoning terror of those “mutant freaks”. Psychics demonstrate their powers at risk of their lives.
''Civil War'' - The world is currently torn between at least two opposing factions, all of which claim legitimacy. The war may be the result of a successful rebel uprising against tyranny, or it might just be the result of schemers who plan to be the new masters once the revolution is complete.
''Psionics Worship'' - These natives view psionic powers as a visible gift of god or sign of superiority. If the world has a functional psychic training academy, psychics occupy almost all major positions of power and are considered the natural and proper rulers of the world. If the world lacks training facilities, it is likely a hodgepodge of demented cults, with each one dedicated to a marginally-coherent feral prophet and their psychopathic ravings.
''Local Specialty'' - The world may be sophisticated or barely capable of steam engines, but either way it produces something rare and precious to the wider galaxy. It might be some pharmaceutical extract produced by a secret recipe, a remarkably popular cultural product, or even gengineered humans uniquely suited for certain work.
''Cold War'' - Two or more great powers control the planet, and they have a hostility to each other that’s just barely less than open warfare. The hostility might be ideological in nature, or it might revolve around control of some local resource.
''Abandoned Colony'' - The world once hosted a colony, whether human or otherwise, until some crisis or natural disaster drove the inhabitants away or killed them off. The colony might have been mercantile in nature, an expedition to extract valuable local resources, or it might have been a reclusive cabal of zealots. The remains of the colony are usually in ruins, and might still be dangerous from the aftermath of whatever destroyed it in the first place.
''Warlords'' - The world is plagued by warlords. Numerous powerful men and women control private armies sufficiently strong to cow whatever local government may exist. On the lands they claim, their word is law. Most spend their time oppressing their own subjects and murderously pillaging those of their neighbors. Most like to wrap themselves in the mantle of ideology, religious fervor, or an ostensibly legitimate right to rule.
''Rigid Culture'' - The local culture is extremely rigid. Certain forms of behavior and belief are absolutely mandated, and any deviation from these principles is punished, or else society may be strongly stratified by birth with limited prospects for change. Anything which threatens the existing social order is feared and shunned.
''Exchange Consulate'' - The Exchange of Light once served as the largest, most trusted banking and diplomatic service in human space. Even after the Silence, some worlds retain a functioning Exchange Consulate where banking services and arbitration can be arranged.
''Badlands World'' - Whatever the ostensible climate and atmosphere type, something horrible happened to this world. Biological, chemical, or nanotechnical weaponry has reduced it to a wretched hellscape.
''Seismic Instability'' - The local land masses are remarkably unstable, and regular earthquakes rack the surface. Local construction is either advanced enough to sway and move with the vibrations or primitive enough that it is easily rebuilt. Severe volcanic activity may be part of the instability.
''Regional Hegemon'' - This world has the technological sophistication, natural resources, and determined polity necessary to be a regional hegemon for the sector. Nearby worlds are likely either directly subservient to it or tack carefully to avoid its anger. It may even be the capital of a small stellar empire.
''Friendly Foe'' - Some hostile alien race or malevolent cabal has a branch or sect on this world that is actually quite friendly toward outsiders. For whatever internal reason, they are willing to negotiate and deal honestly with strangers, and appear to lack the worst impulses of their fellows.
''Trade Hub'' - This world is a major crossroads for local interstellar trade. It is well-positioned at the nexus of several short-drill trade routes, and has facilities for easy transfer of valuable cargoes and the fueling and repairing of starships. The natives are accustomed to outsiders, and a polyglot mass of people from every nearby world can be found trading here.
''Tomb World'' - Tomb worlds are planets that were once inhabited by humans before the Silence. The sudden collapse of the jump gate network and the inability to bring in the massive food supplies required by the planet resulted in starvation, warfare, and death. Most tomb worlds are naturally hostile to human habitation and could not raise sufficient crops to maintain life. The few hydroponic facilities were usually destroyed in the fighting, and all that is left now are ruins, bones, and silence.
''Secret Masters'' - The world is actually run by a hidden cabal, acting through their catspaws in the visible government. For one reason or another, this group finds it imperative that they not be identified by outsiders, and in some cases even the planet’s own government may not realize that they’re actually being manipulated by hidden masters.
''Forbidden Tech'' - Some group on this planet fabricates or uses maltech. Unbraked AIs doomed to metastasize into insanity, nation-destroying nanowarfare particles, slow-burn DNA corruptives, genetically engineered slaves, or something worse still. The planet’s larger population may or may not be aware of the danger in their midst.
''Tyranny'' - The local government is brutal and indifferent to the will of the people. Laws may or may not exist, but the only one that matters is the whim of the rulers on any given day. Their minions swagger through the streets while the common folk live in terror of their appetites. The only people who stay wealthy are friends and servants of the ruling class.
''Xenophobes'' - The natives are intensely averse to dealings with outworlders. Whether through cultural revulsion, fear of tech contamination, or a genuine immunodeficiency, the locals shun foreigners from offworld and refuse to have anything to do with them beyond the bare necessities of contact. Trade may or may not exist on this world, but if it does, it is almost certainly conducted by a caste of untouchables and outcasts.
''Sealed Menace'' - Something on this planet has the potential to create enormous havoc for the inhabitants if it is not kept safely contained by its keepers. Whether a massive seismic fault line suppressed by pretech terraforming technology, a disease that has to be quarantined within hours of discovery, or an ancient alien relic that requires regular upkeep in order to prevent planetary catastrophe, the menace is a constant shadow on the populace.
''Local Tech'' - The locals can create a particular example of extremely high tech, possibly even something that exceeds pretech standards. They may use unique local resources to do so, or have stumbled on a narrow scientific breakthrough, or still have a functional experimental manufactory.
''Heavy Mining'' - This world has large stocks of valuable minerals, usually necessary for local industry, life support, or refinement into loads small enough to export offworld. Major mining efforts are necessary to extract the minerals, and many natives work in the industry.
''Radioactive World'' - Whether due to a legacy of atomic warfare unhindered by nuke snuffers or a simple profusion of radioactive elements, this world glows in the dark. Even heavy vacc suits can filter only so much of the radiation, and most natives suffer a wide variety of cancers, mutations and other illnesses without the protection of advanced medical treatments.
''Hostile Space'' - The system in which the world exists is a dangerous neighborhood. Something about the system is perilous to inhabitants, either through meteor swarms, stellar radiation, hostile aliens in the asteroid belt, or periodic comet clouds.
''Colonized Population'' - A neighboring world has successfully colonized this less-advanced or less-organized planet, and the natives aren’t happy about it. A puppet government may exist, but all real decisions are made by the local viceroy.
''Oceanic World'' - The world is entirely or almost entirely covered with liquid water. Habitations might be floating cities, or might cling precariously to the few rocky atolls jutting up from the waves, or are planted as bubbles on promontories deep beneath the stormy surface. Survival depends on aquaculture. Planets with inedible alien life rely on gengineered Terran sea crops.
''Heavy Industry'' - With interstellar transport so limited in the bulk it can move, worlds have to be largely self-sufficient in industry. Some worlds are more sufficient than others, however, and this planet has a thriving manufacturing sector capable of producing large amounts of goods appropriate to its tech level. The locals may enjoy a correspondingly higher lifestyle, or the products might be devoted towards vast projects for the aggrandizement of the rulers.
''Eugenic Cult'' - Even in the days before the Silence, major improvement of the human genome always seemed to come with unacceptable side-effects. Some worlds host secret cults that perpetuate these improvements regardless of the cost, and a few planets have been taken over entirely by the cults.
''Major Spaceyard'' - Most worlds of tech level 4 or greater have the necessary tech and orbital facilities to build spike drives and starships. This world is blessed with a major spaceyard facility, either inherited from before the Silence or painstakingly constructed in more recent decades. It can build even capital-class hulls, and do so more quickly and cheaply than its neighbors.
''Hatred'' - For whatever reason, this world’s populace has a burning hatred for the inhabitants of a neighboring system. Perhaps this world was colonized by exiles, or there was a recent interstellar war, or ideas of racial or religious superiority have fanned the hatred. Regardless of the cause, the locals view their neighbor and any sympathizers with loathing.
''Unbraked AI'' - Artificial intelligences are costly and difficult to create, requiring a careful sequence of "growth stages" in order to bring them to sentience before artificial limits on cognition speed and learning development are installed. These "brakes" prevent runaway cognition metastasis, wherein an AI begins to rapidly contemplate certain subjects in increasingly baroque fashion, until they become completely crazed by rational human standards. This world has one such "unbraked AI" on it, probably with a witting or unwitting corps of servants. Unbraked AIs are quite insane, but they learn and reason with a speed impossible for humans, and can demonstrate a truly distressing subtlety at times.
''Preceptor Archive'' - The Preceptors of the Great Archive were a pre-Silence organization devoted to ensuring the dissemination of human culture, history, and basic technology to frontier worlds that risked losing this information during the human expansion. Most frontier planets had an Archive where natives could learn useful technical skills in addition to human history and art. Those Archives that managed to survive the Silence now strive to send their missionaries of knowledge to new worlds in need of their lore.
''Out of Contact'' - The natives have been entirely out of contact with the greater galaxy for centuries or longer. Perhaps the original colonists were seeking to hide from the rest of the universe, or the Silence destroyed any means of communication. It may have been so long that human origins on other worlds have regressed into a topic for legends. The players might be on the first offworld ship to land since the First Wave of colonization a thousand years ago.
''Freak Weather'' - The planet is plagued with some sort of bizarre or hazardous weather pattern. Perhaps city-flattening storms regularly scourge the surface, or the world’s sun never pierces its thick banks of clouds.
''Minimal Contact'' - The locals refuse most contact with offworlders. Only a small, quarantined treaty port is provided for offworld trade, and ships can expect an exhaustive search for contraband. Local governments may be trying to keep the very existence of interstellar trade a secret from their populations, or they may simply consider offworlders too dangerous or repugnant to be allowed among the population.
''Sectarians'' - The world is torn by violent disagreement between sectarians of a particular faith. Each views the other as a damnable heresy in need of extirpation. Local government may be able to keep open war from breaking out, but the poisonous hatred divides communities. The nature of the faith may be religious, or it may be based on some secular ideology.
''Police State'' - The world is a totalitarian police state. Any sign of disloyalty to the planet’s rulers is punished severely, and suspicion riddles society. Some worlds might operate by Soviet-style informers and indoctrination, while more technically sophisticated worlds might rely on omnipresent cameras or braked AI "guardian angels". Outworlders are apt to be treated as a necessary evil at best, and "disappeared" if they become troublesome.
''Altered Humanity'' - The humans on this world are visibly and drastically different from normal humanity. They may have additional limbs, new sensory organs, or other significant changes. Were these from ancestral eugenic manipulation, or from environmental toxins?
''Outpost World'' - The world is only a tiny outpost of human habitation planted by an offworld corporation or government. Perhaps the staff is there to serve as a refueling and repair stop for passing ships, or to oversee an automated mining and refinery complex. They might be there to study ancient ruins, or simply serve as a listening and monitoring post for traffic through the system. The outpost is likely well-equipped with defenses against casual piracy.
''Primitive Aliens'' - The world is populated by a large number of sapient aliens that have yet to develop advanced technology. The human colonists may have a friendly or hostile relationship with the aliens, but a certain intrinsic tension is likely. Small human colonies might have been enslaved or otherwise subjugated.
''Psionics Academy'' - This world is one of the few that have managed to redevelop the basics of psychic training. Without this education, a potential psychic is doomed to either madness or death unless they refrain from using their abilities. Psionic academies are rare enough that offworlders are often sent there to study by wealthy patrons. The secrets of psychic mentorship, the protocols and techniques that allow a psychic to successfully train another, are carefully guarded at these academies. Most are closely affiliated with the planetary government.
''Restrictive Laws'' - A myriad of laws, customs, and rules constrain the inhabitants of this world, and even acts that are completely permissible elsewhere are punished severely here. The locals may provide lists of these laws to offworlders, but few non-natives can hope to master all the important intricacies.
''Xenophiles'' - The natives of this world are fast friends with a particular alien race. The aliens may have saved the planet at some point in the past, or awed the locals with superior tech or impressive cultural qualities. The aliens might even be the ruling class on the planet.
''Feral World'' - In the long, isolated night of the Silence, some worlds have experienced total moral and cultural collapse. Whatever remains has been twisted beyond recognition into assorted death cults, xenophobic fanaticism, horrific cultural practices, or other behavior unacceptable on more enlightened worlds. These worlds are almost invariably classed under Red trade codes.
''Seagoing Cities'' - Either the world is entirely water or else the land is simply too dangerous for most humans. Human settlement on this world consists of a number of floating cities that follow the currents and the fish.
''Pretech Cultists'' - The capacities of human science before the Silence vastly outmatch the technology available since the Scream. The jump gates alone were capable of crossing hundreds of light years in a moment, and they were just one example of the results won by blending psychic artifice with pretech science. Some worlds outright worship the artifacts of their ancestors, seeing in them the work of more enlightened and perfect humanity. These cultists may or may not understand the operation or replication of these devices, but they seek and guard them jealously.
''Pilgrimage Site'' - The world is noted for an important spiritual or historical location, and might be the sector headquarters for a widespread religion or political movement. The site attracts wealthy pilgrims from throughout nearby space, and those with the money necessary to manage interstellar travel can be quite generous to the site and its keepers. The locals tend to be fiercely protective of the place and its reputation, and some places may forbid the entrance of those not suitably pious or devout.
''Misandry/Misogyny'' - The culture on this world holds a particular gender in contempt. Members of that gender are not permitted positions of formal power, and may be restricted in their movements and activities. Some worlds may go so far as to scorn both traditional genders, using gengineering techniques to hybridize or alter conventional human biology.
''Ancient Ruins'' - The world has significant alien ruins present. The locals may or may not permit others to investigate the ruins, and may make it difficult to remove any objects of value without substantial payment.
''Hostile Biosphere'' - The world is teeming with life, and it hates humans. Perhaps the life is xenoallergenic, forcing filter masks and tailored antiallergens for survival. It could be the native predators are huge and fearless, or the toxic flora ruthlessly outcompetes earth crops.
''Flying Cities'' - Perhaps the world is a gas giant, or plagued with unendurable storms at lower levels of the atmosphere. For whatever reason, the cities of this world fly above the surface of the planet. Perhaps they remain stationary, or perhaps they move from point to point in search of resources.
''Freak Geology'' - The geology or geography of this world is simply freakish. Perhaps it’s composed entirely of enormous mountain ranges, or regular bands of land and sea, or the mineral structures all fragment into perfect cubes. The locals have learned to deal with it and their culture will be shaped by its requirements.
''Quarantined World'' - The world is under a quarantine, and space travel to and from it is strictly forbidden. This may be enforced by massive ground batteries that burn any interlopers from the planet’s sky, or it may be that a neighboring world runs a persistent blockade.
''Area 51'' - The world’s government is fully aware of their local stellar neighbors, but the common populace has no idea about it- and the government means to keep it that way. Trade with government officials in remote locations is possible, but any attempt to clue the commoners in on the truth will be met with lethal reprisals.
|!Company Name|!Business|h
|[[Ad Astra Circle|Corp:AdAstraCircle]]|Cybernetics|
|[[Colonial Zaibatsu|Corp:ColonialZaibatsu]]|Robotics|
|[[Compass Clan|Corp:CompassClan]]|Pharmaceuticals|
|[[Cordobes Company|Corp:CordobesCompany]]|Snacks|
|[[Daybreak Unity|Corp:DaybreakUnity]]|Bootlegging|
|[[Delgado Corporation|Corp:DelgadoCorporation]]|Snacks|
|[[Egleston Corporation|Corp:EglestonCorporation]]|Bootlegging|
|[[Elcano Enterprises|Corp:ElcanoEnterprises]]|Piracy|
|[[Frontier Syndicate|Corp:FrontierSyndicate]]|Mercenary Work|
|[[Gondran Organization|Corp:GondranOrganization]]|Mercenary Work|
|[[Guo Yin Sodality|Corp:GuoYinSodality]]|Journalism|
|[[Highbeam Clan|Corp:HighbeamClan]]|Maltech|
|[[Hissong Band|Corp:HissongBand]]|Journalism|
|[[Ikram Band|Corp:IkramBand]]|Pharmaceuticals|
|[[Imani Faction|Corp:ImaniFaction]]|Prostitution|
|[[Iyer Society|Corp:IyerSociety]]|Agriculture|
|[[Magnus Combine|Corp:MagnusCombine]]|Cybernetics|
|[[Maricle Unity|Corp:MaricleUnity]]|Entertainment|
|[[Mavromikhalis Company|Corp:MavromikhalisCompany]]|Illicit Drugs|
|[[Mercouri Association|Corp:MercouriAssociation]]|Programming|
|[[Nathan Association|Corp:NathanAssociation]]|Maltech|
|[[Neogen Syndicate|Corp:NeogenSyndicate]]|Aeronautics|
|[[New Dawn Sodality|Corp:NewDawnSodality]]|Prisons|
|[[Ogley Syndicate|Corp:OgleySyndicate]]|Robotics|
|[[Omnitech Corporation|Corp:OmnitechCorporation]]|Gemstones|
|[[Outertech Zaibatsu|Corp:OutertechZaibatsu]]|Telcoms|
|[[Overwatch Group|Corp:OverwatchGroup]]|Gemstones|
|[[Pagon Enterprises|Corp:PagonEnterprises]]|Bootlegging|
|[[Panstellar Ring|Corp:PanstellarRing]]|Pretech|
|[[Pinello Multistellar|Corp:PinelloMultistellar]]|Prostitution|
|[[Pinion Faction|Corp:PinionFaction]]|Prisons|
|[[Pittman Association|Corp:PittmanAssociation]]|Prisons|
|[[Plachecki Circle|Corp:PlacheckiCircle]]|Aeronautics|
|[[Reese Band|Corp:ReeseBand]]|Aeronautics|
|[[Silverlight Circle|Corp:SilverlightCircle]]|Heavy Weapons|
|[[Spiker Circle|Corp:SpikerCircle]]|Biotech|
|[[Starritt Syndicate|Corp:StarrittSyndicate]]|Security|
|[[Stella Society|Corp:StellaSociety]]|Prostitution|
|[[Striker Band|Corp:StrikerBand]]|Electronics|
|[[Stubbers Association|Corp:StubbersAssociation]]|Maltech|
|[[Sumech Outift|Corp:SumechOutift]]|Mercenary Work|
|[[Sunbeam Sodality|Corp:SunbeamSodality]]|Fuel Refining|
|[[Tarsis Megacorp|Corp:TarsisMegacorp]]|Construction|
|[[Terra Prime Circle|Corp:TerraPrimeCircle]]|Astrotech|
|[[Theodorakis Enterprises|Corp:TheodorakisEnterprises]]|Fishing|
|[[Unknow Ring|Corp:UnknowRing]]|Gambling|
|[[Wayfarer Sodality|Corp:WayfarerSodality]]|Gengineering|
|[[Wazir Union|Corp:WazirUnion]]|Snacks|
|[[West Wind Outift|Corp:WestWindOutift]]|Snacks|
|[[Westmoreland Group|Corp:WestmorelandGroup]]|Security|
|!Name      |Ad Astra Circle|
|!Business  |Cybernetics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Reliable and trustworthy goods@@|

|!Name      |Colonial Zaibatsu|
|!Business  |Robotics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Stodgy and very conservative in their business plans@@|

|!Name      |Compass Clan|
|!Business  |Pharmaceuticals|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Front for a planetary government’s espionage arm@@|

|!Name      |Cordobes Company|
|!Business  |Snacks|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Rumored ties to a eugenics cult@@|

|!Name      |Daybreak Unity|
|!Business  |Bootlegging|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;The company’s owner is dangerously insane@@|

|!Name      |Delgado Corporation|
|!Business  |Snacks|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;The company’s owner is dangerously insane@@|

|!Name      |Egleston Corporation|
|!Business  |Bootlegging|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Rumored cover-up of a massive industrial accident@@|

|!Name      |Elcano Enterprises|
|!Business  |Piracy|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Secretly run by a psychic cabal@@|

|!Name      |Frontier Syndicate|
|!Business  |Mercenary Work|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Stole a lot of R&D from a rival corporation@@|

|!Name      |Gondran Organization|
|!Business  |Mercenary Work|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Front for a planetary government’s espionage arm@@|

|!Name      |Guo Yin Sodality|
|!Business  |Journalism|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Said to have a cache of pretech equipment@@|

|!Name      |Highbeam Clan|
|!Business  |Maltech|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Said to have a cache of pretech equipment@@|

|!Name      |Hissong Band|
|!Business  |Journalism|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Stodgy and very conservative in their business plans@@|

|!Name      |Ikram Band|
|!Business  |Pharmaceuticals|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;The company’s owner is dangerously insane@@|

|!Name      |Imani Faction|
|!Business  |Prostitution|

|!Name      |Iyer Society|
|!Business  |Agriculture|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Rumored ties to a eugenics cult@@|

|!Name      |Magnus Combine|
|!Business  |Cybernetics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Deeply entangled with the planetary underworld@@|

|!Name      |Maricle Unity|
|!Business  |Entertainment|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Secretly run by an unbraked AI@@|

|!Name      |Mavromikhalis Company|
|!Business  |Illicit Drugs|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Reckless with the lives of their employees@@|

|!Name      |Mercouri Association|
|!Business  |Programming|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;The company’s owner is dangerously insane@@|

|!Name      |Nathan Association|
|!Business  |Maltech|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Secretly run by a psychic cabal@@|

|!Name      |Neogen Syndicate|
|!Business  |Aeronautics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Secretly run by hostile aliens@@|

|!Name      |New Dawn Sodality|
|!Business  |Prisons|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Said to have a cache of pretech equipment@@|

|!Name      |Ogley Syndicate|
|!Business  |Robotics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Have a dark secret about their board of directors@@|

|!Name      |Omnitech Corporation|
|!Business  |Gemstones|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;The company’s owner is dangerously insane@@|

|!Name      |Outertech Zaibatsu|
|!Business  |Telcoms|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Have a dark secret about their board of directors@@|

|!Name      |Overwatch Group|
|!Business  |Gemstones|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Stodgy and very conservative in their business plans@@|

|!Name      |Pagon Enterprises|
|!Business  |Bootlegging|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Possibly teetering on the edge of bankruptcy@@|

|!Name      |Panstellar Ring|
|!Business  |Pretech|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Secretly run by hostile aliens@@|

|!Name      |Pinello Multistellar|
|!Business  |Prostitution|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Rumored ties to a eugenics cult@@|

|!Name      |Pinion Faction|
|!Business  |Prisons|

|!Name      |Pittman Association|
|!Business  |Prisons|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Stodgy and very conservative in their business plans@@|

|!Name      |Plachecki Circle|
|!Business  |Aeronautics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;They have high-level political connections@@|

|!Name      |Reese Band|
|!Business  |Aeronautics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;They have high-level political connections@@|

|!Name      |Silverlight Circle|
|!Business  |Heavy Weapons|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Said to have a cache of pretech equipment@@|

|!Name      |Spiker Circle|
|!Business  |Biotech|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Said to have a cache of pretech equipment@@|

|!Name      |Starritt Syndicate|
|!Business  |Security|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Rumored cover-up of a massive industrial accident@@|

|!Name      |Stella Society|
|!Business  |Prostitution|

|!Name      |Striker Band|
|!Business  |Electronics|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Lost much money to an embezzler who evaded arrest@@|

|!Name      |Stubbers Association|
|!Business  |Maltech|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;They've turned over a new leaf with the new CEO@@|

|!Name      |Sumech Outift|
|!Business  |Mercenary Work|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Rumored cover-up of a massive industrial accident@@|

|!Name      |Sunbeam Sodality|
|!Business  |Fuel Refining|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Lost much money to an embezzler who evaded arrest@@|

|!Name      |Tarsis Megacorp|
|!Business  |Construction|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;They've turned over a new leaf with the new CEO@@|

|!Name      |Terra Prime Circle|
|!Business  |Astrotech|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Possibly teetering on the edge of bankruptcy@@|

|!Name      |Theodorakis Enterprises|
|!Business  |Fishing|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Said to have a cache of pretech equipment@@|

|!Name      |Unknow Ring|
|!Business  |Gambling|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Stole a lot of R&D from a rival corporation@@|

|!Name      |Wayfarer Sodality|
|!Business  |Gengineering|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Secretly run by hostile aliens@@|

|!Name      |Wazir Union|
|!Business  |Snacks|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Lost much money to an embezzler who evaded arrest@@|

|!Name      |West Wind Outift|
|!Business  |Snacks|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Notoriously xenophobic towards aliens@@|

|!Name      |Westmoreland Group|
|!Business  |Security|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Reputation@@|@@color:#FF0000;Said to have a cache of pretech equipment@@|


|[[Holy Family Buddhists|Religion:HolyFamilyBuddhists]]|Buddhism|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Sacrificial Confucianists|Religion:SacrificialConfucianists]]|Confucianism|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[New Book Confucianists|Religion:NewBookConfucianists]]|Confucianism|Council|
|[[Separatist Confucianists|Religion:SeparatistConfucianists]]|Confucianism|Democracy|
|[[Syncretic Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Christians|Religion:SyncreticRomanCatholicEasternOrthodoxChristians]]|Eastern Orthodox Christianity|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Holy Family Eastern Orthodox Christians|Religion:HolyFamilyEasternOrthodoxChristians]]|Eastern Orthodox Christianity|Council|
|[[Separatist Hinduists|Religion:SeparatistHinduists]]|Hinduism|Council|
|[[Sacrificial Ideologists|Religion:SacrificialIdeologists]]|Ideology|Council|
|[[New Book Ideologists|Religion:NewBookIdeologists]]|Ideology|Democracy|
|[[Neofundamentalist Muslims|Religion:NeofundamentalistMuslims]]|Islam|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Sacrificial Muslims|Religion:SacrificialMuslims]]|Islam|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Holy Family Judaism|Religion:HolyFamilyJudaism]]|Judaism|No universal leadership|
|[[Separatist Judaism|Religion:SeparatistJudaism]]|Judaism|Council|
|[[Sacrificial Judaism|Religion:SacrificialJudaism]]|Judaism|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Neofundamentalist Pagans|Religion:NeofundamentalistPagans]]|Paganism|No universal leadership|
|[[Holy Family Pagans|Religion:HolyFamilyPagans]]|Paganism|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Sacrificial Protestant Christians|Religion:SacrificialProtestantChristians]]|Protestant Christianity|Democracy|
|[[Holy Family Protestant Christians|Religion:HolyFamilyProtestantChristians]]|Protestant Christianity|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Syncretic Roman Catholic Protestant Christians|Religion:SyncreticRomanCatholicProtestantChristians]]|Protestant Christianity|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[New Prophet Protestant Christians|Religion:NewProphetProtestantChristians]]|Protestant Christianity|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[Sacrificial Taoists|Religion:SacrificialTaoists]]|Taoism|Council|
|[[Separatist Taoists|Religion:SeparatistTaoists]]|Taoism|No universal leadership|
|[[New Prophet Taoists|Religion:NewProphetTaoists]]|Taoism|Patriarch/Matriarch|
|[[New Prophet Zoroastrianists|Religion:NewProphetZoroastrianists]]|Zoroastrianism|Council|
|!Name      |Holy Family Buddhists|
|!Origin    |Buddhism|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Holy family. God's favor has been shown especially to members of a particular lineage. It may be that only men and women of this bloodline are permitted to become clergy, or they may serve as helpless figureheads for the real leaders of the faith.
|[[Obedient Crusaders|Heresy:ObedientCrusaders]]|Has a language specific to the sect.|Accidental; the founder never meant their works to be taken that way.|
|!Name      |Sacrificial Confucianists|
|!Origin    |Confucianism|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Sacrifices. The faith finds it necessary to make substantial sacrifices to please God. Some faiths may go so far as to offer human sacrifices, while others insist on huge tithes offered to the building of religious edifices.
|[[Aversive Manichaeanists|Heresy:AversiveManichaeanists]]|Lives in visibly distinct houses or districts.|Dissatisfied minor clergy|
|[[Contemptuous Universalists|Heresy:ContemptuousUniversalists]]|Forbidden the use of certain technology.|High prelate|
|!Name      |New Book Confucianists|
|!Origin    |Confucianism|
Council. A group of the oldest and most revered clergy determine the course of the faith.
New holy book. Someone in the faith's past penned or discovered a text that is now taken to be holy writ and the expressed will of the divine.
|[[Aversive Stringentists|Heresy:AversiveStringentists]]|Mystical, seeking union with God through meditation.|Dissatisfied minor clergy|
|!Name      |Separatist Confucianists|
|!Origin    |Confucianism|
Democracy. Every member has an equal voice in matters of faith, with doctrine usually decided at regular church-wide councils.
Schism. The faith's beliefs are actually almost identical to those of the majority of its origin tradition, save for a few minor points of vital interest to theologians and no practical difference whatsoever to believers. This does not prevent a burning resentment towards the parent faith.
|[[Anathematic Crusaders|Heresy:AnathematicCrusaders]]|Always armed.|Frustrated layman|
|!Name      |Syncretic Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Christians|
|!Origin    |Eastern Orthodox Christianity|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Syncretism. This faith has reconciled the major elements of both of its origin beliefs into its tradition.
|[[Indifferent Primitivists|Heresy:IndifferentPrimitivists]]|Forbidden the use of certain technology.|Academic|
|!Name      |Holy Family Eastern Orthodox Christians|
|!Origin    |Eastern Orthodox Christianity|
Council. A group of the oldest and most revered clergy determine the course of the faith.
Holy family. God's favor has been shown especially to members of a particular lineage. It may be that only men and women of this bloodline are permitted to become clergy, or they may serve as helpless figureheads for the real leaders of the faith.
|[[Filial Primitivists|Heresy:FilialPrimitivists]]|Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|Defrocked clergy|
|!Name      |Separatist Hinduists|
|!Origin    |Hinduism|
Council. A group of the oldest and most revered clergy determine the course of the faith.
Schism. The faith's beliefs are actually almost identical to those of the majority of its origin tradition, save for a few minor points of vital interest to theologians and no practical difference whatsoever to believers. This does not prevent a burning resentment towards the parent faith.
|[[Filial Donatists|Heresy:FilialDonatists]]|Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|Defrocked clergy|
|[[Legitimist Donatists|Heresy:LegitimistDonatists]]|Clergy of only one gender.||
|!Name      |Sacrificial Ideologists|
|!Origin    |Ideology|
Council. A group of the oldest and most revered clergy determine the course of the faith.
Sacrifices. The faith finds it necessary to make substantial sacrifices to please God. Some faiths may go so far as to offer human sacrifices, while others insist on huge tithes offered to the building of religious edifices.
|[[Obedient Stringentists|Heresy:ObedientStringentists]]|Forbidden the use of certain technology.|Accidental; the founder never meant their works to be taken that way.|
|!Name      |New Book Ideologists|
|!Origin    |Ideology|
Democracy. Every member has an equal voice in matters of faith, with doctrine usually decided at regular church-wide councils.
New holy book. Someone in the faith's past penned or discovered a text that is now taken to be holy writ and the expressed will of the divine.
|[[Evangelical Donatists|Heresy:EvangelicalDonatists]]|Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|Renegade prophet|
|[[Purificationist Syncretists|Heresy:PurificationistSyncretists]]|Public prayer at set times or places.||
|!Name      |Neofundamentalist Muslims|
|!Origin    |Islam|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Neofundamentalism. The faith is fiercely resistant to perceived innovations and deviations from their beliefs. Even extremely onerous traditions and restrictions will be observed to the letter.
|[[Indifferent Antinomianists|Heresy:IndifferentAntinomianists]]|Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|Academic|
|!Name      |Sacrificial Muslims|
|!Origin    |Islam|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Sacrifices. The faith finds it necessary to make substantial sacrifices to please God. Some faiths may go so far as to offer human sacrifices, while others insist on huge tithes offered to the building of religious edifices.
|[[Contemptuous Donatists|Heresy:ContemptuousDonatists]]|Always armed.|High prelate|
|!Name      |Holy Family Judaism|
|!Origin    |Judaism|
No universal leadership. Each region governs itself differently.
Holy family. God's favor has been shown especially to members of a particular lineage. It may be that only men and women of this bloodline are permitted to become clergy, or they may serve as helpless figureheads for the real leaders of the faith.
|[[Evangelical Crusaders|Heresy:EvangelicalCrusaders]]|Dietary prohibitions.|Renegade prophet|
|!Name      |Separatist Judaism|
|!Origin    |Judaism|
Council. A group of the oldest and most revered clergy determine the course of the faith.
Schism. The faith's beliefs are actually almost identical to those of the majority of its origin tradition, save for a few minor points of vital interest to theologians and no practical difference whatsoever to believers. This does not prevent a burning resentment towards the parent faith.
|[[Obedient Separatists|Heresy:ObedientSeparatists]]|Public prayer at set times or places.|Accidental; the founder never meant their works to be taken that way.|
|!Name      |Sacrificial Judaism|
|!Origin    |Judaism|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Sacrifices. The faith finds it necessary to make substantial sacrifices to please God. Some faiths may go so far as to offer human sacrifices, while others insist on huge tithes offered to the building of religious edifices.
|[[Anathematic Conciliarists|Heresy:AnathematicConciliarists]]|Will not eat with people outside the sect.|Frustrated layman|
|[[Indifferent Donatists|Heresy:IndifferentDonatists]]|Forbidden to do something commonly done.|Academic|
|!Name      |Neofundamentalist Pagans|
|!Origin    |Paganism|
No universal leadership. Each region governs itself differently.
Neofundamentalism. The faith is fiercely resistant to perceived innovations and deviations from their beliefs. Even extremely onerous traditions and restrictions will be observed to the letter.
|[[Filial Syncretists|Heresy:FilialSyncretists]]|Has unique purification rituals.|Defrocked clergy|
|!Name      |Holy Family Pagans|
|!Origin    |Paganism|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Holy family. God's favor has been shown especially to members of a particular lineage. It may be that only men and women of this bloodline are permitted to become clergy, or they may serve as helpless figureheads for the real leaders of the faith.
|[[Contemptuous Separatists|Heresy:ContemptuousSeparatists]]|Has unique purification rituals.|High prelate|
|[[Filial Universalists|Heresy:FilialUniversalists]]|Forbids marriage or romance outside the sect.|Defrocked clergy|
|!Name      |Sacrificial Protestant Christians|
|!Origin    |Protestant Christianity|
Democracy. Every member has an equal voice in matters of faith, with doctrine usually decided at regular church-wide councils.
Sacrifices. The faith finds it necessary to make substantial sacrifices to please God. Some faiths may go so far as to offer human sacrifices, while others insist on huge tithes offered to the building of religious edifices.
|[[Evangelical Universalists|Heresy:EvangelicalUniversalists]]|Greatly respects learning and education.|Renegade prophet|
|[[Hateful Conciliarists|Heresy:HatefulConciliarists]]|Favors specific colors or symbols.|Outsider|
|!Name      |Holy Family Protestant Christians|
|!Origin    |Protestant Christianity|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Holy family. God's favor has been shown especially to members of a particular lineage. It may be that only men and women of this bloodline are permitted to become clergy, or they may serve as helpless figureheads for the real leaders of the faith.
|[[Purificationist Universalists|Heresy:PurificationistUniversalists]]|Mystical, seeking union with God through meditation.||
|!Name      |Syncretic Roman Catholic Protestant Christians|
|!Origin    |Protestant Christianity|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
Syncretism. This faith has reconciled the major elements of both of its origin beliefs into its tradition.
|[[Contemptuous Primitivists|Heresy:ContemptuousPrimitivists]]|Must donate labor or tithe money to the sect.|High prelate|
|[[Filial Crusaders|Heresy:FilialCrusaders]]|Forbidden to do something commonly done.|Defrocked clergy|
|[[Hateful Manichaeanists|Heresy:HatefulManichaeanists]]|Dietary prohibitions.|Outsider|
|!Name      |New Prophet Protestant Christians|
|!Origin    |Protestant Christianity|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
New prophet. This faith reveres the words and example of a relatively recent prophet, esteeming him or her as the final word on the will of God. The prophet may or may not still be living.
|[[Anathematic Separatists|Heresy:AnathematicSeparatists]]|Favors certain professions for their membership.|Frustrated layman|
|[[Contemptuous Antinomianists|Heresy:ContemptuousAntinomianists]]|Lives in visibly distinct houses or districts.|High prelate|
|[[Purificationist Crusaders|Heresy:PurificationistCrusaders]]|Vigorous charity work among unbelievers.||
|!Name      |Sacrificial Taoists|
|!Origin    |Taoism|
Council. A group of the oldest and most revered clergy determine the course of the faith.
Sacrifices. The faith finds it necessary to make substantial sacrifices to please God. Some faiths may go so far as to offer human sacrifices, while others insist on huge tithes offered to the building of religious edifices.
|[[Hateful Separatists|Heresy:HatefulSeparatists]]|Characteristic item of clothing or jewelry.|Outsider|
|!Name      |Separatist Taoists|
|!Origin    |Taoism|
No universal leadership. Each region governs itself differently.
Schism. The faith's beliefs are actually almost identical to those of the majority of its origin tradition, save for a few minor points of vital interest to theologians and no practical difference whatsoever to believers. This does not prevent a burning resentment towards the parent faith.
|[[Contemptuous Supercessionists|Heresy:ContemptuousSupercessionists]]|Public prayer at set times or places.|High prelate|
|!Name      |New Prophet Taoists|
|!Origin    |Taoism|
Patriarch/Matriarch. A single leader determines doctrine for the entire religion, possibly in consultation with other clerics.
New prophet. This faith reveres the words and example of a relatively recent prophet, esteeming him or her as the final word on the will of God. The prophet may or may not still be living.
|[[Evangelical Manichaeanists|Heresy:EvangelicalManichaeanists]]|Mystical, seeking union with God through meditation.|Renegade prophet|
|[[Legitimist Ethnocentrists|Heresy:LegitimistEthnocentrists]]|Vigorous charity work among unbelievers.||
|[[Legitimist Separatists|Heresy:LegitimistSeparatists]]|Has unique purification rituals.||
|!Name      |New Prophet Zoroastrianists|
|!Origin    |Zoroastrianism|
Council. A group of the oldest and most revered clergy determine the course of the faith.
New prophet. This faith reveres the words and example of a relatively recent prophet, esteeming him or her as the final word on the will of God. The prophet may or may not still be living.
|[[Legitimist Manichaeanists|Heresy:LegitimistManichaeanists]]|Always armed.||

|!Name   |Obedient Crusaders|
|!Origin |[[Holy Family Buddhists|Religion:HolyFamilyBuddhists]]|
|!Founder|Accidental; the founder never meant their works to be taken that way.|
|!Quirk  |Has a language specific to the sect.|
!!!Major Heresy
Conversion by the sword: unbelievers must be brought to obedience to the sect or be granted death.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Obedience: the sect feels obligated to obey the orthodox hierarchy in all matters not related to their specific faith.
|!Name   |Aversive Manichaeanists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Confucianists|Religion:SacrificialConfucianists]]|
|!Founder|Dissatisfied minor clergy: founded by a minor cleric frustrated with the faith's current condition.|
|!Quirk  |Lives in visibly distinct houses or districts.|
!!!Major Heresy
Manichaeanism: the sect believes in harsh austerities and rejection of matter as something profane and evil.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Aversion: the sect wishes to shun and avoid the orthodox.
|!Name   |Contemptuous Universalists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Confucianists|Religion:SacrificialConfucianists]]|
|!Founder|High prelate: founded by an important and powerful cleric to convey his or her beliefs.|
|!Quirk  |Forbidden the use of certain technology.|
!!!Major Heresy
Universal priesthood: the sect believes that there is no distinction between clergy and layman and that all functions of the faith may be performed by all members.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Contemptuous: the orthodox are spiritually lost and ignoble.
|!Name   |Aversive Stringentists|
|!Origin |[[New Book Confucianists|Religion:NewBookConfucianists]]|
|!Founder|Dissatisfied minor clergy: founded by a minor cleric frustrated with the faith's current condition.|
|!Quirk  |Mystical, seeking union with God through meditation.|
!!!Major Heresy
Stringency: the sect believes that even minor sins should be punished, and major sins should be capital crimes.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Aversion: the sect wishes to shun and avoid the orthodox.
|!Name   |Anathematic Crusaders|
|!Origin |[[Separatist Confucianists|Religion:SeparatistConfucianists]]|
|!Founder|Frustrated layman: founded by a layman frustrated with the faith's decadence, rigidity, or lack of authenticity.|
|!Quirk  |Always armed.|
!!!Major Heresy
Conversion by the sword: unbelievers must be brought to obedience to the sect or be granted death.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Anathematic: the orthodox are spiritually worse than infidels, and their ways must be avoided at all costs.
|!Name   |Indifferent Primitivists|
|!Origin |[[Syncretic Roman Catholic Eastern Orthodox Christians|Religion:SyncreticRomanCatholicEasternOrthodoxChristians]]|
|!Founder|Academic: founded by a professor or theologian on intellectual grounds.|
|!Quirk  |Forbidden the use of certain technology.|
!!!Major Heresy
Primitivism: the sect tries to recreate what they imagine was the original community of faith.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Indifference: the sect has no particular animus or love for the orthodox.
|!Name   |Filial Primitivists|
|!Origin |[[Holy Family Eastern Orthodox Christians|Religion:HolyFamilyEasternOrthodoxChristians]]|
|!Founder|Defrocked clergy: founded by a cleric outcast from the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|
!!!Major Heresy
Primitivism: the sect tries to recreate what they imagine was the original community of faith.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Filial: the sect honors and respects the orthodox faith, but feels it is substantially in error.
|!Name   |Filial Donatists|
|!Origin |[[Separatist Hinduists|Religion:SeparatistHinduists]]|
|!Founder|Defrocked clergy: founded by a cleric outcast from the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|
!!!Major Heresy
Donatism: the sect believes that clergy must be personally pure and holy in order to be legitimate.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Filial: the sect honors and respects the orthodox faith, but feels it is substantially in error.
|!Name   |Legitimist Donatists|
|!Origin |[[Separatist Hinduists|Religion:SeparatistHinduists]]|
|!Quirk  |Clergy of only one gender.|
!!!Major Heresy
Donatism: the sect believes that clergy must be personally pure and holy in order to be legitimate.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Legitimist: the sect views itself as the “true” orthodox faith and the present orthodox hierarchy as pretenders to their office.
|!Name   |Obedient Stringentists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Ideologists|Religion:SacrificialIdeologists]]|
|!Founder|Accidental; the founder never meant their works to be taken that way.|
|!Quirk  |Forbidden the use of certain technology.|
!!!Major Heresy
Stringency: the sect believes that even minor sins should be punished, and major sins should be capital crimes.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Obedience: the sect feels obligated to obey the orthodox hierarchy in all matters not related to their specific faith.
|!Name   |Evangelical Donatists|
|!Origin |[[New Book Ideologists|Religion:NewBookIdeologists]]|
|!Founder|Renegade prophet: founded by a revered holy figure who broke with the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|
!!!Major Heresy
Donatism: the sect believes that clergy must be personally pure and holy in order to be legitimate.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Evangelical: the sect feels compelled to teach the orthodox the better truth of their ways.
|!Name   |Purificationist Syncretists|
|!Origin |[[New Book Ideologists|Religion:NewBookIdeologists]]|
|!Quirk  |Public prayer at set times or places.|
!!!Major Heresy
Syncretism: the sect has added elements of Paganism to their beliefs.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Purificationist: the sect's austerities, sufferings, and asceticisms are necessary to purify the orthodox.
|!Name   |Indifferent Antinomianists|
|!Origin |[[Neofundamentalist Muslims|Religion:NeofundamentalistMuslims]]|
|!Founder|Academic: founded by a professor or theologian on intellectual grounds.|
|!Quirk  |Anti-intellectual, deploring secular learning|
!!!Major Heresy
Antinomianism: the sect believes that their holy persons are above any earthly law and may do as they will.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Indifference: the sect has no particular animus or love for the orthodox.
|!Name   |Contemptuous Donatists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Muslims|Religion:SacrificialMuslims]]|
|!Founder|High prelate: founded by an important and powerful cleric to convey his or her beliefs.|
|!Quirk  |Always armed.|
!!!Major Heresy
Donatism: the sect believes that clergy must be personally pure and holy in order to be legitimate.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Contemptuous: the orthodox are spiritually lost and ignoble.
|!Name   |Evangelical Crusaders|
|!Origin |[[Holy Family Judaism|Religion:HolyFamilyJudaism]]|
|!Founder|Renegade prophet: founded by a revered holy figure who broke with the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Dietary prohibitions.|
!!!Major Heresy
Conversion by the sword: unbelievers must be brought to obedience to the sect or be granted death.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Evangelical: the sect feels compelled to teach the orthodox the better truth of their ways.
|!Name   |Obedient Separatists|
|!Origin |[[Separatist Judaism|Religion:SeparatistJudaism]]|
|!Founder|Accidental; the founder never meant their works to be taken that way.|
|!Quirk  |Public prayer at set times or places.|
!!!Major Heresy
Separatism: the sect believes members should shun involvement with the secular world.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Obedience: the sect feels obligated to obey the orthodox hierarchy in all matters not related to their specific faith.
|!Name   |Anathematic Conciliarists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Judaism|Religion:SacrificialJudaism]]|
|!Founder|Frustrated layman: founded by a layman frustrated with the faith's decadence, rigidity, or lack of authenticity.|
|!Quirk  |Will not eat with people outside the sect.|
!!!Major Heresy
Conciliarism: the sect believes that the consensus of believers may correct or command even the clerical leadership of the faith.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Anathematic: the orthodox are spiritually worse than infidels, and their ways must be avoided at all costs.
|!Name   |Indifferent Donatists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Judaism|Religion:SacrificialJudaism]]|
|!Founder|Academic: founded by a professor or theologian on intellectual grounds.|
|!Quirk  |Forbidden to do something commonly done.|
!!!Major Heresy
Donatism: the sect believes that clergy must be personally pure and holy in order to be legitimate.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Indifference: the sect has no particular animus or love for the orthodox.
|!Name   |Filial Syncretists|
|!Origin |[[Neofundamentalist Pagans|Religion:NeofundamentalistPagans]]|
|!Founder|Defrocked clergy: founded by a cleric outcast from the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Has unique purification rituals.|
!!!Major Heresy
Syncretism: the sect has added elements of Zoroastrianism to their beliefs.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Filial: the sect honors and respects the orthodox faith, but feels it is substantially in error.
|!Name   |Contemptuous Separatists|
|!Origin |[[Holy Family Pagans|Religion:HolyFamilyPagans]]|
|!Founder|High prelate: founded by an important and powerful cleric to convey his or her beliefs.|
|!Quirk  |Has unique purification rituals.|
!!!Major Heresy
Separatism: the sect believes members should shun involvement with the secular world.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Contemptuous: the orthodox are spiritually lost and ignoble.
|!Name   |Filial Universalists|
|!Origin |[[Holy Family Pagans|Religion:HolyFamilyPagans]]|
|!Founder|Defrocked clergy: founded by a cleric outcast from the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Forbids marriage or romance outside the sect.|
!!!Major Heresy
Universal priesthood: the sect believes that there is no distinction between clergy and layman and that all functions of the faith may be performed by all members.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Filial: the sect honors and respects the orthodox faith, but feels it is substantially in error.
|!Name   |Evangelical Universalists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Protestant Christians|Religion:SacrificialProtestantChristians]]|
|!Founder|Renegade prophet: founded by a revered holy figure who broke with the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Greatly respects learning and education.|
!!!Major Heresy
Universal priesthood: the sect believes that there is no distinction between clergy and layman and that all functions of the faith may be performed by all members.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Evangelical: the sect feels compelled to teach the orthodox the better truth of their ways.
|!Name   |Hateful Conciliarists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Protestant Christians|Religion:SacrificialProtestantChristians]]|
|!Founder|Outsider: founded by a member of another faith deeply influenced by the parent religion.|
|!Quirk  |Favors specific colors or symbols.|
!!!Major Heresy
Conciliarism: the sect believes that the consensus of believers may correct or command even the clerical leadership of the faith.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Hatred: the sect wishes the death or conversion of the orthodox.
|!Name   |Purificationist Universalists|
|!Origin |[[Holy Family Protestant Christians|Religion:HolyFamilyProtestantChristians]]|
|!Quirk  |Mystical, seeking union with God through meditation.|
!!!Major Heresy
Universal priesthood: the sect believes that there is no distinction between clergy and layman and that all functions of the faith may be performed by all members.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Purificationist: the sect's austerities, sufferings, and asceticisms are necessary to purify the orthodox.
|!Name   |Contemptuous Primitivists|
|!Origin |[[Syncretic Roman Catholic Protestant Christians|Religion:SyncreticRomanCatholicProtestantChristians]]|
|!Founder|High prelate: founded by an important and powerful cleric to convey his or her beliefs.|
|!Quirk  |Must donate labor or tithe money to the sect.|
!!!Major Heresy
Primitivism: the sect tries to recreate what they imagine was the original community of faith.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Contemptuous: the orthodox are spiritually lost and ignoble.
|!Name   |Filial Crusaders|
|!Origin |[[Syncretic Roman Catholic Protestant Christians|Religion:SyncreticRomanCatholicProtestantChristians]]|
|!Founder|Defrocked clergy: founded by a cleric outcast from the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Forbidden to do something commonly done.|
!!!Major Heresy
Conversion by the sword: unbelievers must be brought to obedience to the sect or be granted death.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Filial: the sect honors and respects the orthodox faith, but feels it is substantially in error.
|!Name   |Hateful Manichaeanists|
|!Origin |[[Syncretic Roman Catholic Protestant Christians|Religion:SyncreticRomanCatholicProtestantChristians]]|
|!Founder|Outsider: founded by a member of another faith deeply influenced by the parent religion.|
|!Quirk  |Dietary prohibitions.|
!!!Major Heresy
Manichaeanism: the sect believes in harsh austerities and rejection of matter as something profane and evil.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Hatred: the sect wishes the death or conversion of the orthodox.
|!Name   |Anathematic Separatists|
|!Origin |[[New Prophet Protestant Christians|Religion:NewProphetProtestantChristians]]|
|!Founder|Frustrated layman: founded by a layman frustrated with the faith's decadence, rigidity, or lack of authenticity.|
|!Quirk  |Favors certain professions for their membership.|
!!!Major Heresy
Separatism: the sect believes members should shun involvement with the secular world.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Anathematic: the orthodox are spiritually worse than infidels, and their ways must be avoided at all costs.
|!Name   |Contemptuous Antinomianists|
|!Origin |[[New Prophet Protestant Christians|Religion:NewProphetProtestantChristians]]|
|!Founder|High prelate: founded by an important and powerful cleric to convey his or her beliefs.|
|!Quirk  |Lives in visibly distinct houses or districts.|
!!!Major Heresy
Antinomianism: the sect believes that their holy persons are above any earthly law and may do as they will.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Contemptuous: the orthodox are spiritually lost and ignoble.
|!Name   |Purificationist Crusaders|
|!Origin |[[New Prophet Protestant Christians|Religion:NewProphetProtestantChristians]]|
|!Quirk  |Vigorous charity work among unbelievers.|
!!!Major Heresy
Conversion by the sword: unbelievers must be brought to obedience to the sect or be granted death.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Purificationist: the sect's austerities, sufferings, and asceticisms are necessary to purify the orthodox.
|!Name   |Hateful Separatists|
|!Origin |[[Sacrificial Taoists|Religion:SacrificialTaoists]]|
|!Founder|Outsider: founded by a member of another faith deeply influenced by the parent religion.|
|!Quirk  |Characteristic item of clothing or jewelry.|
!!!Major Heresy
Separatism: the sect believes members should shun involvement with the secular world.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Hatred: the sect wishes the death or conversion of the orthodox.
|!Name   |Contemptuous Supercessionists|
|!Origin |[[Separatist Taoists|Religion:SeparatistTaoists]]|
|!Founder|High prelate: founded by an important and powerful cleric to convey his or her beliefs.|
|!Quirk  |Public prayer at set times or places.|
!!!Major Heresy
Supercessionism: the sect believes the founder or some other source supercedes former scripture or tradition.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Contemptuous: the orthodox are spiritually lost and ignoble.
|!Name   |Evangelical Manichaeanists|
|!Origin |[[New Prophet Taoists|Religion:NewProphetTaoists]]|
|!Founder|Renegade prophet: founded by a revered holy figure who broke with the faith.|
|!Quirk  |Mystical, seeking union with God through meditation.|
!!!Major Heresy
Manichaeanism: the sect believes in harsh austerities and rejection of matter as something profane and evil.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Evangelical: the sect feels compelled to teach the orthodox the better truth of their ways.
|!Name   |Legitimist Ethnocentrists|
|!Origin |[[New Prophet Taoists|Religion:NewProphetTaoists]]|
|!Quirk  |Vigorous charity work among unbelievers.|
!!!Major Heresy
Ethnocentrism: the sect believes that only a particular ethnicity or nationality can truly belong to the faith.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Legitimist: the sect views itself as the “true” orthodox faith and the present orthodox hierarchy as pretenders to their office.
|!Name   |Legitimist Separatists|
|!Origin |[[New Prophet Taoists|Religion:NewProphetTaoists]]|
|!Quirk  |Has unique purification rituals.|
!!!Major Heresy
Separatism: the sect believes members should shun involvement with the secular world.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Legitimist: the sect views itself as the “true” orthodox faith and the present orthodox hierarchy as pretenders to their office.
|!Name   |Legitimist Manichaeanists|
|!Origin |[[New Prophet Zoroastrianists|Religion:NewProphetZoroastrianists]]|
|!Quirk  |Always armed.|
!!!Major Heresy
Manichaeanism: the sect believes in harsh austerities and rejection of matter as something profane and evil.
!!!Attitude towards Orthodoxy
Legitimist: the sect views itself as the “true” orthodox faith and the present orthodox hierarchy as pretenders to their office.
|[[Carnelian Union|Group:CarnelianUnion]]|Rural|Autarky|Xenophilia|Industry, Military|
|[[Conservative Consensus|Group:ConservativeConsensus]]|Intellectuals|Laissez-faire|Xenophilia|Immigration, Poverty|
|[[Copper Society|Group:CopperSociety]]|Rural|Laissez-faire|Xenophobic|Military, Secession|
|[[Democratic Group|Group:DemocraticGroup]]|Bourgeoisie|State industry|Provisional|Bigotry, Reform|
|[[Federal Brotherhood|Group:FederalBrotherhood]]|Rural|Socialist|Provisional|Foreign Policy, Religion|
|[[Freedom Commune|Group:FreedomCommune]]|Social elite|Socialist|Xenophobic|Gender Roles, Secession|
|[[Green Group|Group:GreenGroup]]|Pious|Socialist|Xenophobic|Religion, Immigration|
|[[Homeland Pact|Group:HomelandPact]]|Outcasts|Autarky|Xenophobic|Welfare, Industry|
|[[Human Banner|Group:HumanBanner]]|Intellectuals|Autarky|Provisional|Welfare, Reform|
|[[Liberal Consensus|Group:LiberalConsensus]]|Pious|Communist|Provisional|Immigration, Foreign Policy|
|[[Liberty Party|Group:LibertyParty]]|Rural|State industry|Provisional|Gender Roles, Immigration|
|[[Mercury Banner|Group:MercuryBanner]]|Rural|Laissez-faire|Xenophobic|Reform, Gender Roles|
|[[National Pact|Group:NationalPact]]|Pious|Autarky|Xenophobic|Secession, Religion|
|[[Northeast Combine|Group:NortheastCombine]]|Social elite|Autarky|Provisional|Religion, Military|
|[[Penguin Sodality|Group:PenguinSodality]]|Outcasts|State industry|Provisional|Tradition, Industry|
|[[People's Society|Group:People'sSociety]]|Urban|State industry|Xenophobic|Industry, Bigotry|
|[[Popular Element|Group:PopularElement]]|Urban|Autarky|Provisional|Poverty, Bigotry|
|[[Progressive Element|Group:ProgressiveElement]]|Rural|Laissez-faire|Xenophilia|Tradition, Military|
|[[Republican Union|Group:RepublicanUnion]]|Proletariat|Socialist|Xenophilia|Industry, Poverty|
|[[Royal Foundation|Group:RoyalFoundation]]|Bourgeoisie|State industry|Xenophilia|Poverty, Gender Roles|
|[[Social Commune|Group:SocialCommune]]|Intellectuals|Communist|Provisional|Welfare, Foreign Policy|
|[[Unified Council|Group:UnifiedCouncil]]|Intellectuals|Communist|Provisional|Bigotry, Religion|
|[[Victory Fellowship|Group:VictoryFellowship]]|Bourgeoisie|Communist|Provisional|Industry, Immigration|
|[[Viridian Consensus|Group:ViridianConsensus]]|Social elite|Communist|Provisional|Reform, Foreign Policy|
|!Name      |Carnelian Union|
Autarky: the government should ensure that the world can provide all of its own goods and services and forbid the import of foreign goods.
Rural: farmers, herdsmen, small-town artisans, and other residents of the rural zones of a planet make up the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* The memberships' important industries.
* Military preparedness.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophilia: the more immigrants the better, as they provide valuable labor and skills.
|!Name      |Conservative Consensus|
Laissez-faire: minimal or no government intervention in the market.
Intellectuals: the movement is led by intellectuals.
!!!Key Issues
* Immigration and immigrants.
* Poverty among the group's membership.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophilia: the more immigrants the better, as they provide valuable labor and skills.
|!Name      |Copper Society|
Laissez-faire: minimal or no government intervention in the market.
Rural: farmers, herdsmen, small-town artisans, and other residents of the rural zones of a planet make up the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* Military preparedness.
* Secession.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophobic: immigration is to be restricted to protect native jobs and culture.
|!Name      |Democratic Group|
State industry: the government should own or support specific industries important to the group.
Bourgeoisie: the group is driven by a leadership drawn from the middle class and those aspiring to join the elite.
!!!Key Issues
* Social hostility to the group's membership.
* Governmental reform.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Federal Brotherhood|
Socialist: the market should be harnessed to ensure a state-determined minimal standard of living for all.
Rural: farmers, herdsmen, small-town artisans, and other residents of the rural zones of a planet make up the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* Foreign relations.
* Religion in public life.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Freedom Commune|
Socialist: the market should be harnessed to ensure a state-determined minimal standard of living for all.
Social elite: the group is led by members of the planet's ruling class.
!!!Key Issues
* Gender roles and sexual mores.
* Secession.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophobic: immigration is to be restricted to protect native jobs and culture.
|!Name      |Green Group|
Socialist: the market should be harnessed to ensure a state-determined minimal standard of living for all.
Pious: clergy and devout laymen of a religion form the leadership.
!!!Key Issues
* Religion in public life.
* Immigration and immigrants.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophobic: immigration is to be restricted to protect native jobs and culture.
|!Name      |Homeland Pact|
Autarky: the government should ensure that the world can provide all of its own goods and services and forbid the import of foreign goods.
Outcasts: the group's leadership is filled out by members of a taboo, outcast, or otherwise socially marginal group.
!!!Key Issues
* Wealth redistribution.
* The memberships' important industries.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophobic: immigration is to be restricted to protect native jobs and culture.
|!Name      |Human Banner|
Autarky: the government should ensure that the world can provide all of its own goods and services and forbid the import of foreign goods.
Intellectuals: the movement is led by intellectuals.
!!!Key Issues
* Wealth redistribution.
* Governmental reform.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Liberal Consensus|
Communist: the state should control the economy, disbursing its products according to need and determined efficiency.
Pious: clergy and devout laymen of a religion form the leadership.
!!!Key Issues
* Immigration and immigrants.
* Foreign relations.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Liberty Party|
State industry: the government should own or support specific industries important to the group.
Rural: farmers, herdsmen, small-town artisans, and other residents of the rural zones of a planet make up the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* Gender roles and sexual mores.
* Immigration and immigrants.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Mercury Banner|
Laissez-faire: minimal or no government intervention in the market.
Rural: farmers, herdsmen, small-town artisans, and other residents of the rural zones of a planet make up the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* Governmental reform.
* Gender roles and sexual mores.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophobic: immigration is to be restricted to protect native jobs and culture.
|!Name      |National Pact|
Autarky: the government should ensure that the world can provide all of its own goods and services and forbid the import of foreign goods.
Pious: clergy and devout laymen of a religion form the leadership.
!!!Key Issues
* Secession.
* Religion in public life.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophobic: immigration is to be restricted to protect native jobs and culture.
|!Name      |Northeast Combine|
Autarky: the government should ensure that the world can provide all of its own goods and services and forbid the import of foreign goods.
Social elite: the group is led by members of the planet's ruling class.
!!!Key Issues
* Religion in public life.
* Military preparedness.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Penguin Sodality|
State industry: the government should own or support specific industries important to the group.
Outcasts: the group's leadership is filled out by members of a taboo, outcast, or otherwise socially marginal group.
!!!Key Issues
* Culture of the group membership.
* The memberships' important industries.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |People's Society|
State industry: the government should own or support specific industries important to the group.
Urban: city-dwellers compose the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* The memberships' important industries.
* Social hostility to the group's membership.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophobic: immigration is to be restricted to protect native jobs and culture.
|!Name      |Popular Element|
Autarky: the government should ensure that the world can provide all of its own goods and services and forbid the import of foreign goods.
Urban: city-dwellers compose the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* Poverty among the group's membership.
* Social hostility to the group's membership.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Progressive Element|
Laissez-faire: minimal or no government intervention in the market.
Rural: farmers, herdsmen, small-town artisans, and other residents of the rural zones of a planet make up the leadership of the group.
!!!Key Issues
* Culture of the group membership.
* Military preparedness.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophilia: the more immigrants the better, as they provide valuable labor and skills.
|!Name      |Republican Union|
Socialist: the market should be harnessed to ensure a state-determined minimal standard of living for all.
Proletariat: the working class, both agricultural and industrial, provides the leadership for this group.
!!!Key Issues
* The memberships' important industries.
* Poverty among the group's membership.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophilia: the more immigrants the better, as they provide valuable labor and skills.
|!Name      |Royal Foundation|
State industry: the government should own or support specific industries important to the group.
Bourgeoisie: the group is driven by a leadership drawn from the middle class and those aspiring to join the elite.
!!!Key Issues
* Poverty among the group's membership.
* Gender roles and sexual mores.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Xenophilia: the more immigrants the better, as they provide valuable labor and skills.
|!Name      |Social Commune|
Communist: the state should control the economy, disbursing its products according to need and determined efficiency.
Intellectuals: the movement is led by intellectuals.
!!!Key Issues
* Wealth redistribution.
* Foreign relations.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Unified Council|
Communist: the state should control the economy, disbursing its products according to need and determined efficiency.
Intellectuals: the movement is led by intellectuals.
!!!Key Issues
* Social hostility to the group's membership.
* Religion in public life.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Victory Fellowship|
Communist: the state should control the economy, disbursing its products according to need and determined efficiency.
Bourgeoisie: the group is driven by a leadership drawn from the middle class and those aspiring to join the elite.
!!!Key Issues
* The memberships' important industries.
* Immigration and immigrants.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
|!Name      |Viridian Consensus|
Communist: the state should control the economy, disbursing its products according to need and determined efficiency.
Social elite: the group is led by members of the planet's ruling class.
!!!Key Issues
* Governmental reform.
* Foreign relations.

!!!Relationship toward Outsiders
Provisional: some immigrants are to be encouraged, others to be forbidden. Which is which depends on the interests of the group.
''Communist'':  the state should control the economy, disbursing its products according to need and determined efficiency.
''State industry'':  the government should own or support specific industries important to the group.
''Autarky'':  the government should ensure that the world can provide all of its own goods and services and forbid the import of foreign goods.
''Laissez-faire'':  minimal or no government intervention in the market.
''Socialist'':  the market should be harnessed to ensure a state-determined minimal standard of living for all.
Military preparedness.
The memberships' important industries.
Social hostility to the group's membership.
Religion in public life.
Poverty among the group's membership.
Culture of the group membership.
Immigration and immigrants.
Gender roles and sexual mores.
Foreign relations.
Wealth redistribution.
Governmental reform.
|!Name|!Body Type|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|!@@color:#FF0000;Structure@@|h
|[[Abhoa |Alien:Abhoa]]|Reptilian|@@color:#FF0000;Domination, Honor@@|@@color:#FF0000;Tribal@@|
|[[Burritl|Alien:Burritl]]|Avian|@@color:#FF0000;Treachery, Pacifism@@|@@color:#FF0000;Monarchic@@|
|[[Crycham|Alien:Crycham]]|Humanlike|@@color:#FF0000;Domination, Hate@@|@@color:#FF0000;Oligarchic, Tribal@@|
|[[Fak |Alien:Fak]]|Avian|@@color:#FF0000;Wrath, Pride@@|@@color:#FF0000;Monarchic@@|
|[[Gaggale|Alien:Gaggale]]|Avian|@@color:#FF0000;Faith, Pacifism@@|@@color:#FF0000;Tribal@@|
|[[HI'Hom |Alien:Hi'hom]]|Exotic|@@color:#FF0000;Honor, Pacifism@@|@@color:#FF0000;Monarchic@@|
|[[Ker |Alien:Ker]]|Humanlike|@@color:#FF0000;Faith, Sagacity@@|@@color:#FF0000;Monarchic@@|
|[[Shoul |Alien:Shoul]]|Hybrid: Humanlike and Reptilian|@@color:#FF0000;Despair, Domination@@|@@color:#FF0000;Tribal@@|
|[[Tindaol|Alien:Tindaol]]|Humanlike|@@color:#FF0000;Pride, Curiosity@@|@@color:#FF0000;Monarchic@@|
|[[Yucidge|Alien:Yucidge]]|Humanlike|@@color:#FF0000;Subtlety, Collectivity@@|@@color:#FF0000;Tribal, Monarchic, Oligarchic@@|
|!Name      |Abhoa |
|!Body Type |Reptilian|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Domination, Honor@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Large membranous frills
* Burrowing foreclaws
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Reptilian'': Reptilian aliens can range from the classic "lizard man" look to a more subtle combination of pebble-scaled skin, membrane frills, broad bodies, cold-bloodedness, nictitating membranes, an exceptional sense of smell, thick claws, powerful builds, sharp teeth, and fine scales. Bodies may be broad and thick like that of a lizard, or perhaps sinuous like that of a snake. Reptilian aliens might be found especially on damp, watery worlds, and might be outright amphibious over all or part of their life spans.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Domination'': These aliens are consumed by a desire to conquer and rule, both each other and any other species unfortunate enough to share the stellar neighborhood. Some among them can be fair and thoughtful rulers, but others are nothing more than vainglorious tyrants. Among themselves, society tends to be organized in intricate and clearly- marked hierarchies, with advancement progressing along both official and illicit routes. These aliens constantly test their leaders, forcing them to maintain their position through strength and cunning.<br><br>''Honor'': Whatever sort of society the race has, it is one obsessed with honorable behavior. Members will obey the social mores and expectations of their roles at all costs. Personal sacrifice for the sake of upholding these principles earns a member glory and esteem. Gaining advantage by means of inappropriate behavior or failing in one's duty is shameful, and an entity that has compromised its honor too greatly may prefer death to continued existence.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Tribal'': The species is organized into multiple tribes based on lineage, philosophy, or geographical location. Tribes set their own laws and policies, and are prone to intense internal struggles over resources and status. There may exist a "paramount tribe" that inflicts its will upon the others through brute strength or traditional esteem. Tribal leaders tend to be personally distinguished, and usually have earned their position through personal accomplishments and the broad support of their tribemates.<br><br>''Tribal'': The species is organized into multiple tribes based on lineage, philosophy, or geographical location. Tribes set their own laws and policies, and are prone to intense internal struggles over resources and status. There may exist a "paramount tribe" that inflicts its will upon the others through brute strength or traditional esteem. Tribal leaders tend to be personally distinguished, and usually have earned their position through personal accomplishments and the broad support of their tribemates.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Multi-branching towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Circular foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Mosaics on walls or floors@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Adorned pillars@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Monumental arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Balconies and overlooks@@
|!Name      |Burritl|
|!Body Type |Avian|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Treachery, Pacifism@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Lifts and drops prey
* Flightless
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Avian'': Avian aliens favor birdlike features. Feathered tails, wings, beaks, drastic coloring differences between males and females, skin either partially or fully covered in feathers, hollow bones, and clawed feet and hands are all traits that might be present in an avian-flavored alien. Such avians might have remarkably good vision or show unusual talent as pilots thanks to an evolutionary predilection for thinking in three dimensions.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Treachery'': This species is uniformly treacherous and untrustworthy. Bargains and agreements are kept only so long as they are useful to both participants, and truthfulness is simply a tool to be placed next to deceit. There is no sense of acrimony or anger among these aliens at the inevitable betrayals that make up their societies; they consider it good and laudable that an individual should seek its own best interests, and those who can most perfectly manipulate each other are naturally those most worthy to rule, for the health of the society directly influences the power of its head.<br><br>''Pacifism'': The race is remarkably peaceful and nonviolent in nature. Few species survive while being totally averse to violent self-defense, but this race will never choose violence against living creatures as a means of gaining advantage or retaliating to wrongs. Among their own kind, violence is abhorrent and unnatural, and it is probable that the species is either herbivorous or subsists by photosynthesis. A pacifist race may be peaceful, but there are more ways to do injury than through personal violence; the cession of trade, the destruction of property, and the incitement of divisions and confusion among their enemies are all tools this race knows well. Pacifist species can also be quite oppressive at times, with an underclass constitutionally incapable of defending their possessions or privileges with force.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Monarchic'': The species is ruled by a single being, with such rule justified by custom, biological imperative, divine mandate, personal influence, or familial ties. Such monarchic societies almost invariably have a "noble" caste of some kind to act as administrators and officials for the monarch, and they usually make up the pool from which new monarchs are chosen. The specific title for a monarch will usually depend on the justification for their rule- Chieftain, Emperor, Broodmother, High Priest, Dictator, Chief Elder, or so forth.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Skeletal towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Triangular foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Statues inset in wall niches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Seeming lack of supports or buttresses@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Multifoil arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Absence or profusion of windows@@
|!Name      |Crycham|
|!Body Type |Humanlike|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Domination, Hate@@|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Structure@@|@@color:#FF0000;Oligarchic, Tribal@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Stench glands
* Expands or inflates when threatened
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Humanlike'': Humanlike aliens are just that; extremely close to humans in outward appearance. They might have unusual skin or hair coloration, different hair growth distributions, an odd number of fingers, cranial ridges, a novel skin texture, variant ear shapes, or different average body builds or sizes, but they largely appear like humans. Xenobiologists postulate that the human shape is simply a very successful evolutionary route on Earth-like planets, and other worlds with similar conditions are likely to produce similar sapients. Crank scientists tend to favor theories of pan-galactic Creators that spread humanlike shapes throughout space; these theories conspicuously fail to take into account the dramatically different DNA and internal organ makeup of many humanlike aliens.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Domination'': These aliens are consumed by a desire to conquer and rule, both each other and any other species unfortunate enough to share the stellar neighborhood. Some among them can be fair and thoughtful rulers, but others are nothing more than vainglorious tyrants. Among themselves, society tends to be organized in intricate and clearly- marked hierarchies, with advancement progressing along both official and illicit routes. These aliens constantly test their leaders, forcing them to maintain their position through strength and cunning.<br><br>''Hate'': There is something these aliens hate, and it defines their culture completely by their opposition to it. It may be these aliens are rampant xenophobes, loathing all who are not of their own kind. There may be acrid religious or political divisions among them, with individuals identifying completely with their sect and despising all the others. It could be an ancient enemy among the stars, a rival race that has wounded them so greatly as to be unforgivable. These aliens may spar and maneuver for power among their own kind, but all goals and individuals are to some degree subordinated to the needs of their immortal hate.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Tribal'': The species is organized into multiple tribes based on lineage, philosophy, or geographical location. Tribes set their own laws and policies, and are prone to intense internal struggles over resources and status. There may exist a "paramount tribe" that inflicts its will upon the others through brute strength or traditional esteem. Tribal leaders tend to be personally distinguished, and usually have earned their position through personal accomplishments and the broad support of their tribemates.<br><br>''Oligarchic'': The species is led by a number of powerful or revered figures who work in nominal harmony. Individual oligarchs might have their own goals, but no single member has the strength to enforce its will upon the whole. These oligarchs might be the product of hereditary inheritance, or individual members of the species might one day aspire to join their numbers.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Flat-topped towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Elongated rectangular foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Carvings on walls@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Smooth pillars@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Monumental arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Balconies and overlooks@@
|!Name      |Fak |
|!Body Type |Avian|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Wrath, Pride@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* 3 pairs of wings
* Long, sinuous neck
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Avian'': Avian aliens favor birdlike features. Feathered tails, wings, beaks, drastic coloring differences between males and females, skin either partially or fully covered in feathers, hollow bones, and clawed feet and hands are all traits that might be present in an avian-flavored alien. Such avians might have remarkably good vision or show unusual talent as pilots thanks to an evolutionary predilection for thinking in three dimensions.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Wrath'': The race is hot-tempered, prone to fits of personal violence. Disputes are settled by force, though rarely to the point of death among their own kind. Outsiders can expect swift and bloody retaliation for any insult or slight, and the prospect of death rarely intimidates these beings. Their chief mode of emotional expression is anger; wrath at obstacles, fury at enemies, and a slow smoldering burn when neither are available.<br><br>''Pride'': These aliens are suffused with an enormous pride in their own culture and species, and instinctively consider themselves to be superior to the lesser beings they may encounter. A prideful species is not necessarily a hostile one; some such races have a certain sense of noblesse oblige toward their "lessers", and some species' pride shows in a resolute refusal to lower themselves to deceit, cruelty, or avarice. More often, however, this pride manifests in a casual contempt for the interests of their inferiors, and a single-minded focus on personal advancement and glory among their own kind.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Monarchic'': The species is ruled by a single being, with such rule justified by custom, biological imperative, divine mandate, personal influence, or familial ties. Such monarchic societies almost invariably have a "noble" caste of some kind to act as administrators and officials for the monarch, and they usually make up the pool from which new monarchs are chosen. The specific title for a monarch will usually depend on the justification for their rule- Chieftain, Emperor, Broodmother, High Priest, Dictator, Chief Elder, or so forth.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Inverted towers, stretching underground@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Sloped foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Mosaics on walls or floors@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Pier buttresses@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Lancet arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Balconies and overlooks@@
|!Name      |Gaggale|
|!Body Type |Avian|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Faith, Pacifism@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Fights prey on the ground
* Has valuable or delicious eggs
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Avian'': Avian aliens favor birdlike features. Feathered tails, wings, beaks, drastic coloring differences between males and females, skin either partially or fully covered in feathers, hollow bones, and clawed feet and hands are all traits that might be present in an avian-flavored alien. Such avians might have remarkably good vision or show unusual talent as pilots thanks to an evolutionary predilection for thinking in three dimensions.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Faith'': Such a species is driven by religious concerns, organizing their society around their faith and its clergy. Most such species have a single faith. Others make do with a number of different religions, all followed with a fierce devotion. Challenges to this faith are not met with outrage so much as blank incomprehension; for these beings, the truth of their religions is so self-evident that it seems irrational to ever question it. Those who most perfectly embody the teachings of their creeds tend to become rulers, their lives and will taken as an example for others.<br><br>''Pacifism'': The race is remarkably peaceful and nonviolent in nature. Few species survive while being totally averse to violent self-defense, but this race will never choose violence against living creatures as a means of gaining advantage or retaliating to wrongs. Among their own kind, violence is abhorrent and unnatural, and it is probable that the species is either herbivorous or subsists by photosynthesis. A pacifist race may be peaceful, but there are more ways to do injury than through personal violence; the cession of trade, the destruction of property, and the incitement of divisions and confusion among their enemies are all tools this race knows well. Pacifist species can also be quite oppressive at times, with an underclass constitutionally incapable of defending their possessions or privileges with force.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Tribal'': The species is organized into multiple tribes based on lineage, philosophy, or geographical location. Tribes set their own laws and policies, and are prone to intense internal struggles over resources and status. There may exist a "paramount tribe" that inflicts its will upon the others through brute strength or traditional esteem. Tribal leaders tend to be personally distinguished, and usually have earned their position through personal accomplishments and the broad support of their tribemates.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Skeletal towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Sloped foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Tiling on surfaces@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Pyramidal support piers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Monumental arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Balconies and overlooks@@
|!Name      |HI'Hom |
|!Body Type |Exotic|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Honor, Pacifism@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Controlled by neural symbiont
* Gas-sack body
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Exotic'': Exotic aliens are built out of parts and materials that aren't normally found in Terran life forms. A humanoid might be composed out of a kind of organic plastic that makes up much of their home planet's biochemistry, or be composed of an intricate array of interlocking crystals and woody organic elements. You should pick one or more materials that aren't normally part of an animal's body and have them play a major role in the alien's biology. As a consequence, this kind of alien is probably highly dependent upon their home world for food and other biological necessities. If not, they likely spend a lot of effort synthesizing vital materials out of local supplies.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Honor'': Whatever sort of society the race has, it is one obsessed with honorable behavior. Members will obey the social mores and expectations of their roles at all costs. Personal sacrifice for the sake of upholding these principles earns a member glory and esteem. Gaining advantage by means of inappropriate behavior or failing in one's duty is shameful, and an entity that has compromised its honor too greatly may prefer death to continued existence.<br><br>''Pacifism'': The race is remarkably peaceful and nonviolent in nature. Few species survive while being totally averse to violent self-defense, but this race will never choose violence against living creatures as a means of gaining advantage or retaliating to wrongs. Among their own kind, violence is abhorrent and unnatural, and it is probable that the species is either herbivorous or subsists by photosynthesis. A pacifist race may be peaceful, but there are more ways to do injury than through personal violence; the cession of trade, the destruction of property, and the incitement of divisions and confusion among their enemies are all tools this race knows well. Pacifist species can also be quite oppressive at times, with an underclass constitutionally incapable of defending their possessions or privileges with force.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Monarchic'': The species is ruled by a single being, with such rule justified by custom, biological imperative, divine mandate, personal influence, or familial ties. Such monarchic societies almost invariably have a "noble" caste of some kind to act as administrators and officials for the monarch, and they usually make up the pool from which new monarchs are chosen. The specific title for a monarch will usually depend on the justification for their rule- Chieftain, Emperor, Broodmother, High Priest, Dictator, Chief Elder, or so forth.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Squat towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Hexagonal foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Moldings on walls@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Flying buttresses@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Keyhole arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Balconies and overlooks@@
|!Name      |Ker |
|!Body Type |Humanlike|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Faith, Sagacity@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Horns or body spikes
* Superb scent tracker
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Humanlike'': Humanlike aliens are just that; extremely close to humans in outward appearance. They might have unusual skin or hair coloration, different hair growth distributions, an odd number of fingers, cranial ridges, a novel skin texture, variant ear shapes, or different average body builds or sizes, but they largely appear like humans. Xenobiologists postulate that the human shape is simply a very successful evolutionary route on Earth-like planets, and other worlds with similar conditions are likely to produce similar sapients. Crank scientists tend to favor theories of pan-galactic Creators that spread humanlike shapes throughout space; these theories conspicuously fail to take into account the dramatically different DNA and internal organ makeup of many humanlike aliens.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Faith'': Such a species is driven by religious concerns, organizing their society around their faith and its clergy. Most such species have a single faith. Others make do with a number of different religions, all followed with a fierce devotion. Challenges to this faith are not met with outrage so much as blank incomprehension; for these beings, the truth of their religions is so self-evident that it seems irrational to ever question it. Those who most perfectly embody the teachings of their creeds tend to become rulers, their lives and will taken as an example for others.<br><br>''Sagacity'': These aliens love intellectual pursuits above all others. Logic, wisdom, and erudition are all prized as the best and most glorious expressions of their nature, and their rulers are invariably sage-kings of remarkable depth and breadth of understanding. Such understanding does not necessarily stand in well for good judgment, and sagacious alien civilizations are notorious for overreaching in their ambitions. Stupidity and ignorance is repugnant to this race, and some of them treat very harshly those species that they do not feel to be their intellectual peers.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Monarchic'': The species is ruled by a single being, with such rule justified by custom, biological imperative, divine mandate, personal influence, or familial ties. Such monarchic societies almost invariably have a "noble" caste of some kind to act as administrators and officials for the monarch, and they usually make up the pool from which new monarchs are chosen. The specific title for a monarch will usually depend on the justification for their rule- Chieftain, Emperor, Broodmother, High Priest, Dictator, Chief Elder, or so forth.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Multi-branching towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Oval foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Paneling on walls@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Flying buttresses@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Horseshoe arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Absence or profusion of windows@@
|!Name      |Shoul |
|!Body Type |Hybrid: Humanlike and Reptilian|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Despair, Domination@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Stench glands
* Hide is damp and slimy
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Humanlike'': Humanlike aliens are just that; extremely close to humans in outward appearance. They might have unusual skin or hair coloration, different hair growth distributions, an odd number of fingers, cranial ridges, a novel skin texture, variant ear shapes, or different average body builds or sizes, but they largely appear like humans. Xenobiologists postulate that the human shape is simply a very successful evolutionary route on Earth-like planets, and other worlds with similar conditions are likely to produce similar sapients. Crank scientists tend to favor theories of pan-galactic Creators that spread humanlike shapes throughout space; these theories conspicuously fail to take into account the dramatically different DNA and internal organ makeup of many humanlike aliens.<br><br>''Reptilian'': Reptilian aliens can range from the classic "lizard man" look to a more subtle combination of pebble-scaled skin, membrane frills, broad bodies, cold-bloodedness, nictitating membranes, an exceptional sense of smell, thick claws, powerful builds, sharp teeth, and fine scales. Bodies may be broad and thick like that of a lizard, or perhaps sinuous like that of a snake. Reptilian aliens might be found especially on damp, watery worlds, and might be outright amphibious over all or part of their life spans.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Despair'': These aliens have fallen prey to a pervasive sense of failure and loss. Perhaps they are the remnants of a once-glorious empire or the survivors of some cataclysmic disaster for their people. What they once loved has been destroyed, and their sources of comfort and courage have failed them. Superficially, they might resemble those species that crave pleasure and indulgence, but their disports only serve to numb them to the existential gloom that taints the species. Their leadership is desultory at best, and sophisticated social structures tend to degrade into loose, diffident associations as their members no longer have the hope necessary to perpetuate them.<br><br>''Domination'': These aliens are consumed by a desire to conquer and rule, both each other and any other species unfortunate enough to share the stellar neighborhood. Some among them can be fair and thoughtful rulers, but others are nothing more than vainglorious tyrants. Among themselves, society tends to be organized in intricate and clearly- marked hierarchies, with advancement progressing along both official and illicit routes. These aliens constantly test their leaders, forcing them to maintain their position through strength and cunning.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Tribal'': The species is organized into multiple tribes based on lineage, philosophy, or geographical location. Tribes set their own laws and policies, and are prone to intense internal struggles over resources and status. There may exist a "paramount tribe" that inflicts its will upon the others through brute strength or traditional esteem. Tribal leaders tend to be personally distinguished, and usually have earned their position through personal accomplishments and the broad support of their tribemates.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Twisted towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Pillared foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Featureless surfaces@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Pier buttresses@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Horseshoe arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Walled or enclosed courtyards@@
|!Name      |Tindaol|
|!Body Type |Humanlike|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Pride, Curiosity@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Eyes or eyespots on body
* Fires darts or quills
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Humanlike'': Humanlike aliens are just that; extremely close to humans in outward appearance. They might have unusual skin or hair coloration, different hair growth distributions, an odd number of fingers, cranial ridges, a novel skin texture, variant ear shapes, or different average body builds or sizes, but they largely appear like humans. Xenobiologists postulate that the human shape is simply a very successful evolutionary route on Earth-like planets, and other worlds with similar conditions are likely to produce similar sapients. Crank scientists tend to favor theories of pan-galactic Creators that spread humanlike shapes throughout space; these theories conspicuously fail to take into account the dramatically different DNA and internal organ makeup of many humanlike aliens.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Pride'': These aliens are suffused with an enormous pride in their own culture and species, and instinctively consider themselves to be superior to the lesser beings they may encounter. A prideful species is not necessarily a hostile one; some such races have a certain sense of noblesse oblige toward their "lessers", and some species' pride shows in a resolute refusal to lower themselves to deceit, cruelty, or avarice. More often, however, this pride manifests in a casual contempt for the interests of their inferiors, and a single-minded focus on personal advancement and glory among their own kind.<br><br>''Curiosity'': This species is insatiably curious, constantly prying into the affairs of those around them. Spying for this race carries no opprobrium whatsoever, and while they may attempt to maintain privacy for certain doings, all assume it a given that matters will be discovered in the end. They love to explore new places and meet new sapients, and while they may be brutally indifferent to the fates or treatment of these beings, they're always eager to observe them. Their societies tend to operate in a profoundly transparent manner, and some view the keeping of secrets as an automatic indication of malicious intent.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Monarchic'': The species is ruled by a single being, with such rule justified by custom, biological imperative, divine mandate, personal influence, or familial ties. Such monarchic societies almost invariably have a "noble" caste of some kind to act as administrators and officials for the monarch, and they usually make up the pool from which new monarchs are chosen. The specific title for a monarch will usually depend on the justification for their rule- Chieftain, Emperor, Broodmother, High Priest, Dictator, Chief Elder, or so forth.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Skeletal towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Hexagonal foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Moldings on walls@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Raised embankments@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Round arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Absence or profusion of windows@@
|!Name      |Yucidge|
|!Body Type |Humanlike|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Lenses@@|@@color:#FF0000;Subtlety, Collectivity@@|
|!@@color:#FF0000;Structure@@|@@color:#FF0000;Tribal, Monarchic, Oligarchic@@|
!!!Distinguishing Features
* Prehensile tail
* Animal is cold-blooded
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Body Type@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Humanlike'': Humanlike aliens are just that; extremely close to humans in outward appearance. They might have unusual skin or hair coloration, different hair growth distributions, an odd number of fingers, cranial ridges, a novel skin texture, variant ear shapes, or different average body builds or sizes, but they largely appear like humans. Xenobiologists postulate that the human shape is simply a very successful evolutionary route on Earth-like planets, and other worlds with similar conditions are likely to produce similar sapients. Crank scientists tend to favor theories of pan-galactic Creators that spread humanlike shapes throughout space; these theories conspicuously fail to take into account the dramatically different DNA and internal organ makeup of many humanlike aliens.@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Subtlety'': Such a species is enormously cunning and patient in character, willing to endure years of suffering calmly in order to bring about some intricate plan. They shun open display of emotions or opinions, masking such things behind protocols of bland correctness. To reveal one's true opinion about some contentious matter is a mark either of profound trust or a sign of obvious incipient treachery. The true ruler of such a species is almost never who it seems to be.<br><br>''Collectivity'': These aliens might be hive-like in their social structure, natural communists, or simply very closely attached to the customs and interests of their social group. The importance of the individual is thought to be minimal, and members will cheerfully and readily sacrifice themselves for the good of the group. To willfully refuse to accept the consensus of the whole is an unspeakable sin, and to be separated permanently from one's social group is a fate worse than death.@@
!!!@@color:#FF0000;Social Structure@@
@@color:#FF0000;''Tribal'': The species is organized into multiple tribes based on lineage, philosophy, or geographical location. Tribes set their own laws and policies, and are prone to intense internal struggles over resources and status. There may exist a "paramount tribe" that inflicts its will upon the others through brute strength or traditional esteem. Tribal leaders tend to be personally distinguished, and usually have earned their position through personal accomplishments and the broad support of their tribemates.<br><br>''Oligarchic'': The species is led by a number of powerful or revered figures who work in nominal harmony. Individual oligarchs might have their own goals, but no single member has the strength to enforce its will upon the whole. These oligarchs might be the product of hereditary inheritance, or individual members of the species might one day aspire to join their numbers.<br><br>''Monarchic'': The species is ruled by a single being, with such rule justified by custom, biological imperative, divine mandate, personal influence, or familial ties. Such monarchic societies almost invariably have a "noble" caste of some kind to act as administrators and officials for the monarch, and they usually make up the pool from which new monarchs are chosen. The specific title for a monarch will usually depend on the justification for their rule- Chieftain, Emperor, Broodmother, High Priest, Dictator, Chief Elder, or so forth.@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Twisted towers@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Raised foundations@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Statues inset in wall niches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Flying buttresses@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Oriental arches@@
* @@color:#FF0000;Climbing vegetation@@
''Exotic'': Exotic aliens are built out of parts and materials that aren't normally found in Terran life forms. A humanoid might be composed out of a kind of organic plastic that makes up much of their home planet's biochemistry, or be composed of an intricate array of interlocking crystals and woody organic elements. You should pick one or more materials that aren't normally part of an animal's body and have them play a major role in the alien's biology. As a consequence, this kind of alien is probably highly dependent upon their home world for food and other biological necessities. If not, they likely spend a lot of effort synthesizing vital materials out of local supplies.
''Avian'': Avian aliens favor birdlike features. Feathered tails, wings, beaks, drastic coloring differences between males and females, skin either partially or fully covered in feathers, hollow bones, and clawed feet and hands are all traits that might be present in an avian-flavored alien. Such avians might have remarkably good vision or show unusual talent as pilots thanks to an evolutionary predilection for thinking in three dimensions.
''Humanlike'': Humanlike aliens are just that; extremely close to humans in outward appearance. They might have unusual skin or hair coloration, different hair growth distributions, an odd number of fingers, cranial ridges, a novel skin texture, variant ear shapes, or different average body builds or sizes, but they largely appear like humans. Xenobiologists postulate that the human shape is simply a very successful evolutionary route on Earth-like planets, and other worlds with similar conditions are likely to produce similar sapients. Crank scientists tend to favor theories of pan-galactic Creators that spread humanlike shapes throughout space; these theories conspicuously fail to take into account the dramatically different DNA and internal organ makeup of many humanlike aliens.
''Reptilian'': Reptilian aliens can range from the classic "lizard man" look to a more subtle combination of pebble-scaled skin, membrane frills, broad bodies, cold-bloodedness, nictitating membranes, an exceptional sense of smell, thick claws, powerful builds, sharp teeth, and fine scales. Bodies may be broad and thick like that of a lizard, or perhaps sinuous like that of a snake. Reptilian aliens might be found especially on damp, watery worlds, and might be outright amphibious over all or part of their life spans.
''Pacifism''The race is remarkably peaceful and nonviolent in nature. Few species survive while being totally averse to violent self-defense, but this race will never choose violence against living creatures as a means of gaining advantage or retaliating to wrongs. Among their own kind, violence is abhorrent and unnatural, and it is probable that the species is either herbivorous or subsists by photosynthesis. A pacifist race may be peaceful, but there are more ways to do injury than through personal violence; the cession of trade, the destruction of property, and the incitement of divisions and confusion among their enemies are all tools this race knows well. Pacifist species can also be quite oppressive at times, with an underclass constitutionally incapable of defending their possessions or privileges with force.
''Domination''These aliens are consumed by a desire to conquer and rule, both each other and any other species unfortunate enough to share the stellar neighborhood. Some among them can be fair and thoughtful rulers, but others are nothing more than vainglorious tyrants. Among themselves, society tends to be organized in intricate and clearly- marked hierarchies, with advancement progressing along both official and illicit routes. These aliens constantly test their leaders, forcing them to maintain their position through strength and cunning.
''Hate''There is something these aliens hate, and it defines their culture completely by their opposition to it. It may be these aliens are rampant xenophobes, loathing all who are not of their own kind. There may be acrid religious or political divisions among them, with individuals identifying completely with their sect and despising all the others. It could be an ancient enemy among the stars, a rival race that has wounded them so greatly as to be unforgivable. These aliens may spar and maneuver for power among their own kind, but all goals and individuals are to some degree subordinated to the needs of their immortal hate.
''Honor''Whatever sort of society the race has, it is one obsessed with honorable behavior. Members will obey the social mores and expectations of their roles at all costs. Personal sacrifice for the sake of upholding these principles earns a member glory and esteem. Gaining advantage by means of inappropriate behavior or failing in one's duty is shameful, and an entity that has compromised its honor too greatly may prefer death to continued existence.
''Subtlety''Such a species is enormously cunning and patient in character, willing to endure years of suffering calmly in order to bring about some intricate plan. They shun open display of emotions or opinions, masking such things behind protocols of bland correctness. To reveal one's true opinion about some contentious matter is a mark either of profound trust or a sign of obvious incipient treachery. The true ruler of such a species is almost never who it seems to be.
''Faith''Such a species is driven by religious concerns, organizing their society around their faith and its clergy. Most such species have a single faith. Others make do with a number of different religions, all followed with a fierce devotion. Challenges to this faith are not met with outrage so much as blank incomprehension; for these beings, the truth of their religions is so self-evident that it seems irrational to ever question it. Those who most perfectly embody the teachings of their creeds tend to become rulers, their lives and will taken as an example for others.
''Curiosity''This species is insatiably curious, constantly prying into the affairs of those around them. Spying for this race carries no opprobrium whatsoever, and while they may attempt to maintain privacy for certain doings, all assume it a given that matters will be discovered in the end. They love to explore new places and meet new sapients, and while they may be brutally indifferent to the fates or treatment of these beings, they're always eager to observe them. Their societies tend to operate in a profoundly transparent manner, and some view the keeping of secrets as an automatic indication of malicious intent.
''Collectivity''These aliens might be hive-like in their social structure, natural communists, or simply very closely attached to the customs and interests of their social group. The importance of the individual is thought to be minimal, and members will cheerfully and readily sacrifice themselves for the good of the group. To willfully refuse to accept the consensus of the whole is an unspeakable sin, and to be separated permanently from one's social group is a fate worse than death.
''Sagacity''These aliens love intellectual pursuits above all others. Logic, wisdom, and erudition are all prized as the best and most glorious expressions of their nature, and their rulers are invariably sage-kings of remarkable depth and breadth of understanding. Such understanding does not necessarily stand in well for good judgment, and sagacious alien civilizations are notorious for overreaching in their ambitions. Stupidity and ignorance is repugnant to this race, and some of them treat very harshly those species that they do not feel to be their intellectual peers.
''Despair''These aliens have fallen prey to a pervasive sense of failure and loss. Perhaps they are the remnants of a once-glorious empire or the survivors of some cataclysmic disaster for their people. What they once loved has been destroyed, and their sources of comfort and courage have failed them. Superficially, they might resemble those species that crave pleasure and indulgence, but their disports only serve to numb them to the existential gloom that taints the species. Their leadership is desultory at best, and sophisticated social structures tend to degrade into loose, diffident associations as their members no longer have the hope necessary to perpetuate them.
''Pride''These aliens are suffused with an enormous pride in their own culture and species, and instinctively consider themselves to be superior to the lesser beings they may encounter. A prideful species is not necessarily a hostile one; some such races have a certain sense of noblesse oblige toward their "lessers", and some species' pride shows in a resolute refusal to lower themselves to deceit, cruelty, or avarice. More often, however, this pride manifests in a casual contempt for the interests of their inferiors, and a single-minded focus on personal advancement and glory among their own kind.
''Wrath''The race is hot-tempered, prone to fits of personal violence. Disputes are settled by force, though rarely to the point of death among their own kind. Outsiders can expect swift and bloody retaliation for any insult or slight, and the prospect of death rarely intimidates these beings. Their chief mode of emotional expression is anger; wrath at obstacles, fury at enemies, and a slow smoldering burn when neither are available.
''Treachery''This species is uniformly treacherous and untrustworthy. Bargains and agreements are kept only so long as they are useful to both participants, and truthfulness is simply a tool to be placed next to deceit. There is no sense of acrimony or anger among these aliens at the inevitable betrayals that make up their societies; they consider it good and laudable that an individual should seek its own best interests, and those who can most perfectly manipulate each other are naturally those most worthy to rule, for the health of the society directly influences the power of its head.
''Oligarchic'': The species is led by a number of powerful or revered figures who work in nominal harmony. Individual oligarchs might have their own goals, but no single member has the strength to enforce its will upon the whole. These oligarchs might be the product of hereditary inheritance, or individual members of the species might one day aspire to join their numbers.
''Tribal'': The species is organized into multiple tribes based on lineage, philosophy, or geographical location. Tribes set their own laws and policies, and are prone to intense internal struggles over resources and status. There may exist a "paramount tribe" that inflicts its will upon the others through brute strength or traditional esteem. Tribal leaders tend to be personally distinguished, and usually have earned their position through personal accomplishments and the broad support of their tribemates.
''Monarchic'': The species is ruled by a single being, with such rule justified by custom, biological imperative, divine mandate, personal influence, or familial ties. Such monarchic societies almost invariably have a "noble" caste of some kind to act as administrators and officials for the monarch, and they usually make up the pool from which new monarchs are chosen. The specific title for a monarch will usually depend on the justification for their rule- Chieftain, Emperor, Broodmother, High Priest, Dictator, Chief Elder, or so forth.
|[[Saidah Abolt|NPC:SaidahAbolt]]|Female|Middle-aged|Short|
|[[Erginus Aftab|NPC:ErginusAftab]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Imaad Al-sabah|NPC:ImaadAl-sabah]]|Male|Young|Very Short|
|[[Anticlea Al-thynniyan|NPC:AnticleaAl-thynniyan]]|Female|Old|Average Height|
|[[Phylis Ameri|NPC:PhylisAmeri]]|Female|Old|Very Short|
|[[Habibah Asgapur|NPC:HabibahAsgapur]]|Female|Old|Average Height|
|[[Mani Aslam-mohammad|NPC:ManiAslam-mohammad]]|Female|Young|Tall|
|[[Harriet Ballestero|NPC:HarrietBallestero]]|Male|Young|Tall|
|[[Angelos Becherer|NPC:AngelosBecherer]]|Male|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Liga Benet|NPC:LigaBenet]]|Female|Young|Tall|
|[[Siraaj Benitez|NPC:SiraajBenitez]]|Male|Middle-aged|Very Short|
|[[Komaro Bray|NPC:KomaroBray]]|Male|Young|Tall|
|[[Kimiko Bredenberg|NPC:KimikoBredenberg]]|Female|Young|Short|
|[[Ruwaydah Burglin|NPC:RuwaydahBurglin]]|Female|Young|Short|
|[[Arnora Cabbell|NPC:ArnoraCabbell]]|Female|Old|Tall|
|[[Laurie Canas|NPC:LaurieCanas]]|Female|Middle-aged|Very Short|
|[[Subhuja Castriota|NPC:SubhujaCastriota]]|Female|Old|Very Tall|
|[[Phyleus Cavan|NPC:PhyleusCavan]]|Male|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Thiang Coceres|NPC:ThiangCoceres]]|Female|Young|Average Height|
|[[Leroy Cotilla|NPC:LeroyCotilla]]|Male|Middle-aged|Short|
|[[Heather Denning|NPC:HeatherDenning]]|Female|Middle-aged|Average Height|
|[[Sen-hime Diba|NPC:Sen-himeDiba]]|Female|Young|Short|
|[[Zacheus Drane|NPC:ZacheusDrane]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Bengolarrea Fahandizh|NPC:BengolarreaFahandizh]]|Female|Young|Average Height|
|[[Kahei Farrauto|NPC:KaheiFarrauto]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Akimitsu Flanagan|NPC:AkimitsuFlanagan]]|Male|Young|Short|
|[[Mariana Fortune|NPC:MarianaFortune]]|Female|Young|Tall|
|[[Menelau Francia|NPC:MenelauFrancia]]|Male|Old|Very Short|
|[[Gotina Frois|NPC:GotinaFrois]]|Female|Young|Tall|
|[[Josu Frymark|NPC:JosuFrymark]]|Male|Old|Tall|
|[[Ariadna Funes|NPC:AriadnaFunes]]|Female|Old|Short|
|[[Muhaimin Ganem|NPC:MuhaiminGanem]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Erlend Genia|NPC:ErlendGenia]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Inam Gorriz|NPC:InamGorriz]]|Female|Old|Very Short|
|[[Renars Granlund|NPC:RenarsGranlund]]|Male|Young|Tall|
|[[Theo Grinstein|NPC:TheoGrinstein]]|Male|Young|Average Height|
|[[Bartolome Grupp|NPC:BartolomeGrupp]]|Male|Old|Tall|
|[[Meges Heidel|NPC:MegesHeidel]]|Male|Young|Short|
|[[Yoriie Heidtke|NPC:YoriieHeidtke]]|Male|Old|Tall|
|[[Adela Herbert|NPC:AdelaHerbert]]|Female|Middle-aged|Short|
|[[Maprang Inzamam-al-haq|NPC:MaprangInzamam-al-haq]]|Female|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Dorothy Kalergi|NPC:DorothyKalergi]]|Female|Old|Average Height|
|[[Lacresha Karatossos|NPC:LacreshaKaratossos]]|Female|Old|Short|
|[[Madars Kargatis|NPC:MadarsKargatis]]|Male|Young|Very Short|
|[[Undine Kaydos|NPC:UndineKaydos]]|Female|Old|Short|
|[[Finn Khakpour|NPC:FinnKhakpour]]|Male|Old|Short|
|[[Teresita Khamenei|NPC:TeresitaKhamenei]]|Female|Young|Very Short|
|[[Jimeno Kinker|NPC:JimenoKinker]]|Male|Old|Tall|
|[[Fern�n Kolokotronis|NPC:Fern�nKolokotronis]]|Male|Middle-aged|Very Tall|
|[[Kagemusha Kontoghiorghes|NPC:KagemushaKontoghiorghes]]|Male|Young|Tall|
|[[Davis Kora�s|NPC:DavisKora�s]]|Male|Young|Short|
|[[Henry Koskotas|NPC:HenryKoskotas]]|Male|Old|Short|
|[[Spodra Lacerda|NPC:SpodraLacerda]]|Female|Old|Very Short|
|[[Azizah Lara|NPC:AzizahLara]]|Female|Old|Tall|
|[[Yoriie Latin|NPC:YoriieLatin]]|Male|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Gomesindo Lawera|NPC:GomesindoLawera]]|Male|Middle-aged|Average Height|
|[[Tuiren Lerma|NPC:TuirenLerma]]|Female|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Iratzeder Leviton|NPC:IratzederLeviton]]|Male|Young|Tall|
|[[Pravin Lianis|NPC:PravinLianis]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Gudrun Malik|NPC:GudrunMalik]]|Female|Young|Very Tall|
|[[Yindee Mcghee|NPC:YindeeMcghee]]|Male|Young|Very Tall|
|[[Illugi Merenda|NPC:IllugiMerenda]]|Male|Young|Very Short|
|[[Jamie Mull|NPC:JamieMull]]|Male|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Mattin Mutlaq|NPC:MattinMutlaq]]|Male|Middle-aged|Short|
|[[Nadwah Niaz|NPC:NadwahNiaz]]|Female|Middle-aged|Very Tall|
|[[Nina Pangalos|NPC:NinaPangalos]]|Female|Old|Short|
|[[Angheliki Peach|NPC:AnghelikiPeach]]|Female|Middle-aged|Very Short|
|[[Bernarda Pe�|NPC:BernardaPe�]]|Female|Young|Tall|
|[[Radhika Pierides|NPC:RadhikaPierides]]|Female|Old|Tall|
|[[Cuach Pippenger|NPC:CuachPippenger]]|Female|Young|Tall|
|[[Subduer Poklepovic|NPC:SubduerPoklepovic]]|Male|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Godesteo Polycarpous|NPC:GodesteoPolycarpous]]|Male|Old|Very Short|
|[[Desmond Querido|NPC:DesmondQuerido]]|Male|Old|Very Short|
|[[Perimede Rangel|NPC:PerimedeRangel]]|Female|Middle-aged|Average Height|
|[[Kumiko Rincon|NPC:KumikoRincon]]|Female|Old|Very Short|
|[[Suchada Royston|NPC:SuchadaRoyston]]|Female|Middle-aged|Very Tall|
|[[Aegialeus Sartzetakis|NPC:AegialeusSartzetakis]]|Male|Middle-aged|Very Short|
|[[Konrads Shahriar|NPC:KonradsShahriar]]|Male|Young|Tall|
|[[Pitsamai Shakra|NPC:PitsamaiShakra]]|Female|Old|Very Short|
|[[Joesph Stjacques|NPC:JoesphStjacques]]|Male|Middle-aged|Short|
|[[Kishore Storozuk|NPC:KishoreStorozuk]]|Male|Young|Short|
|[[Leitos Sutton|NPC:LeitosSutton]]|Male|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Endura Tabatabai-al-rhul|NPC:EnduraTabatabai-al-rhul]]|Male|Old|Very Tall|
|[[Domingo Tobacco|NPC:DomingoTobacco]]|Male|Middle-aged|Short|
|[[Ma'd Toleston|NPC:Ma'dToleston]]|Male|Old|Short|
|[[Autolye Tortosa|NPC:AutolyeTortosa]]|Female|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Protogoria Tunison|NPC:ProtogoriaTunison]]|Female|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Berta Veloukhiotis|NPC:BertaVeloukhiotis]]|Female|Middle-aged|Tall|
|[[Tameyori Veloukhiotis|NPC:TameyoriVeloukhiotis]]|Male|Young|Very Tall|
|[[Nils Verdanis|NPC:NilsVerdanis]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Alesia Waite|NPC:AlesiaWaite]]|Female|Middle-aged|Short|
|[[Fuji Wazir|NPC:FujiWazir]]|Female|Young|Average Height|
|[[Uba Weirich|NPC:UbaWeirich]]|Female|Old|Short|
|[[Barika Weitze|NPC:BarikaWeitze]]|Female|Old|Tall|
|[[Suda Wilken|NPC:SudaWilken]]|Male|Young|Tall|
|[[Balere Willman|NPC:BalereWillman]]|Female|Young|Tall|
|[[Imants Winger|NPC:ImantsWinger]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Lehoi Wishon|NPC:LehoiWishon]]|Male|Old|Average Height|
|[[Comgall Woolfolk|NPC:ComgallWoolfolk]]|Male|Old|Very Tall|
|[[Sachi Zeni|NPC:SachiZeni]]|Female|Middle-aged|Very Short|
|!Name  |Saidah Abolt|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Bad eyesight, wears spectacles|
Force of habit takes them through the day
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Erginus Aftab|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Imaad Al-sabah|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Bald|
Spite against an enemy discomfited by the work
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Anticlea Al-thynniyan|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Always snuffling|
Idealistic about the job
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Phylis Ameri|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Powerful build|
Sense of social duty
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Habibah Asgapur|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Smells like their work|
It's a stepping stone to better things
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Mani Aslam-mohammad|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Ankle-length hair|
Idealistic about the job
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Harriet Ballestero|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Sense of social duty
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Angelos Becherer|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Bearded|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Owes loan sharks
|!Name  |Liga Benet|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Spite against an enemy discomfited by the work
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Siraaj Benitez|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Bearded|
Idealistic about the job
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Komaro Bray|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
Seeks to please another
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Kimiko Bredenberg|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Scars all over hands|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Ruwaydah Burglin|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Talks about tabloid articles|
Seeks to please another
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Arnora Cabbell|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Powerful build|
Family tradition
Owes loan sharks
|!Name  |Laurie Canas|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Bad eyesight, wears spectacles|
Sense of social duty
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Subhuja Castriota|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Powerful build|
Greed, because nothing else they can do pays better
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Phyleus Cavan|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Always snuffling|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Thiang Coceres|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Fastidiously neat|
Sense of social duty
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Leroy Cotilla|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Terrible taste in clothing|
Force of habit takes them through the day
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Heather Denning|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Fastidiously neat|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Sen-hime Diba|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Missing teeth|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Zacheus Drane|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Bad eyesight, wears spectacles|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Bengolarrea Fahandizh|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Speaks as little as possible|
Idealistic about the job
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Kahei Farrauto|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Smells like their work|
Seeks to please another
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Akimitsu Flanagan|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
Religious obligation or vow
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Mariana Fortune|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Wears religious emblems|
Idealistic about the job
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Menelau Francia|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Repeats themself constantly|
Seeks to please another
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Gotina Frois|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Force of habit takes them through the day
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Josu Frymark|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
It's a stepping stone to better things
Owes loan sharks
|!Name  |Ariadna Funes|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Religious obligation or vow
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Muhaimin Ganem|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Erlend Genia|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Repeats themself constantly|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Inam Gorriz|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Scars all over hands|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Renars Granlund|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Missing digits or an ear|
Family tradition
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Theo Grinstein|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Terrible taste in clothing|
Spite against an enemy discomfited by the work
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Bartolome Grupp|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Bald|
Force of habit takes them through the day
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Meges Heidel|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Always snuffling|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Yoriie Heidtke|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Always snuffling|
Spite against an enemy discomfited by the work
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Adela Herbert|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Smells like their work|
Family tradition
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Maprang Inzamam-al-haq|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Repeats themself constantly|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Dorothy Kalergi|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Bald|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Lacresha Karatossos|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Ankle-length hair|
Sense of social duty
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Madars Kargatis|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Terrible taste in clothing|
Spite against an enemy discomfited by the work
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Undine Kaydos|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Smells like their work|
Greed, because nothing else they can do pays better
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Finn Khakpour|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Teresita Khamenei|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Powerful build|
It's a stepping stone to better things
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Jimeno Kinker|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
It's a stepping stone to better things
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Fern�n Kolokotronis|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Idealistic about the job
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Kagemusha Kontoghiorghes|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Very thin|
Family tradition
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Davis Kora�s|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Repeats themself constantly|
Idealistic about the job
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Henry Koskotas|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Repeats themself constantly|
Sense of social duty
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Spodra Lacerda|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Azizah Lara|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Repeats themself constantly|
Religious obligation or vow
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Yoriie Latin|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Gomesindo Lawera|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Seeks to please another
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Tuiren Lerma|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Family tradition
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Iratzeder Leviton|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Always snuffling|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Pravin Lianis|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Terrible taste in clothing|
Family tradition
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Gudrun Malik|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Ankle-length hair|
Seeks to please another
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Yindee Mcghee|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
Religious obligation or vow
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Illugi Merenda|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Talks about tabloid articles|
Family tradition
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Jamie Mull|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Talks about tabloid articles|
Seeks to please another
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Mattin Mutlaq|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Fastidiously neat|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Nadwah Niaz|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Missing digits or an ear|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Owes loan sharks
|!Name  |Nina Pangalos|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Long hair|
It's a stepping stone to better things
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Angheliki Peach|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Bald|
It's a stepping stone to better things
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Bernarda Pe�|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Long hair|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Owes loan sharks
|!Name  |Radhika Pierides|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Missing teeth|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Cuach Pippenger|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Owes loan sharks
|!Name  |Subduer Poklepovic|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
Idealistic about the job
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Godesteo Polycarpous|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Desmond Querido|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Bad eyesight, wears spectacles|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Perimede Rangel|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Greed, because nothing else they can do pays better
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Kumiko Rincon|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Bad eyesight, wears spectacles|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Suchada Royston|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Sense of social duty
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Aegialeus Sartzetakis|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Scars all over hands|
Religious obligation or vow
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Konrads Shahriar|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Missing teeth|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Pitsamai Shakra|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
Idealistic about the job
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Joesph Stjacques|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Always snuffling|
Idealistic about the job
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Kishore Storozuk|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Leitos Sutton|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Fastidiously neat|
It's a stepping stone to better things
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Endura Tabatabai-al-rhul|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Grudge against local authorities.
|!Name  |Domingo Tobacco|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Long hair|
Idealistic about the job
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Ma'd Toleston|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Missing teeth|
They're quitting at the first good opportunity
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Autolye Tortosa|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Scars all over hands|
Greed, because nothing else they can do pays better
Has a secret kept from their family.
|!Name  |Protogoria Tunison|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Speaks as little as possible|
Greed, because nothing else they can do pays better
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Berta Veloukhiotis|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Powerful build|
Seeks to please another
Blackmailed by enemy
|!Name  |Tameyori Veloukhiotis|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Nils Verdanis|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Always snuffling|
Nothing better to do, and they need the money
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Alesia Waite|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Quirk |Vocal dislike of offworlders|
Seeks to please another
Enmity of a local psychic
|!Name  |Fuji Wazir|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Bald|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Has enemies at work
|!Name  |Uba Weirich|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Terrible taste in clothing|
Religious obligation or vow
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Barika Weitze|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Quirk |Powerful build|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Chronic illness
|!Name  |Suda Wilken|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
Family tradition
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Balere Willman|
|!Age   |Young|
|!Quirk |Talks about tabloid articles|
Feels inadequate as anything else
Owes loan sharks
|!Name  |Imants Winger|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Booming voice|
Spite against an enemy discomfited by the work
Close relative in trouble with the law
|!Name  |Lehoi Wishon|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Average Height|
|!Quirk |Talks about tabloid articles|
Force of habit takes them through the day
Drug or behavioral addict
|!Name  |Comgall Woolfolk|
|!Age   |Old|
|!Height|Very Tall|
|!Quirk |Speaks as little as possible|
Sense of social duty
Threatened with loss of spouse, sibling, or child
|!Name  |Sachi Zeni|
|!Age   |Middle-aged|
|!Height|Very Short|
|!Quirk |Carries work tools constantly|
Idealistic about the job
Enmity of a local psychic

!!General Stuff to Know
A couple of quick notes on the differences between the GM and PC versions of this file:
* The PC version does not contain //any// info on:
** ~NPCs
** Heretical groups
* The PC version contains //limited// info on:
** Planets
** Corporations
** Alien Races
Otherwise, the PC version of the file is identical to the GM version. Where possible, "~GM-only" information in this document is highlighted in @@color:#FF0000;this color@@. Sometimes only a header is highlighted; the paragraphs within the section can be treated as ~GM-only knowledge.

You can alter the level of information that ~PCs have by editing the PC copy of the file before handing it out. Or, you can skip handing out the PC version entirely. I attempted to limit PC info to what I thought the characters could glean from the post-Scream version of the Internet, but the very existence of a post-Scream Internet in your sector is really up to you.

!!Other Comments
While you could start a campaign without making any changes to the contents of this file, you should be aware of a few things:

''1. Alien Races''
The generator always rolls up ten alien races and generates a distinct set of architectural features for each race. That presumes that every alien race in the sector is sentient and feels inclined to build structures, which may not make sense. Look at the alien races, decide which ones are sentient participants in the overall universe and adjust the articles for each race accordingly.

''2. Corporations, Political Parties, ~NPCs''
A sizeable number of each of these has been generated for your convenience. However, they are not linked to any of the planets or to each other. If you want J. Random NPC to be the president of ACME Corp, based on planet Zanzibar, then a brief introduction to the extremely simple-to-use ~TiddlyWiki markup is in order.

''3. Religions and Heresies''
By design, the generator very frequently produces hitherto unknown intepretations of known world religions. If you are put off by a religion that is generated by this utility, by all means, edit it in your copies of the sector wiki. Regarding heresies; the generator rolls up 1-3 heretical offshoots for every generated religion. Heresies don't get their own listing page because they are listed on the page of their "parent religion".

As an aside, this article is also not included in the PC version of the file. Happy gaming!
Star map for sector Kvenland Gamma


|Author|Eric Shulman|
|Description|show/hide right sidebar (SideBarOptions)|
<<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar>>
<<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar with: label tooltip>>
Try it: <<tiddler ToggleRightSidebar##show
	with: {{config.options.chkShowRightSidebar?'►':'◄'}}>>
copy/paste the following settings into a tiddler tagged with <<tag systemConfig>> and then modify the values to suit your preferences:
<<tiddler {{
	var co=config.options;
	if (co.chkShowRightSidebar===undefined) co.chkShowRightSidebar=true;
	var sb=document.getElementById('sidebar');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (sb) {'block':'none';'':'1em';
'';}}>><html><nowiki><a href='javascript:;' title="$2"
	var co=config.options;
	var opt='chkShowRightSidebar';
	var show=co[opt]=!co[opt];
	var sb=document.getElementById('sidebar');
	var da=document.getElementById('displayArea');
	if (sb) {'block':'none';'':'1em';
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25C4;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25BA;';
	if (this.innerHTML==labelShow||this.innerHTML==labelHide) 
	this.title=(show?'hide':'show')+' right sidebar';
	var sm=document.getElementById('storyMenu');
	if (sm) config.refreshers.content(sm);
	return false;
%/<<tiddler {{
	var src='ToggleRightSidebar';
}} with: {{
	var co=config.options;
	var labelShow=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelShow||'&#x25C4;';
	var labelHide=co.txtToggleRightSideBarLabelHide||'&#x25BA;';
}} {{
	var tip=(config.options.chkShowRightSidebar?'hide':'show')+' right sidebar';
|Name         |ThostUploadPlugin |
|Description  |Support saving to |
|Version      |1.0.1 |
|Date         |March 06, 2021 |
|Source       | |
|Author       |BidiX, Simon Baird, Yakov Litvin |
|License      |BSD open source license |
|~CoreVersion |2.9.2 |

version.extensions.ThostUploadPlugin = { major: 1, minor: 0, revision: 1 };

// Environment

if (!window.bidix) window.bidix = {};
bidix.debugMode = false;

// Upload Macro

config.macros.thostUpload = {
  handler: function(place,macroName,params) {
    createTiddlyButton(place, "save to tiddlyhost",
      "save this TiddlyWiki to a site on",
      this.action, null, null, this.accessKey);

  action: function(params) {
    var siteName = config.options.txtThostSiteName.trim();
    if (!siteName) {
      alert("Tiddlyhost site name is missing!");
    else {
      bidix.thostUpload.uploadChanges('https://' + siteName + '');
    return false;

// Upload functions

if (!bidix.thostUpload) bidix.thostUpload = {};

if (!bidix.thostUpload.messages) bidix.thostUpload.messages = {
  invalidFileError: "The original file '%0' does not appear to be a valid TiddlyWiki",
  mainSaved: "Main TiddlyWiki file uploaded",
  mainFailed: "Failed to upload main TiddlyWiki file. Your changes have not been saved",
  loadOriginalHttpPostError: "Can't get original file",
  aboutToSaveOnHttpPost: 'About to upload on %0 ...',
  storePhpNotFound: "The store script '%0' was not found."

bidix.thostUpload.uploadChanges = function(storeUrl) {
  var callback = function(status, uploadParams, original, url, xhr) {
    if (!status) {
    if (bidix.debugMode) {

    var posDiv = locateStoreArea(original);
    if ((posDiv[0] == -1) || (posDiv[1] == -1)) {

    bidix.thostUpload.uploadMain(uploadParams, original, posDiv);


  // get original
  var uploadParams = [storeUrl];
  var originalPath = document.location.toString();
  var dest = 'index.html';

  if (bidix.debugMode) {
    alert("about to execute Http - GET on "+originalPath);

  var r = doHttp("GET", originalPath, null, null, null, null, callback, uploadParams, null);

  if (typeof r == "string") {

  return r;

bidix.thostUpload.uploadMain = function(uploadParams, original, posDiv) {
  var callback = function(status, params, responseText, url, xhr) {
    if (status) {
    else {

  var revised = updateOriginal(original, posDiv);
  bidix.thostUpload.httpUpload(uploadParams, revised, callback, uploadParams);

bidix.thostUpload.httpUpload = function(uploadParams, data, callback, params) {
  var localCallback = function(status, params, responseText, url, xhr) {
    if (xhr.status == 404) {

    var saveNotOk = responseText.charAt(0) != '0';

    if (bidix.debugMode || saveNotOk) {

    if (saveNotOk) {
      status = null;

    callback(status, params, responseText, url, xhr);

  // do httpUpload
  var boundary = "---------------------------"+"AaB03x";
  var uploadFormName = "UploadPlugin";
  // compose headers data
  var sheader = "";
  sheader += "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-disposition: form-data; name=\"";
  sheader += uploadFormName +"\"\r\n\r\n";
  sheader += "backupDir=x" +
        ";user=x" +
        ";password=x" +
  if (bidix.debugMode) {
    sheader += ";debug=1";
  sheader += ";;\r\n";
  sheader += "\r\n" + "--" + boundary + "\r\n";
  sheader += "Content-disposition: form-data; name=\"userfile\"; filename=\"index.html\"\r\n";
  sheader += "Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8" + "\r\n";
  sheader += "Content-Length: " + data.length + "\r\n\r\n";
  // compose trailer data
  var strailer = "";
  strailer = "\r\n--" + boundary + "--\r\n";
  data = sheader + data + strailer;
  if (bidix.debugMode) {
    alert("about to execute Http - POST on " + uploadParams[0]+ "\n with \n" + data.substr(0,500) + " ... ");
  var r = doHttp("POST", uploadParams[0], data,
    "multipart/form-data; ;charset=UTF-8; boundary=" + boundary, 'x','x', localCallback, params, null);

  if (typeof r == "string") {

  return r;

// a fix for versions before 2.9.2 (updateOriginal used conversions irrelevant for Tiddlyhost)
convertUnicodeToFileFormat = function(s) { return s };

// Site config

bidix.initOption = function(name,value) {
  if (!config.options[name]) {
    config.options[name] = value;

merge(config.optionsDesc, {
  txtThostSiteName: "Site name for uploads to",


// Tiddlyhost stuff

// So you can see edit controls via http
config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false;
window.readOnly = false;
window.showBackstage = true;

// Add 'upload to tiddlyhost' button
config.shadowTiddlers.SideBarOptions = config.shadowTiddlers.SideBarOptions
